2.4K 79 9

Hello there!
First of all, I'd like to give a BIIIIG thank you for everyone who gave me support and was patient with me all this time.

We managed to reach over 50K views and almost 2K votes, which I'm really really grateful for. Not only that, but we hit over 100 followers as well! I'm sooooo happy that you all decided to stick with me. :D

A huge mistake on my part, is that while in the beginning I was posting somewhat regurarly, I began updating the book with leaving bigger and bigger gaps between chapters. At first it started with a week, 2 weeks and it went into a month. Some of the times I was busy, the other times, not so much: mainly being unmotivated and/or procrastinating. Even in the times I was lazy to write, it had always spiraled in the back of my head that I dontttt want to leave a book unfinished. Soooo I'm glad I got to finish it.

SECOND. I already have plans for the new book I want to publish, so be sure to look forward to that. :)
What I'll spoil, is that it'll be Xiao x reader (you can tell im anemo biased lol) and yes, I will actually include romantic relationships in that. Also, since I don't want to leave such big gaps again, I'll prewrite chapters, so when I publish the book, I'll have them ready and I'll have time for writing new ones. The reason why I'm not gonna write the entire book in advance, is because getting feedback from u guys also helps me come up with stuff, if you get what I mean.

I don't know when I'll put up that book or when I'll start writing it yet, so keep in mind that it may even take months. Until then, I'll still be active on here responding to messages in the "conversations" tab on my profile (if anyone decides they wanna say anything) and also to a few comments here and there.


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