Chapter Fifteen

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"Alright, you can open them now." Scaramouche patted you on the shoulder. As you did so, you found yourself in a completely different area. You knew exactly where this was.

"...The domain?" You asked with a shaky voice while looking around. Now that you knew the truth behind it, you wished to never see it again. It turned your entire life upside down, the world aged 500 years and by this time, you should've been... deceased. Yet, you're still alive as if you've almost turned into an adult not long ago.

"Correct. But I would like to remind you that we're not actually here, it's just in my memory. If you look over there, you can see the two of us actually." The boy pointed to the side which made you turn. It really was you... A little kid laying there, unaware of the situation they're in.

Then beside the child, a boy. Dressed in all white, with a long purple see-through cloth on his head. The person who's old name was none other than Kunikuzushi.

He looked like he had a troubled look on his face, by the time, he must've realized the problem he got the two of you into. It seemed like you were asleep, while your friend desperately tried to look for an exit. He even tried using his powers, but to no avail.

You looked over to Scaramouche to see his reaction, only to find him letting out a long sigh and crossing his arms. You knew that this wasn't a pleasant memory of his, yet he still gathered the mental strength to show you. Even if he was controlling, he definitely cared about you.

Suddenly, something very unusual appeared. A purple eye-shaped elemental skill, which then opened a portal. You saw none other than the Shogun coming out of it, immediately spotting Scaramouche, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him out the portal with her.

And so, you were left alone in a deep slumber. Some electro marks remained on the floor around you, but now no one who it could've belonged to.

"Oh." You reacted, not knowing what else to say. "So basically, she just grabbed you, thinking you were the only one in here, right?" You looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Pretty much. To this day, I wish I could've warned her that there's someone else with me, but she was so fast to do everything that I just didn't have the chance." He responded, closing his eyes for a brief moment as if trying to let it sink in once again.

"Wait, then... why didn't you come back to get me?" You questioned. "Do you think I'm dumb? I obviously would've came back to get you, but the domain was closed from the outside. My mother was hurrying because she knew that she didn't have much time before it locked, so she wasn't thorough enough."

"I see... Well that's unfortunate..." You blurred out, not knowing what to say to that. You couldn't blame neither the Archon or Scaramouche for this, it's just that the situation escalated badly.

"It is, isn't it. Since I felt strong regret, I would cry every now and then. And that is what led me to her abandoning me, thinking I was weak. Funny, right?" He asked, then started chuckling.

You were now standing there silently, looking at the floor, hearing as the harbinger's laugh slowly got more and more maniac-like.

"I'll show her who's weak now! I'll show everyone who abandoned me... and you will help me." He exclaimed, taking your hand then covering your eyes.

"Hey!" You shouted, wanting to take his palm off of your head but by the time you could've done so, you were back at Port Ormos with people moving once again, and your friend disappearing.

"Dammit... I need to find him as quickly as possible."

With that thought, you took a turn and started heading towards Sumeru city. Something told you that you need to hurry, because the disaster can begin in no time.

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