Chapter Two

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"Well... isn't there a fight outside right now?" I asked, getting more and more confused. The woman looked over to the other people that were beside her and they all shared a concerned look. "What's your name?" she asked.


"And where are your parents?" they questioned me. "I don't know! I thought everyone was fighting, they should be too!" I exclaimed becoming worried. "Y/n. Nobody is fighting. There is no war." the woman reassured me. "Let's get you home where you'll see your parents okay? Do you know where your house is?"

"Of course I do! I'll show you." And with this, she took my hand and we started going towards the place I told her to. As we stepped out of the building we were in, I noticed that my surroundings have changed quite a ton. The houses looked a lot more different and I couldn't see any familiar faces anywhere.

• • •

"Well he we are, this should be your house." she said to me. "But, miss... this doesn't look like it at all." The woman gave me a confused look then went to the door and knocked on it. Two adults came out shortly after not knowing what's happening.

"I've brought your daughter back. Come on, y/n." she smiled at me. Next thing I knew is that I started crying. I felt incredibly lost and helpless. "Miss, these are not my parents." I managed to blurt the sentence out.

All I could see was a shocked look on her face. She couldn't say anything, because two men in armors came running towards her. "General Kujou! Detective Heizou has finished investigating the place, he is waiting to report it back to you at the office!" they said in sync.

This certain 'General Kujou' grabbed my arm, and took me with her.

• • •

"Here you are, Miss Sara. I've been waiting for you." a red haired boy said when we arrived at the destination. "I'm sure you have been. Listen, Heizou. I believe this is more serious than it looks. This girl does not recognize anything or anyone. It can't be amnesia because then, she wouldn't remember certain things, rather, she remembers her surroundings, home and people differently."

"Exactly the point I wanted to get to. Nobody seems to have missing daughter and what's more is that... I've found some strange elemental marks around where we found her." he explained, while taking two small bottles out of his bag.

"I've found two kinds. One being electro and the other one... It's an unknown kind. Something out of the ordinary definitely happened there." Heizou then turned towards me. "What do you remember?"

I sat in silence for a while, becasue I had to organize my thoughts. "Well, it happened like..." I began recalling everything that I've experienced.

• • •

When I finished, they were both speechless for a while. "A war between people, a certain boy named Kunikuzushi, a domain... Your parents being a part of the Kamisato Clan... Y/n, would you be okay alone for a little while me and Miss Sara go out to discuss some things?" the boy asked me kindly.

"Sure..." With that, they both went out of the room. I was left only with myself now. Wonder what they could be talking about... Why is this a serious problem? How come they seemed confused? All of my questions were to be answered within a short period of time.

• • •

"What? Are you saying that I was asleep for 500 years?! No... No, no... NO!" I felt tears slowly forming in my eyes. This was all too hard to process. All of my friends, family and everything I knew was long gone.

"Y/n, I'll explain everything." General Kujou sat down next to me.

"500 years ago, a war broke out between the people of the Tri-Commission and the civilians because of some differences. It would be hard to explain what the reason was, I don't think you'd understand, but the reason for this doesn't matter. Your parents were a part of the Tri-Commission by working with the Kamisato Clan. They wanted to get you to a safe place, so they placed their trust in your friend Kunikuzushi, who successfully hid you from the war by taking you into a domain that appeared out of nowhere." she started.

"Yeah? This is exactly what I said, I know this!" I exclaimed, getting frustrated.

"It's not over yet. He told you to go to sleep didn't he? After you went to sleep, you woke up here. Well, we found you laying on the grass behind the big mountain exactly where you must've went into the domain. You see, he wanted to protect you so badly that he wanted to completely shield you from any kinds of harm. This domain seemed like a perfect place, so he took you in there. The two of you couldn't have known what kind of domain you were dealing with from the outside. These are the kinds that seem harmless and peaceful, but are actually very dangerous. This one in particular had the power to make you unconscious while making you think he fell asleep. I believe Kunikuzushi told you to rest because as soon as you stepped in he realized it was a bad idea and didn't want you to freak out. These domains don't have exits. Who knows how long it could keep you in there it could've been much more than 500 years, so you were quite lucky."

I just sat there, not saying anyhting. I couldn't believe it. Did this really happen? How can this be real...? And... he told me to sleep because he didn't want to worry me. All of this, because a stupid war... Wait. Then...

"If we were stuck in there, why was I the only one who was found? Where is Kunikuzushi?" I asked, hoping to get some info on him.

The boy spoke up this time, while scratching the back of his head. "I have no idea. I found no traces of another person being in ther-..." he suddenly stopped mid-sentence. "What is it, Heizou?" Sara asked the detective.

"Remember the elemental marks I found? The unknown one was from the domain I suppose, but there was also an electro one... Y/n, did he have a vision?" the boy quickly turned to me. "I don't think so..."

"Huh, strange..." he said, suspiciously. "I'll be sure to investigate more a little later, but for now... Y/n, you don't really have anywhere to live, right?" Heizou asked me. I was too shattered to answer. After learning that my friend is gone as well, I had nobody left.

General Kujou noticed this, then answered in my place. "I have an idea of where you could stay. I think you'd be somewhat happy with what I have in mind." she showed me a sad smile.

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