Chapter Seven

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All you had to do was step one foot in to be instantly grabbed and pushed against the wall of the dark cave. The place looked completely innocent from the outside, you couldn't sense any danger at all!

But now, all you could feel was fear... You couldn't see the person trapping me, and you didn't bring your bow either. You felt your adrenaline levels rise as you slowly uttered the words: "Let me go..."

And they did as you said. The hands slid down from your shoulders and as soon as they did, you launched yourself at them in hopes of giving them a good beating or turning them in to Mr. Shikanoin.

Before your fist could reach the unknown face, you heard a familiar sound. "Stop, stop, it's me! It's me, y/n."

"Huh? Scaramouche...?" You questioned not understanding the situation. The boy slowly got up from the ground, and lit a candle in order to be able to see something.

"Why did you do that?! That was so uncalled for! I thought I got myself into serious trouble..." you scolded him, barely even knowing what to say after being in that shocked state.

As an answer, he gave you a small chuckle. "I guess I just wanted to pull a little prank." You crossed your arms and proceeded to give him a judging look. "Well I did not find that humorous."

"Listen, I don't know why you made an entrance like this, but you said you wanted to meet up after literally telling me to stay away. What's with all this stuff anyway? I am aware that hundreds of years have passed since we last met, but I don't remember ever being on bad terms."

You watched him calmly take a seat on one of the rocks that looked a little more flat, clasping his hands together and leaning forward a bit. He gestured you to do the same, it looked like he wanted to have a long and serious talk. His eyes were covered by the big hat he was wearing so you couldn't make out his entire face, until he looked up, straight into your eyes.

"I'll explain everything here." He started, taking a deep breath. "Okay? Go on."

"The reason why I told you to stay away from me in Snezhnaya, is because if you couldn't tell, I'm a part of the fatui. A Harbinger even! Could you believe that?!" The boy exclaimed, letting out a laugh. "I don't see how that's a good reason for me to stay away..."

"Y/n, are you dumb? It's the fatui. Not only did you put yourself in an extremely dangerous situation by breaking in to the headquarters, but you also got yourself associated with one of their highest ranked person. Can't you connect the dots here?" He reached over to flick your head.

"Yeah, I get it that it's dangerous, I got that from many people, and to answer your question, I am in fact not dumb. But... I was really eager to see the last person and my dear friend who's still alive!" You raised your voice a little, stating the obvious. "And also, one question remains unanswered: why did you want to talk here?"

As you hit him with that question, he stood up and slowly started walking around the tiny space that you guys were talking in.

"It's because it's separated from other fatui and far from Snezhnaya. I certainly don't want anyone to find out about you, you'd be dead. I also don't want my superiors to find out that you're associated with me for obvious reasons. Does that make sense?" Scaramouche stopped to look in your eyes to which, you could only nod.

"Plus, I've got a lot of great news I wanted to share with you!" A big smile appeared on his face. But not a joyful or a happy one. It looked... evil. His eyes seemed to glow for a second and it sent shivers down your spine. You knew something was wrong.

"I will become a God."

"Excuse me?" You stared at him with your eyes wide open. You almost couldn't believe your ears and it was absolutely terrifying.

"Dottore and I have been coming up with a plan on how to take over Sumeru. The so called 'God' there is unnecessary, almost nobody sides with her anymore. They need a new God. You'll see, y/n. I will have complete power over the nation. Hahaha... haha!" The boy let out a horrifying laugh that echoed through the cave, slowly making you go insane.

Him... a God? Where did the old Kunikuzushi go?   Now we have Scaramouche, but... that's not the same.

"Y/n... I also have a gift prepared for you." He stopped laughing and walked over to you crouching down, to be on your level since you were still sitting. The Harbinger was really close to you, it made you a little nervous.

"Once I've become a God..." He started, as he took a strand of your hair in his hand and started twirling it. "I'll make you into one too. Without the help of the Fatui. I'll make you one with my new powers." Your old friend finished as his fingers slid on your chin, lifting it up a little.

...What? Make you into a God? He's absolutely insane. You couldn't even imagine what they did to him. Time ruined him all the way.

"Why do you want to become a God?" You asked him with worry in your eyes. To this, he took his hand away and sat down next to you letting out a long sigh.

"You see, many people have betrayed me in the past, including my own mother as you already know. They all had control over me but this time, the tables will turn. I believe I've endured enough suffering already. Everyone will pay for ever looking down on me." The boy said with his voice shaking from anger, and clenched his fists tightly. "You're on my side, right y/n?"

"I... I am."

But in reality, you were opposing the idea. However you knew that if you were to admit, you'd get yourself into big trouble. The word "no" couldn't physically come out of your mouth right now, you were afraid of the consequences.

"Thank you." Scaramouche chuckled a little, then showed you a smile. But it was a genuinely grateful one this time. "Well then, this concludes our little meeting." He stood up, and made his way over to the cave's exit.

"Until we meet again, y/n. Oh, and... I think it doesn't have to be said that this is a secret, right?" The Harbinger grinned at you, then walked away.

Just what have you got yourself into...?

• Author's note: •

Hello, I'm so sorry for not posting as frequently, my days are SO busy x.x

I also wanna apologize for switching from 1st person POV to 2nd, but for me this is much more comfy to write in, hope it's okay

Anyways, be sure to have a great day! ^-^

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