Chapter One

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It was a sunny day outside. The sky was clear, there was a soft breeze sweeping through the roads of Inazuma city. This weather made a little child want to go out and have fun. That's exactly what most of them did.

"Mom, I'm going to go out!" a little girl exclaimed. "Sure, be safe and don't wander off too far!" Her mother reassured her. With that, she left the house.

She wasn't scared of going outside alone, after all, there was nothing to be scared of. People were nice and there was no potential danger that could've caused anyone any problem. This is exactly why she often left the city and explored the areas nearby.

This time, the child decided to head towards Chinju Forest. She wanted to visit, since it's been a long time since she got to go there. That place was one of her favorites.

As the girl wandered closer, the little blue flowers started to show in the distance. They were all glowing, and there was a tiny river flowing throughout the middle of the forest. It was an awesome place for relaxing, or getting some inspiration.

She reached the area and slowed down to admire the view surrounding her. To be honest, everyone would describe it with the same word: beautiful. The girl was very much aware of the beauty of the place. A big smile appeared on her face, as she started walking deeper in.

The child got so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice where she was going. This lead her to take a step forward and realize that there was no ground beneath her feet, she reached a cliff.

Before she could even process that she was falling off, someone caught her by the hand.

"Hold on, I got you." A soft voice spoke, as he started to pull her up.

The girl was staring wide eyed at the person who just rescued her. It was a very cute boy. He had dark blue, purple-ish hair, with deep blue eyes. A purple veil covered the top of his head, while a white kimono covered his body. It was like seeing an angel.

"What's your name, little one?" He asked, showing the girl a gentle smile. "Y/n... What about you?" The kid looked at him with sparkling eyes.

He stopped to think for a while, then answered calmly. "Kunikuzushi."

"Kuni..ku... eh?" she gave him a confused look. The boy just laughed wholeheartedly. "Kunikuzushi. Come on now, don't you want to go back to your parents before any accident happens to you again?" He questioned nicely, seeming to care a lot for the child's well-being.

"Okay! We live on the outskirts of Inazuma city, so it's not that far... Would you like to come with me?" Y/n looked at him, full of hope. "Sure, I'll accompany you."

• • •

After this, such a strong bond was created between the two, that they started meeting every day. The boy would play various games with the little girl such as hide and seek or tag. They also sometimes played card games and sang some pretty songs.

While singing those melodies together in Chinju Forest (which basically became their base), they danced happily, holding each others hands. Life was awesome.

Of course y/n's parents have met Kunikuzushi or the 'kind boy with a veil' already, and they began to trust him rather quickly. His personality, looks and aura was just so soothing, that no one could've resisted it.

• • •

Unfortunately this perfect life vanished about a month later. A war broke out between the people of Inazuma and the soldiers. They went absolutely insane. All of them were attacking each other with weapons, shooting each other, burning houses down.

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