Chapter Thirteen

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"Weak!" A boy's voice hit the sound of your ears. You were so exhausted that you felt like you're about to collapse. It hasn't even been an hour yet, and you're this tired? You're definitely not gonna achieve anything at this rate.

"Alright, next round." The boy declared to which you just let out a big sigh. "Can we stop for a little? I need a drink. I know this is nothing for you, but I'm dying."

"Dying? I don't think you are, you seem very alive to me..." He replied with a confused face. "Oh my Archons, Xiao! It's a phrase we say whenever we're exhausted." You facepalmed at his comment.

That's right, you were training with none other than Xiao outside. You still don't know how you managed to make him agree, since he didn't look like the type who'd just help you out of nowhere.

• • About an hour earlier • •

"Almond tofu, huh... I wonder if that really works." Was the first thought you had when you woke up. You felt energized after such a refreshing sleep and the fact that your surroundings were very calm and beautiful, helped you get an even better rest.

You made up your mind. You were going to ask Xiao to help you train. You figured that if he said no, then you could probably go to Beidou, she would help you... probably. But there's no harm in asking him first, because he is stronger and more experienced than the captain.

You asked Verr Goldet to borrow the kitchen for a while, and surprisingly she had no problems with it. You didn't think that she'd let you, but looks like it was worth trying.

Since it was super early in the morning - to be exact, 5:30am - the chef wasn't there yet, so technically the kitchen was all yours.

You had to admit, you were a little nervous because you've never made good tasting food before. What you made was edible, but you always managed to mess the seasoning up.

"Well then, let's see how this turns out..."

You ended up spending only 15 minutes on your dish, which was much faster than you expected. Who would've known it would end up looking not only edible, but tasty as well.

You walked up to the balcony, hoping that you'd get to see him again. When you went up to the edge just like you did at nighttime, you got the see the gorgeous view again. Of course it was much more visible during the day.

Before you could manage to call out for him, he appeared right behind you. "So, you're still here... " The yaksha said, crossing his arms.

"Great timing, actually! I need you for something." You got ready to voice your request. "Is there a problem?" He asked you, raising his eyebrow.

"No, not at all. I came here to ask you to train me." You showed him a gentle smile, while slyly handing the almond tofu to him. "Train you? What makes you think I would do that?" The boy questioned with his eyes wide open.

"Well, I only know how to use a bow... and I'm not the best at it. I'm in need of fighting skills in case something happens, because it's very likely." Your gentle smile turned into a sour one. It looked like you were disappointed in yourself.

Realistically speaking, you could never beat Scaramouche in a fight. Never. But if he would train you, there would be at least a slight chance for you to block his attacks if this whole situation results in a war.

"I use a spear. I have no knowledge of how to handle a bow." The adeptus stated coldly. Well, this sucks... But if that's the case it only leaves you with one option.

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