Chapter Ten

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"Ah... I see." You chuckled awkwardly. Silence filled the air. You were both looking into each others eyes, it's like he was staring into your soul. But again, you did the exact same except you couldn't figure out what he was feeling. His face looked emotionless, yet his eyes filled with anger and a blink of sadness.

To break this tension, you decided to ask him a question once again. "So... what did you originally intend to talk about?" It seemed like Scaramouche snapped back to reality thanks to you.

"Oh, right... come on, let's continue walking and I'll tell you about it." He stated, and the two of you started passing through Liyue's lands.

• • •

"Well, it might sound unrealistic, but I just wanted to talk, honestly. About... whatever. You see, in order for me to become a deity, I need to be chained to that machine, it will paralyze my body. We won't be able to talk for a while, unless I find a method. So tell me, how have you been?" The boy asked after explaining the situation quickly.

"Wait wait... a machine?" Your eyes widened at the sudden realization. "Yeah, didn't I tell you about it? Dottore... or on his other name, The Doctor made it for me. But don't misunderstand me. Even without his help, I have powers that normal beings just don't possess. Their problem, I guess." He shrugged.

"Scara!" You stopped and grabbed his shoulders. "He's locking you inside that thing! That's not safe..." Your friend showed you a smug smile. "Are you worried about me?"

"I am. Isn't that obvious? You're the only person I have from back then. The only one!" You raised your voice while letting him go. You saw that his previous expression was replaced with a shocked one. Did he not expect you to be honest?

"Um... I see. But don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Don't try to boss me around." He exclaimed, bringing his new, usual self again. "So back on topic, how have you been? If you don't start talking, I might just lose interest in you." The Harbinger crossed his arms and started walking again.

• • •

Time elapsed quickly, while hanging out with Scaramouche. Although he seemed ignorant and also had a sharp tongue, he was genuinely curious about you. You dared to say the two of you had a great, peaceful time. It was already nighttime already, but you didn't feel tired whatsoever. And as for him... he certainly didn't seem like it.

The sky was clear tonight, it created a pleasant atmosphere. You also started wondering... How would any other person feel while walking alongside a harbinger? A high ranked one at that. Would they be on their guard? Obviously, that would be the most logical. But you were glad that you could walk around carelessly with him. Regardless of what he said before in that cave back in Inazuma, he made you feel... safe.

"Well, this was a great talk we had, wasn't it?" The two of you stopped close to Wansgshu Inn. "Yeah, I'm glad you decided not to distance yourself completely." You smiled at him. "Don't mistake me, we're not on buddy-buddy level and we'll never be. But it's good to have allies on your hands, isn't it?" Scaramouche said, wondering off into the distance.

"Uh, if that's what you prefer to call it, sure." You responded while shrugging your shoulders. After your answer, he did not speak up and neither did you. There was an awkward silence between you and the boy. "Hey, y/n..." You heard his voice call out to you after a little while. "Hm?"

"Let's say I were to invite you to have a meal with me. What would you answer with?"

...What? He wants to eat with you? After all this only being allies thing it sure seemed surprising. You chuckled a little at his question, not expecting him to have a... cute side to himself.

"What are you laughing about? Actually, forget it. You are coming to eat with me at Wangshu Inn. Right now." Your 'ally' basically commanded you. "Hold on, won't it be a problem that people can see us?"

"Haha... ahahaha! Do you think I'm dumb? If it would be a dangerous idea, I wouldn't have suggested it. These weaklings don't even know who I am. Most harbingers don't just go outside introducing themselves to the whole world like Childe does."

"Child? What child?" You raised a brow to which he face palmed. "That's his name. Childe. C-h-i-l-d-e. But, to avoid confusion, I'll just call him by his name that the Tsaritsa gave him: Tartaglia. He's ranked number eleven among the... eleven harbingers. The weakest one. Don't expect anything other than stupidity and mora from him." Scaramouche shook his head.

"Oh. Child...e, Tartaglia... I'll be sure to remember that." You quickly recalled everything that the harbinger just said about him. "Great, now can we move on from that loser?" The boy rolled his eyes. "Ah, hold on." He suddenly turned towards you. "What is it?"

"I'll be taking that back. Despite it's function, it looks ridiculous on you." Your friend pointed at his hat, which was on your head because the veil hid the hole in your shirt perfectly. "But... I can't show up in public like this! I don't care if it looks weird, at least I don't look like I've been just beaten up." You backed away.

The harbinger just stared at judgingly. "You're really unbelievable, you know that?" He let out a dissapointed sigh, then started walking towards you. The boy grabbed the hat with one of his hands, while ripping the veil off of it with the other. You were shocked by his actions... what was he thinking?

"Turn around." Scaramouche ordered.

You just nodded and did as he told. The boy came closer to you, so close, that his face almost touched the back of your head. You could've felt his breath against your ear if... he would've breathed. But of course, there was no need for him to do so.

He then carefully wrapped the upper part of the veil around your neck, letting the rest of it fall on your back, covering your scar. "There, you have a cape now." You turned around to face the puppet, with happiness in your eyes. "Thank you! But-" Before you could even start your sentence the harbinger cut you off. "Don't bother asking, I'll just get another veil tailored."

• • •

The two of you had a wonderful meal together, you were full. While you enjoyed this dinner with him, he did not show any signs of enjoyment. If he didn't like it, then why come here in the first place? Or... does he just not want to admit that he had fun?

Another thing is that when Liyuen citizens and waiters were surrounding your little duo, he concealed his identity flawlessly. A kind hearted young man from Inazuma, just passing through. The boy seemed completely innocent and pure. Him, a Harbinger? Never. So if he did show himself in public, this is how he managed to keep his secret. Incredible talents for acting and lying, it was actually terrifying just how fast he could change his behavior.

"Y/n, I will go now. Duty is calling, my... no. Our time is coming closer, start preparing yourself. If I'll need you again, I'll send a letter just like I did before." Scaramouche stated coldly, standing up from his seat. "Oh, okay. Thanks for... well, spending time with me."

"Bye!" He switched to his fake persona, cheerfully waving at you. You waved back only to see him grabbing his hat and turning around to walk away. Even though nothing went wrong, you still felt like something was weird... You looked around to see what could be bothering you, then your gaze landed on your plate. That's right, he didn't pay when he was the one inviting you!

You looked towards the direction he was walking off and luckily he was still in sight. "Hey!" You shouted, hoping he'd hear. Thankfully it made the boy stop in his tracks and turn around. "Are you leaving me to pay for everything?!" You exclaimed with sadness in your voice. "You did say you owe me one, after I saved you." Scaramouche grinned at you, then proceeded to walk away.

"I seriously can't believe him..."


SO sorry for the almost two week delay! I originally planned to post a chapter on the exact day when I posted an alternative ending to my Heizou book (it was on... friday I think?) but not long after posting it, I suddenly had a fever and had to rest it out.

Also, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or if you don't celebrate/don't like it, then a wonderful day! Don't get sick guys :(

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