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It was an early start in the Luthor-Danvers penthouse. Lena was the first to wake, a little after half four. She took a few minutes to appreciate the sleeping blonde beside her before getting out of bed. She wasn't sure if she should check on the twins before getting ready for work or leave them to sleep. She quickly decided to check on her girls. Unlike the rest of her penthouse, the twins' room wasn't completely showered in darkness. Not only did they have a night light, but their lights were only dimmed. The first thing she saw when she peeked into their cot were two pairs of open and alert green eyes. Okay, so maybe Lena technically wasn't the first one up in the penthouse.

"Mamama," Leigh cooed when she noticed her mother.

"Hi, babies," Lena sing-songed. The girls cooed back a response to their mother's greeting. "You girls are very talkative this morning."

She contemplated leaving the girls in their room but quickly changed her mind when they started fussing at her attempt at leaving.  It was a tricky situation picking up both of her daughters out of the cot, but Lena eventually succeeded. She made the short walk back to her room with the twins.

"Don't wake mummy up. I'm just gonna take a quick shower," Lena instructed as she propped the girls up on pillows. That might have been her biggest mistake of the day; cause not even a minute after she left for the shower, the girls were already not so gently pulling on Kara's long blonde hair. It would take another 3 minutes of Lori and Leigh's hair-pulling for Kara to finally wake up.

"Morning babies," Kara said as she opened her eyes and removed her hair from the twin's closed fists. She already knew the twins had her superstrength. She wondered what other powers of hers they had.

The twins were all too happy to have their blonde mother to play with. And that's exactly how Lena found them after she came out of the shower; the twins laughed loudly as Kara's fingers attacked their onesie-covered stomachs with tickles.

"I thought I told you girls not to wake up, mommy," Lena faux scolded the twins as she successfully sneaked up on her super-powered babies and their mother.

"Oh my goodness, Lena! You scared me." It wasn't every day that someone managed to sneak up on Kara, come to think of it, there were very few times that anyone successfully snuck up on the blonde.

"Super-hearing my ass," Lena swore.

"Lena, you can't curse in front of the girls," Kara jokingly rebuked.

"I'm just saying that for someone with all of these superpowers, you're rather jumpy." What Lena didn't know was that Kara trusted her enough to relax completely in her presence. A state the superhero seldom found herself in.

Kara finally took a second to appreciate the brunette, and that second turned into a minute, and that minute was nowhere as long as she needed it to be. Even freshly out of the shower, wrapped in a towel with not-so-dry hair, she was still the most beautiful woman Kara had ever laid eyes on. Even more beautiful than when she was all glammed up and in one of her CEO power suits with heels to match. There was just some new glow to the brunette as she stood there; clear-faced, freckles on show, hair still curly but not quite frizzy.

"I'm going to finish getting ready. Can you start on breakfast and manage to not burn my kitchen down?" Against popular belief, Kara wasn't completely lost in the kitchen. She could make pancakes, and. . .pancakes, and. . .pancakes, and she recently perfected the art of using Lena's coffee machine.

"One time, it happened one time. You guys have never let me live that down since Alex told you."

"Maybe if you manage with breakfast, I'll get the others to hop off your case." Kara wasn't sure if the brunette was serious, but she wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to get her friends to stop teasing her.

Breakfast was going swell. Not only had Kara managed to successfully make pancakes and a pot of coffee, but she'd also fed and kept the twins occupied as she moved around the kitchen. Which wasn't exactly an easy feat, even with super speed.

"It seems as though you're not completely lost," Lena said as she walked into her still-standing kitchen and straight to the coffee.

"What time are you leaving?" Kara asked Lena, as the brunette poured herself a cup of hot coffee.

"I have ten minutes until my driver gets here; so just about enough time to eat breakfast," Lena answered, checking the time off her wristwatch. It was only a few minutes before five thirty; this was usually the time Kara would get up, barring any supergirl emergencies.

Lena's ten minutes were cut short by the ringing of her phone, signaling the arrival of her driver. Luckily, she had managed to eat two whole pancakes and finish her coffee before her driver rang.

"Goodbye, babies," the brunette bent and placed a kiss on both of her daughters' foreheads before walking over to her blonde co-parent. In her heels, she was still a bit shorter than the superhero; leading her to tiptoe just the tiniest bit to press a lingering kiss to Kara's cheek, just barely touching the corner of her lips.

It wasn't often that Kara blushed, but from the second Lena's lips touched her cheek, a warm flush brushed her skin that persisted till even after Lena was well on her way to work.

"I can't believe it's my first day without the girls," Kara said as she reluctantly handed the girls over to Eliza.

"It's always hardest the first time. It'll get easier," Eliza promised.

"I hope so."

"It's time for you to go. We don't want Cat to throw a fit cause her star writer is late after taking a day off." Eliza said as she ushered her blonde daughter out of the house.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
All errors are my own. Unbetaed. Unedited. Unchecked.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been having major writer's block. I'm not sure if I should continue the story, this isn't me ending it but asking if you all want more chapters.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If there's anything you'd like to see let me know.
~Love Aurea🤍 

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