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This chapter is in Alhaitham pov.

Yesterday I couldn't stop playing in my mind. The way he held her it infruiated me. It's not the fact that I like her. No. Its just the pain of seeing someone wrap their arms around her. Gosh, im going crazy. I never thought I would be thinking about a girl in my life. Maybe i'm just confused. She can't be a need in my life...

I sat on my bed deep in thought. Y/N, what is it about you that makes you so captivating. The way Ayato held her it frustrated me. Why did he do it?

I remember walking by when I saw Ayato holding Y/N. I wanted to punch him. Yet, that would just be imature. A knock suddenly came at my door.
"Alhaitham...its me, Ayato."
"Come in." I replied.

I glared at him as he entered the room. He looked at me, a smirk formed on his face.
"Someone looks quite pissed off." Ayato chuckled. I stayed silent, not wanting to entertain him.
"Heh...so you're just gonna sit there and listen like the good boy you are. Well, I must say me and Y/N had a nice time, you know, and gosh, she is sexy. " Ayatos eyes were lit up with a sort of passion.

I must say this is unexceptable. Doesn't he remember he is married. How enthralling. I knew he was trying to provoke me, so I continued my prolonged silence.
"Still not saying anything...Aww, you're jealous."
"May I ask why I would be?" I asked. Ayato looked at me smiling.
"Because you like her... you have romantic feelings towards her. That's okay, you know, but im pretty sure she loves me."

This guy is deranged. Who would've thought he would do Miko like that.
"Your wife loves you ,but you obviously dont care about that." I said. "You have 5 seconds to get out of this room before I do something we both regret."

Ayato stood there, staring me in the eye.
"5...4...3...2...1 So you decided to stay." I laughed. I stormed over to him, my fists clenched. I glanced at him before my fist collided with his face. Blood dripped from Ayato's nose onto the floor. He looked at me taken aback from what I had just done.

A deafening silence filled the room. To think I ended up punching my best friend was surprising.

Ayato's arm was inches away from my face as I dodged his weak shots. How pathetic. I grabbed his arm, twisting it. I could hear his groans while I dragged his body along my floor. I lifted his head up, slamming it into my bedside table. Slam by slam, the more pleasure I felt.

"You fucking bitch." I mumbled as his blood splattered across the table. His face started to swell and his nose deformed. But I didn't care.

"Let it out Alhaitham embrace the anger..." Ayato whispered. I picked up my glass vase smashing it on his head. Collapsing right in front of me, he lay unconscious. The glass deep into his skin.

I trembled, what had I just done. Blood seeped from his cuts as he bled on my floor. I stared down at my palms, Ayatos blood all over it. My eyes scanned the room as I saw trails of blood across my floor and along the furniture.

I stood in silence, ruminating about what I had just done. Falling to my knees, I covered my face.

What had I just done, what even made me do it?

The door slammed open. I heard footsteps frantically coming closer and closer to me.
"Alhaitham...no...no dont tell me you." The voice said. I took my hands off my face looking them in the eye.
"Yes I did just do that to your brother." I voiced honestly.

Ayaka looked at me, tears welling up in her eyes.
"BUT WHY!" She screamed. "Brother always told me he trusted you wholeheartedly what made you do this?". I stayed silent ashamed of my actions.
"Do you have a personal docter?" She asked.
"Yes..." I replied.
"Ill call them and let them treat Ayato. I know you did this for a reason."

I was suprised Ayaka placed that much trust into me. It was all starting to hit me now. I probably do like Y/n. However I never knew I was so possesive over her.

It had been hours since Ayato's body had been taken to the medical room. I was too scared to contact Miko myself so I let Ayaka do it.

The cleaners cleaned up my room, even though they were clearly horrified by whatever just took place here. This whole situation was a joke. I still couldn't believe it was even reality.

Ayato's wife and kids were here and I couldn't even muster the courage to go apologise the them. I'm so dissapointed in myself.

I hurt my longtime bestfriend. One of the only people I could trust. Now look what I had done. Nearly killed him. I cried tears of desperation, the noise echoing within my room. I needed comforting to take myself away from this. If only I could escape reality.

I sat on my bed. The only feeling engulfing me was pain and sadness. I wish I could just apologise to everyone or just erase myself off this planet.

A/N:Its been a while since I've updated so hello everyone. Writing this chapter was hard for me as I dont really know how to write fights sorry.

The christmas special should be next chapter so I hope you enjoyy that. Im sorry if the angst was a bit heavy or the graphical scenes bothered you! Anyways thank you so much for 4k reads I love you all!

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