Chapter Three

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Next thing I knew, me and Miss Kujou were standing in front of a big house at the end of Chinju Forest. Apparently this is where she wanted me to stay.

"So... knowing how your parents were a part of the Kamisato Clan, I thought you'd be happy to live with the Kamisatos." She looked down at me.

"I'm... going to live with the Kamisatos?" I gave her a confused look. "Yes. Kamisato Ayato is the current head of the clan. He has a little sister, Ayaka, she's very kind. I think you'll get along with her easily." Sara explained to me.

I didn't know how to answer, so I just looked away while waiting for them to open the door for us. I didn't have to wait for long, since a few seconds after a girl opened it.

As soon as she saw us, her eyes began to sparkle and she immediately called out for someone. "Brother! They're here!"

Soon after, an older boy appeared behind the girl and welcomed me. "Greetings, my name is Kamisato Ayato, head of the Kamisato Clan. Pleasured to have you as a new member of our family, little one." he said showing me a very kind smile, then extending his hand for a handshake.

"What's your name?" Ayato asked me. "Y/n. And you don't have to call me little one, I'm ten!" I answered a bit angrily while shaking his hand.

"Hello, Y/n. I'm Kamisato Ayaka. Very happy to have you here! I could show you around if you want me to." The girl calmly stated, still, her voice filled with joy.

"Oh, okay..."

Years passed by, I slowly grew up with the Kamisato siblings. Ayato would always practice sword mastery with Ayaka at home and after a while it managed to catch my eye. She even got her vision during a practice session!

I became interested in learning how to fight, so I asked my brother if he could train me as well. I remember him asking me which weapon I'd like to wield. I know that back then, I thought about it a lot. I needed to choose which one would fit me the most.

After a few days, I came to a conclusion. I wanted to learn how to use the bow. Sadly, Ayato didn't know how to use it, so he sent me to Kujou Sara. Since we had been keeping in touch, she offered to hold private classes for me. Of course, I happily agreed.

"Alright, y/n. I think we're done for today." Sara called out to me. I walked over to her, handing the bow back that she always gave me for training. "Thank you for helping me, once again." I smiled at her and started getting ready to leave.

"Wait!" I heard her shouting from behind. I turned around to see what she wanted. "Actually, I have something for you. Could you lend me a bit more of your time?" Miss Kujou asked me a bit nervously. "Yeah, sure... What is it?"

"Come with me for a second."

• • •

Soon, we found ourselves in Detective Heizou's office. I couldn't imagine why we came here, I thought my case was long closed. There were no signs of my friend and little to no info about the domain. "So... Actually back then when we found you, we also found something else laying next to you." she started.

"It was a little paper, with some writings on it. Unfortunately since the writing is ancient, we haven't been able to read it. But... Since you were from those times, you could give it a shot." Sara handed me the letter.

"And as for why we didn't give it to you earlier, well... who knows what could be written on it, it might've been something traumatizing so we didn't want to take the risk. But it's different now. You've grown older, you're much more mature. Well, seven years have passed since then." she let out a small chuckle.

I just nodded, showing her a smile, then slowly opened the letter.

Dear y/n.

I'm sure many many years have passed while you were in this domain, but I knew you'd be able to read this message, no matter what. Sadly, I don't have much time to write so I'll just get to the point: Talk to Raiden Ei.
She will tell you everything you have to know about me, since it's possible that we can't meet right now. Oh, if you don't know who that is, just search for Yae Miko and she'll be your guide.

- Kunikuzushi

"So, were you able to read it?" Miss Kujou asked me curiously. "I... understood everything. Thank you for showing this to me, I have to get going now. Turns out, I have something urgent to do." I said happily and full of hope, that I'll be able to hear from my friend. Sara seemed relieved that nothing bad was written in the letter, so she just walked me outside, then we said our goodbyes.

"Alright, thank you Kunikuzushi. I know where to start now."

• • •

"Raiden Ei you say..." Lady Yae laughed. "Why do you want to talk to her? Do you know who she is?" she looked in my eyes with a smug smile on her face. "I don't know who that is, that is why I came to you. Apparently you do." I stated, unfazed by her teasing personality. "Oh? Is that so?"

"Yes, indeed it is." I answered, handing her the letter I recieved. She took it from my hand and as she read it, her smile slowly faded. "I see... Well then, I shall take you to her." Miko gave the paper back and began walking, signaling, that I should follow her.

"Hold on, how were you able to read it?" I asked her suddenly realizing what just happened. "If you're that curious about me, I believe Ei will also be able to answer this question of yours."

• • •

"Huh...?" I asked confusedly. "The Tenshukaku? Does she live here...?"

"Well... technically she does." Yae Miko said, after thinking about it for a little. "Come on, let's go in."

I just nodded, then we both entered the building. Inside, the person who I found standing before was none other than...

"The Raiden Shogun?" I was shocked. I wouldn't have guessed that this lady would take me to see the electro archon herself in person. Also, this isn't Raiden Ei! Although their first names seem to match, which is weird...

"What's your business in here?" The shogun asked in a cold tone. "Uh, well..." I was so nervous I could barely speak.

"My name is y/n. I came to speak to Raiden Ei, and Lady Yae lead me to the Tenshukaku believing, that she'd be here." I managed to blurt a sentence out in my most serious tone.

"Ei, you say... Since it's Guuji Yae we're talking about, I suppose I shall let you speak with her." The electro archon said, slowly starting to approach me.

"Alright y/n, just get your thoughts together and don't be afraid to talk to her! Trust me, she's a really nice person. I won't be going with you this time since I have other matters to attend to, but I'll wait for you to report back on what happened!" She gave me a pat on the head and pushed me closer to the Shogun.

I was dumbfounded and all I could do is show an awkward smile. Before I could think of anything to say, the archon pulled out a sword infused with electro power from her chest area, and our surroundings started breaking. It was as if... she just broke through space with that sword.

Soon enough, I found myself in a completely different place. One, that I've never seen before. It felt like another dimension and no matter where I looked, it didn't seem to have a border. This 'world' was practically infinite.

Before I could even process what just happened, I heard a voice from behind me.

"May I ask... who you are?"


I am SO sorry for not posting for a while. I've gotten pretty busy and it was hard to focus on multiple things, let alone continue this book.

I am not planning on putting it on hold, but it seems like I cannot set up a regular posting schedule either. I'm very sorry again, but the chapters' release dates will be all over the place.

Still, thank you for the support I've gotten until now, and also Scara got drip marketed on this exact day. Gotta say, im not disappointed at all, glad he's my favorite HE LOOKS SO NICE SDNJSKDBD

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