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Alhaitham pov:

I had just shared a kiss with her. The one who I've wanted for a long time. Kissing her was the best thing that happened to me in a while. I don't know if it was because I've wanted her for a while or because of my longing for love. But whatever it was, she is now mine.

"Uh Alhaitham, so what are we?"Y/n asked me.
"What do you want us to be?" I asked.
"A couple." She said, lowering her head.
"Then that is what we are then," I said reassuringly.

Her face was flustered, but I could tell that overall, she was very happy. "Can we do a movie night?" Y/n asked.
"Sure." I told her.

She followed me downstairs, and we sat in the living room and put a movie on. She rested her head on my lap as she watched the film. I couldn't contain my happiness. I haven't felt this good in a while. She was all I could wish for, to be honest.

Even though this is the beginning of our love story, I hope it doesn't end abruptly.

End of Alhaitham pov

. . .

I had just woken up, and I couldn't believe what happened. The fact I had kissed my crush was so surprising to me.

Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up and stared right at the love of my life.
"You're awake?" He said to me softly.
"Yeah, I am." I said to him, smiling. Lifting my head off his lap, I sat up and stared at him.

"Y/n, since you're staying over, is there anything you would like? I have doughnuts, ice cream, and snacks if you want?" Alhaitham asked me. He was so caring and kind I had to admire that about him.
"I wouldn't mind ice cream." I said.
"Sure, I'll get us some then." He said.

I followed him as we entered his kitchen. It was massive with marble floors, black cabinets, marble countertops, and marble walls. It was stunning. Alhaitham opened the fridge, taking out a tub of vanilla ice cream. Then, he separated the scoops into bowls for us.

"Let's eat in the bedroom." he said to me.

. . .

His bedroom was just as beautiful as the rest of the house. I sat down on the bed and ate the vanilla ice cream. I looked at Alhaitham, who sat on the opposite side of the bed, his hair covering his face.

I wanted to hug him and cuddle him, yet I was just too shy, too. So we spent the rest of the night just lying in a bed together and not touching each other at all how stupid.

. . .

The light of dawn seeped into the bedroom. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky.
It reminded me of all I wished to achieve in this world, all the aspirations I hold dear to me.

"Y/n are you okay?" The deep voice that brought so much comfort to me asked.
"I'm fine just greatful for everything you have done for me. " I turn around looking him directly in the eye.
"Don't dwell on it you deserve it after all." Alhaitham said to me, the sincerity of his words evident in his eyes.

After conversing in Alhaitham's bedroom I went downstairs to the kitchen and ate our breakfast prepared for us by the chefs.

Alhaitham had a protein shake along with
Avocado toast. While I decided that I wanted a whole grand meal.

On my plate was French croissants, ripe avocados, strawberrys, blueberries and yogurt. To top it all off I had a orange juice to water it all down. "That was delicious" I said smiling.
"Glad you enjoyed it Y/n" Alhaitham said. He looked down at his watch a look of worry on his face. "Y/n I'm going to leave for work, you can rest up if you want to."
"Oh okay see you later. " Y/n said as she watched Alhaitham leave the kitchen.

. . .

Alhaitham POV

I entered my car and started it up. Driving my car out of the garage onto the main road.
The White, fluffy clouds glide across the sky creating a pleasant blanket from the sun. My drives to work were usually peaceful, but today was a very important day. I was meeting a man called Il Dottore, also known as the doctor. Hes a dangerous man, one who holds a lot of influence in Japan as the one who can cure all. People from all sides of the world respected him. So striking a deal with him today was of up most importance.

While driving a received a call.
"Hello" I answered.
"Alhaitham it's me Ayato. Today is a big day Il Dottore is on his way and I've made sure all departments are doing okay. However,
Y/n is missing is that okay with you?" He voiced.
"Yes it's fine, I'm five minutes away from the company don't stress just make sure everything is in check." I told him.
"I will do goodbye." He said cutting the call.

The closer and closer I got to the office the more stressed I felt. I knew that if I messed up today's deal my company would suffer.
Parking up my car, I locked the door and walked towards the building. At the front waiting for me was Ayato and Kazuha.
"Hello sir." They said greeting me.
"Hello Ayato and kazuha. You guys prepared for today?" I asked.
"Yes I have all the required documents." Kazuha said.
"Great let's go in then."

Making our way into the building we made our way the the top floor where the meeting was too be held.

. . .

Everyone had now gathered in the meeting room and sitting right in front of me was the person whom I had to strike the deal with?

"Well shall we begin? Kazuha asked.
" yes please do." Il Dottore said.
"Mr Il Dottore, I will provide out best technology to your business but our cost will be 1 billion yen." I told him.
"I see your pricing is very reasonable Mr Alhaitham. I trust you from our pervious meetings. However may I see documents or examples of your technology. " He asked.
"Yes you may." I told him.
Kazuha walked over to him placing the documents in front of him.

The silence within the room was suffocating, while Il Dottore read the documents. "Perfect. Mr Alhaitham I have no further questions I will be signing the deal." He said with a smirk on his face.

We shook hands and we both signed the documents. Then he and his guards were taken on a tour around the offices.

"ALHAITHAM WE DID IT BRO WE DID IT!" Ayato shouted we both jumped up hugging each other. I felt relieved.
"YES BRO WE DID IT. " I told him a massive smile on my face.

If you are still reading this book thank you so so much. I really appreciate you all deeply.

Love sayu ❤.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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