Chapter Five

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"The Balladeer?" I asked confusedly. "Yeah the Balladeer! He's a Fatui Harbinger. The 6th one!" Paimon answered me.

I've heard about the Fatui before... not good things of course. I also know that the Harbingers are right under the Tsaritsa's hand and are quite a lot of trouble. So that's where he got his new name from.

"So you're saying that he's a part of the Fatui." I repeated the floating girl's words. "Yep! And he's a very brutal one at that..."

"Any idea where I could find him?" I questioned bluntly, wanting to meet him. "Why do you want to meet with Scaramouche?" Paimon asked back.

"Let's just say I have my own reasons, it's complicated. In short, we've known each other, but haven't talked for a while now. That's why I'd like to have a chat with him." I explained leaving tons of details out.

"Interesting... Well sadly we don't exactly know where he is. All we know is that the Fatui headquarters is located in Snezhnaya." Aether spoke up.

"Haha, looks like I have a trip planned for tomorrow then." I let out a small chuckle. "Y/n, you cannot go there!" The silver haired one shouted.

"I agree with Paimon. What if they catch you lurking around? You might've been trained to use a bow but that's far from enough to step up against any of the Fatui, let alone the harbingers." Ayaka added.

I knew that she was worried about me, but an opportunity appeared that I just had to take. I can meet the only one that's left from those times! Well, besides the electro archon.

"Listen I grew a lot since you met me and I also trained. I might not be as skilled as them, but I still got brains. I think I'll manage to hide. Trust me, I'll come back safely." I tried to reassure them, but it wasn't really effective. Or so I thought...

"Fine. I can't control your life after all. But if you go, at least take this." She said, giving me a tiny object. "It's a charm from Yae Miko. She told me to give this to you if you ever decide to search for your friend."

"Umm... thank you?" I said taking the charm from her. "If you need help y/n just call for Aether and Paimon and we'll beat those Fatui!" Paimon exclaimed putting her hands on her hips confidently.

• • •

Not long after, all my friends became aware of what I was about to do. I talked multiple times with Ayaka and Ayato (even with Thoma) about safety, while Sara and Heizou gave me useful advice for specific outcomes.

Miss Kujou even gave me a better bow just in case things would go wrong. Of course I was really happy with that! I was also glad, that I managed to get everyone's support.

With this, I set foot on the lands of Snezhnaya with determination.

• • •

"What the hell... it's so cold here it's almost unbearable!" I thought out loud. I was wearing a really stuffed and warm coat, but I was still freezing. I couldn't have even imagined what would've happened if I didn't bring one.

There wasn't even a snow storm or anything like that, yet it was still very chilly. I could've wandered around in this cold weather for days if I hadn't brought a Teyvat Traveler Guide with me. It had all the useful and important locations from all nations written down on it and was also provided with a map. With this, I could easily locate where I was.

• • •

Phew... It took me some time to get here without raising suspicion from the locals. But this place is guarded with Fatui from every single angle! How am I going to get in...

Suddenly, I had a risky idea. I knew that this only worked in books and stories but I wanted to give it a try.

Next thing that could be seen, was an arrow shooting up in the air which caught the Fatui's attention. They started walking towards the way where the arrow came from and while they were at it, I ran away from my hiding spot, quickly going inside the building while they can't see.

It was much bigger and fancier than I expected it to be! Sadly I could barely see anything because the torches weren't lit, but I knew that there were tons of hallways.

"Now that I'm here... I wonder which one leads where and... where Kuni-... Scaramouche is." I thought out loud once again, but whispered this time to avoid raising suspicion.

"Who's there?" I suddenly heard a cold and strict voice from behind me. It made me scared, very scared. So scared that I couldn't move or answer, I was just standing in one place.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me, than the person grabbing my shoulders and forcefully turning me around. What I saw next shocked me.

"Kunikuzushi...?" I whispered not believing my eyes. I saw the boy's frown turn into a stunned face. "Y/n..." Suddenly we both heard even more footsteps coming our way.

My old friend grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark corridor which was connected to the hallway we were standing in earlier.

He pushed me against the wall to avoid being seen from the outside and just waited until the people walk away.

"I can't beli-..." I couldn't even finish my sentence because he covered my mouth with his hand. "Shut up! They could still hear you." He whispered, scolding me.

I was very afraid at the moment, because I did not know where I was, what the others are capable of, or how I'm going to get out of this situation. Being with Kunikuzushi years before made me feel safe but now... being with Scaramouche was different.

He didn't have that kind and accepting aura to him anymore, it became evil and cold. Even so, his presence still made me feel happy.

• • •

After a while, the people who were walking outside got distant, so it was safe to go out. We both walked out carefully looking around, making sure no one spots us.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" The boy suddenly spoke up. "I obviously came looking for you! Ever since I woke up from my 500 years long coma, sleep, or whatever you may call it, I've been wondering what happened to you! You're the only one who didn't have any documents about his existent." I started telling him my thoughts.

"I also recieved your letter, asked around and traveled all the way here to Snezhnaya from Inazuma, Kunikuzushi. Aren't you happy...?"

"First of all, Kunikuzushi... I have abandoned that name. It's Scaramouche, get used to it. Second of all, you didn't have to come out all the way here to talk to me. Actually, it's better if you avoid me and this place as well." he responded in a serious tone.

"What do you mean avoid you? You literally left me a letter." I stated. I was starting to get upset by his answer.

"I left that letter, because I knew that you'd be curious. After all, I couldn't know for sure if we'll ever meet again. Plus, times were different back then. Everything was so peaceful and kind..." he said, starting to walk around me.

"But I admit, I changed. And I do not wish to go back to the person-... no. The being I was back then. I believe this is the right path for me. And as for you... it would be to not get involved in my business, and to not concern yourself with me anymore. You've learned all you needed to about me, there's nothing else to it." he stopped walking when he was right behind me, then leaned close to my ear.


Leave. That was the last word he whispered to me before turning around and disappearing into the darkness of the hallway.

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