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Y/N pov:
I sprinted out of the room, and my heels were so high I could barely walk. As I ran, I felt my legs release underneath me as if they gave up on me.
"AHH." Before I could fall on my face, someone caught me. I was embarrassed my head down.
"Hey, are you okay?" A low voice said to me.
I looked up flustered. What was Al Haitham doing in front of me.
"Yeah, im okay," I replied.
"Well, let's get going, shall we?" Al haitham said to me, smiling lightly.

We exited the building and followed the security to Al Haithams car. It was a beauty to look at. It was all black and gave off a sort of rich, sophisticated feel. The security opened the car doors for me, and I sat in the car. Al haithams slender hands held the car wheel, and he started up the car, the engine roaring.

As we drove, he didn't utter a word. Soon enough we arrived at the venue of the party, it was beautiful. Al Haitham opened my car door and helped me step out of the car. Paparazzi surrounded the car. My body ran cold, I was afraid. What if they took pictures of me slandering me? Or shaming me all over social media?

Al haitham laced his hand into mine. It comforted me in some sort of way it made me happy.
"Don't worry, it's okay," he whispered in my ear. We began walking into the venue. Famous faces covered everywhere, even the owner of Dawn Winery, Diluc.

We entered a room. Someone in there seemed like he was waiting for us.
"Hello Al Haitham, I see you found a date." The man said.
"Hello Kaeya, and yes, I did. She's beautiful, isn't she." Al Haitham replied. I blushed my own celebrity crush and called me beautiful.
"Well, I brought your money." Al haitham said to him.
"What if I dont want to sell it to you?" Kaeya said.
"You might as well. You will be the one missing out. 200 million are you sure you dont want that." Al Haitham said sternly. Kaeya tensed up, knowing he had no actual reason to not except.
"Fine, I'll do it." Kaeya sighed. The both of them shook hands, sealing the buissness deal.
"Boys, bring the money!" Al Haitham shouted.
Kaeya bowed to him.

Me and Al Haitham and I walked out of the room and down a vintage hallway. We were now at the VIP area.
"Let's sit here," Al haitham said, guiding me towards the table. I couldn't stop staring at him.
"How did you manage to get such a deal done." I asked him.
"It was easy, honestly. It's just buissness,"
Al Haitham replied.
"I see."
"Would you like a drink Y/N?" He asked me.
"Yeah, please, may I have a cocktail?" I asked shyly.
"Sure." Al Haitham got up and walked towards the bar.

The colours green and black really fit him, he looked etheral. My eyes locked onto his muscular physique. His suit fitting him perfectly. A silver charm was on his wrist it seemed very sentimental.

Al Haitham came back to our table with the two drinks in his hand. he placed my drink down, and we both began drinking.

"Mr Al haitham, your client is waiting for you," said the waitress.
"Ah, I see, I'll be on my way," Al haitham replied. He got up from the table and whispered in my ear, "Stay here, Y/N." Then he left.

I sat at the table, staring blankly at the wall.
From the corner of my eye, I saw the waitress coming.
"Oh hi miss, are you okay?" she asked me.
"Ah, Im okay. What's your name?" I asked her smiling. She seemed like a sweet, kind person.
"My name is Noelle." She replied, smiling.
Noelle walked back to the bar, and she was making a concoction of drinks. A thought came across my mind.

Why is my life like this? Why does everyone else seem so happy but me? Noelle waved her hands in front of my face.
"Oh uh sorry" I said to her.
"Y/N, do you wanna go on the dancefloor?" She asked me.
"Sure." Noelle took my hand, dragging me downstairs to the dancefloor. Everyones eyes were on me, and I decided to embrace it.
I started dancing, my hips moving in rythem to the music.

Me and Noelle decided that we wanted to get drinks, so she went and ordered some for me. I drank and drank and drank, I just couldn't stop myself. I felt like I had no energy, I closed my eyes tired.

Al Haitham pov:
I finished my meeting with my client. I had suprisingingly managed to make 300 million in a night. I strolled to the table to where I and Y/N sat. She was nowhere to be seen. My body tensed up worried at where she was, I walked down the staircase to the dancefloor, checking if she was there.
"Y/N!" I called out. No answer.

She was at a table. Her head lay on it, her eyes closed. I smiled laughing.
"So you were drunk, huh?" I said to myself, laughing. I picked up her petite body and brought her out of the venue. I opened my car door, placing her inside.

Walking back inside the building, I felt as if someone was looking at me. Confusion filled my expression. I went inside the VIP area, searching for Y/N's bag. "Where is it." I said to myself.
"Look behind you, Al haitham," a voice said mockingly.
"Kaeya, why are you.." He held a blade at my neck. I laughed. Lost for words.

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