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After a week in Dubai, we did a load of different things. I must say I loved it all the pictures I took. The activities we did. It was great. But now our time has come to an end.

The butlers had already helped me pack my suitcases, so now all I had to do was put on a comfy outfit. I dragged on a black hoodie, black joggers, and nike trainers. Xiangling was meant to come meet me in my room, but now it's too late.

Everyone had to make their own way to the airport as the coach wasn't available. This annoyed me so much. The butlers had helped bring down my luggage, so I entered the lift, ready to check out of the hotel. The lift doors opened. I walked over to the front desk and spoke to the receptionist.
"Hi, I'd like to check out."
"Hi Miss, please pass in your keycard." The receptionist replied.

I placed it onto the desk, said my goodbyes, and went outside and made my way to a taxi.
"Hello miss to the airport?" The driver asked me.
The taxi driver took my suitcases and placed them into his car boot. I entered the car and we drove to the airport.

Dubai was truly beautiful ,but now it was time to return back home. This trip had truly been so fun and enjoyable. I opened my phone and checked the messages from the group chat.

Yelan:Everyone, our flight is at 12 pm.

Everyone replied to the message, saying okay. A notification came up on my phone. Alhaitham's instagram. So he actually decided to update. I tapped on it instantly.

What is this. A bunch of pictures of the trip were uploaded. Even one of me and him partying on the boat. There is no way he posted these. He cares about his reputation, right?

What a mess. I generally had the urge to message him, but that would be wrong. I'd probably be reported as a stalker. To be honest, that's not really wrong. I am kind of one...

Soon enough, the taxi arrived at the airport. I paid the driver and thanked them. They took out my suitcases and drove off. I put on my headphones and walked into the airport.

As I walked towards security, I recognised someone. This person's presence felt familiar.
"Uhh...hello?" I said. They turned around, looking at me surprised. I gasped. Alhaitham?
"Oh hi Y/N"He said to me.

I looked him up and down, staring at his outfit.We were in exactly the same thing, even the trainers. "It's nice to see you in glasses. I wonder what made you wear them?" Alhaitham asked as if it wasn't obvious.
"I need them to see." I say sternly. "Well, I'll be off now."

I walked into security after dropping off my suitcases. After walking through security and getting all checks done, I hung out in the shops, went to starbucks, and ordered strawberries and cream frappe. It was just 10 am, so I still had 2 more hours to waste.

There was still no sign of Xiangling. After scrolling through social media feeds on my phone. I decided that I should go shopping. With a black card at my disposal, this should be fun. As I walked into Dior, I took a look around at all the new items and clothing.

I picked hoodies, skirts, bags and shoes. Gosh, spending really isn't healthy for me.

For the next two hours, I just went into more and more shops until it was time to board the flight. I went to the boarding area and got my passport scanned and got onto my flight. Everyone was on already. I took a seat next to Xiangling.
"Hi Y/N," she said to me with her usual bubbly aura.

One of the flight attendants was doing the safety demonstration, explaining how everything was done in case of a disaster. Once that was complete, the plane was ready to depart Dubai.

For the next 10 hours of the flight, I watched K-drama, listened to music, talked to Xiangling, and slept.

"We will now be landing in Tokyo Japan!" The pilot announced. Everyone began cheering. The view of the landing gave me a sense of tranquillity.

Everyone came off the flight holding the gift given to us by Yelan. It was time to go home. I collected my suitcase and said bye to everyone. Me and Xiangling waited for the train so we could get home.

It was night. Me and Xiangling were exhuasted. The train had finally arrived, and we both got on ,taking a seat.
"Y/N, did you enjoy yourself?" Xiangling asked me.
"Yeah, im just a little sleepy, that's all."
"Wanna sleep over at my place it will be safer as it is midnight now." She asked. To be honest, I had no reason to refuse it. it is safer. "Sure," I reply.

Xiangling showed me pictures of the trip, and we both giggled. It was our stop, so we both came off the train.

The stroll towards Xianglings house made me realise how much I miss home. The moon glimmered in the sky while they walked. Xiangling opened her house door, and we both went in, leaving our suitcases downstairs.

After having a shower, I ate some snacks and drunk some water falling asleep on Xianglings bed. I could hear my phone going off, yet I ignored it. I desperately needed sleep.

It wasn't that important, right?

A/N: Thank you for reading! I apologise if this chapter was boring but I promise the next chapter should have some intresting things occuring, along with more Alhaitham povs! How are you guys finding the book so far?

Im also sorry for not updating I was busy! Thank you so so much for 1.4k reads I never ever thought I'd be able to get that many reads and I'm soo thankful!

After doing the 3.2 archon quest I also learnt more about Alhaithams personality which I hope to potray and show throughout the book!

Once again thank you for reading!

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