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It's been 2 weeks since i've been back at work. Me and Ayaka have even become very close friends, and we visit each other very often.

It was a fridays winter morning, and I was getting ready for work. I packed my bag, picked up my jacket, and left my house.

I strolled down the street with my airpods in my ear. For once, I actually left my house early, so I had time to pay a visit to Ayaka. I opened the door of her cafe and entered.
"AYAKA!!" I shouted.
"YES, WHO IS IT?" she bellowed from the kitchen. I chuckled as I saw her walk out looking at me with a look of shock.
"Oh hello Y/N"
"Hi Ayaka, how are you?" I asked.
"Very good, it's nice to see you!" Ayaka said, smiling.

We both took a seat at one of the tables and had a conversation.
"Y/n, are you free this weekend?" Ayaka asked me. Thoughts raced through my mind as I realised that my dad asked me to come over this weekend. As much as that man disgusted, I still decided to go out of respect.
"No... I have to visit my dad. im so sorry." I reply.
"It's okay. I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a girls weekend but,we can do it another time! Have a good time at your dad's, though."

I really appreciated Ayaka's sweetness she always manages to lift my mood. However, I knew I wouldn't be having a good time. My dad would probably be acting like his usual self. Hitting me, shouting at me or blaming me for his failures.

Ayaka handed me a drink, and I left the cafe for work. After a short walk, soon enough, I arrived at Haze.

As I entered, everyone was pacing around the place. My mouth gaped open as I saw people running with books in their hands. I watched everyone in shock when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Hello, Y/N..." A low voice whispered in my ear. I recognised the voice it was Ayato.
"What do you want?" I grimaced. Why is he touching me, though? I swear he's married?
"Oh, don't get it twisted Y/N do you know what's meant to be happening today?" He asked.
"No..." I reply, confused.
"Really, today is a very big day for Haze. There is a new product launch. I'm pretty sure you and your team were working on the advert for this." Ayato said in a mocking tone.

I knew what he was talking about, the new phone that is meant to come out. One of the most anticipated releases of the year.
"I wasn't working on the advert, my manager assigned me to do the other adverts." I tell him.
"I see..." Ayato replies, his grip tightening around my waist. I felt uncomfortable, who gave him any right to touch me.
"You see Y/N... you're quite interesting, my sister adores you and you have even earnt the respect of my best friend. Heh...I hope we can talk again sometime soon." He unwrapped his arms from my waist and walked off.

What a weird encounter, and why did he say he wants to talk again? It's not like I want to talk to him. If I told Ayaka about this, she'd probably go crazy, but just for peace's sake, I won't. I walked over to the front desk and signed in.
"Oh Y/N, the boss has invited you to tonights launch party." The receptionist told me handing me an invitation. I went to my department and sat down at my desk. Since everyone was busy today, the office was fairly quiet.

I felt the presence of someone behind me. But who was it?
"Y/N, we need to talk." The person behind the voice dumbfounded me. Alhaitham. But, what does he want? I haven't done anything wrong, right? Oh god, please save me.

I picked up my bag and followed behind him. I've never been to Alhaithams' office before, so I was kind of excited. The journey to the office was silent, I felt as if I was suffocating. As I entered Alhaitham's office, my expression was filled with awe. All his awards were showcased, and the modern design was beautiful. He guided me towards his desk, and we both took a seat.

"Y/N I received a call from your father...he said that you were gonna be off for a few weeks as you're required for a family situation. Is that true." He inquired. There was no way my father had already called my workplace. What was he planning now?
"Yes, that's true." I reply. Alhaitham's expression suddenly changed to one filled with irritation. It's like something about my words infuriated him.
"Y/N, are you sure the current situation is urgent? You have already taken time off." He asked.

To be honest, I knew it wasn't urgent. However, if I betray my father or disobey him, I know that he will find me. And cause me more trauma than I have already lived through. The flashbacks of him slapping me or locking me in my room all flood back to my mind every day I wake up. I don't want that life again, I want to be as free as a bird and be able to express myself.

"Yes, it's urgent..." I tell him. He sighed and looked me in the eye as if he was immensly concerned for me. "Y/N, you know there is no need to lie to me, I have seen the times where your dad has left you broken. I don't want you going through that ever again, so I won't allow it unless you really view it as safe." Alhaitham's words were so sincere. No one has ever shown that much care for me.
"I...I think it will be okay. I trust him." As much, as it hurt me to tell him this. I couldn't possibly burden him like that.
"If you say so Y/N, then i've given you permission to take time off. You may now go back to your office."

I picked up my bag and left the office. It was time for me to go to that hell. My dad's house.

Sorry it took so long for me to update! I was busy and had stuff to do this week so im very sorry! The next chapter should be an Alhaitham pov to give more insight onto how hes been feeling recently. Weren't Ayatos actions suspicous though... whats you guy's opinions on that. I was also thinking about writing a christmas special so please do let me know if you want that! Thank you for reading once again I love you all!

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