Chapter Eight

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You were laying in your bed, with many thoughts clouding your head. You knew exactly how dangerous the situation was, yet you didn't do anything about it. Rather... you couldn't do anything about it.

The Fatui were already making moves and you were basically prohibited from saying anything to anyone, although Scaramouche didn't directly mention it. It was obvious that it the word gets out, many unpleasant things will happen not only to you, but to everyone as well.

Of course, when you got back earlier Sara and Heizou came over to question you and see if you were alright. During your little interrogation you felt awful about having to lie to them... well, not lie, but leave important parts out, but the last thing you wanted is to put any of them in risky situations.

"No, he didn't hurt me. We only talked about him and the fatui, it seems like it'd be best if I were to stay away just like he mentioned earlier. He doesn't want to get me associated with the higher ups and I completely understand him."

Your mind was flooded, you tried really hard to think about how to solve this, but all it did was give you an unpleasant feeling in your stomach. And because of this, of course you couldn't get any sleep.

• • •

This morning was the same as any other one, the siblings and Thoma greeting you, having breakfast together, then everyone going on their own way. Nothing special, but...

You had an entire night to think. And that's exactly what you did, until you did manage to come up with something, which was to go to Sumeru as soon as possible. If you couldn't let anyone know, then the only option that was left is to solve it yourself.

Yes, it was a good plan, but... What then? You still didn't figure out what to do after arriving there, but you knew that the chances of meeting the fatui and Scaramouche will be high.

So of course because of this, you decided to pack some things for yourself that could be useful on your journey, such as mora, weapons, a Teyvat Travel Guide, then headed towards Ritou to set sail.

"Y/n, where are you going?" You suddenly heard a voice call out to you. "Thoma, haha... I thought you went out." You chuckled awkwardly stopping in your tracks, just before you could've reached the front door.

"Where are you going with that big bag?" He raised his eyebrows in suspicion. "Umm..."

You had to make a quick decision: will you tell the truth or not? If you were to say your actual reasoning, would he be mad? If you'd lie, would he find out and be mad afterwards? Who knows... it's better to be safe so you...

"I'm going to Sumeru. I have something to take care of there." You stated bluntly, not explaining things in detail, although you knew he'd ask. "Something to take care of?"

"Yes, actually. I've been doing a lot lately and I feel like I'm in need of a vacation. I heard that there was a girl called Nilou who puts on shows every now and then, and everyone said that it's fascinating to watch in person. That's why I'm willing to go all the way from here to there." You quickly responded.

Truthfully speaking, this wasn't exactly a lie since it did peak your interest, but it also wasn't your main objective. You figured it would be better to keep that to yourself.

"Ah, I see. But then... let me help you out! I'm friends with the leader of the Crux Fleet, so I could book you a boat trip, for free! I think it would save you a lot of trouble." Thoma smiled at you, being happy about the fact that he could be useful to you. You could tell that he genuinely loved to help others out, it's one thing you respected about him.

"Sure, I'd appreciate that!"

• • •

"Sorry kid, our ships cannot go directly to Port Ormos as of now. It closed a few days ago, because an accident has happened and they're still searching the scene. It has to do something with a... what was it again? Canned knowledge?" A tall lady explained the situation to you and Thoma.

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