Chapter Nineteen

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It lasted hours. Many hours of sitting, waiting for him to wake up. You refused to leave his side, wanting to talk to him more and more as time passed. After a while, you laid down beside him, closing your eyes while facing the ceiling of the former battle arena. It didn't take long to get lost in your thoughts; everything that has happened just hit you at once. Being trapped in a domain for hundreds of years, losing everyone you loved except for your friend, who only managed to live because he wasn't human...

The Kamisatos taking care of you and once you grew up, you literally traveled through half of Teyvat just to meet the only person you knew. Him telling you all his plans, traveling to Liyue, meeting Xiao... wait... Xiao?

As you were staring upwards, suddenly remembering him. In the heat of the moment you seemed to forget about him. Maybe you should write him a letter all this, to update him. He really deserves to know how it went, since he trained you for it. True, you didn't become a pro in such a short time, but you managed to quickly acquire some basic spear-wielding skills.

As you continued to think, you slowly found yourself drifting off to sleep...

• • •

You were in a deep, peaceful slumber, partly because of exhaustion as well, although... this didn't last long. More precisely, it only seemed like it didn't last long.

You began waking up to someone softly nudging your shoulder. As you opened your eyes, you realized that your surroundings have changed. Instead of the closed area that you had been resting in, countless stars shone down upon you from the night sky above. You quickly sat up, looking around to see if you were in any danger. Luckily, all it took was a few glances to spot someone familiar which immediately calmed your heart down.

"Scaramouche!" You shouted happily after seeing him awake. You saw him open his mouth to say something, but before he could, you launched yourself on him, giving him a big hug.

You could hear that he let out a small gasp of surprise, but it didn't take long for him to return your gesture. "I'm so glad that this is all over..." You sighed.

"Who said that it was over?" You heard the boy's voice respond to you in a smug tone. Confused, you let him go and sat a bit further to be able to see him clearer while giving him a questioning look. "What?"

"I mean... You practically busted my plan that I've spent lots of time on to prepare. Don't you think that that's a little rude...?" Your friend answered you while his expression turned evil. Your eyes widened in shock as you saw that nothing has changed and he was still the same as before, meaning: everything you have done so far was in vain.

You were speechless, so The Balladeer took the chance to continue the conversation. At first, all he did was laugh. "The look on your face is priceless! Don't worry, I'm a changed man, I won't do anything." He said still laughing a little, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Look at me, do I still look like a harbinger to you?" Scaramouche asked. You took the time to look him up and down, then spoke up. "It's true that your clothes changed but that doesn't mean that you're not a harbinger anymore. Although... wait. Is that a vision?" You exclaimed while pointing at his chest.

All the boy did was give you a proud smile, then pointed at you. "It seems like I'm not the only one who acquired one."

That's right, you have recieved a vision for yourself as well. The piece was attached to your clothes now, it's power becoming a part of you. It's almost as if it symbolized your determination, your will to fight... to throw yourself into war for the person who's important to you. Getting the Gods' attention - especially now - was truly a blessing.

"Well uh... Some harbingers have visions themselves, so..." You said quietly, trying to avoid eye contact as if you were becoming more and more confused.

"You don't have to worry about that." A girl's voice approached you from a bit further from where the two of you were sitting. You quickly looked into the direction of the sound, only to spot the Dendro God herself walking towards you.

The so said former harbinger let out a satisfied chuckle upon her arrival. "About time, Buer." The girl made her way here, sitting down on the grass with a reassuring smile on her face.

"The boy here is under my care for now, you needn't worry about his past, as it no longer exists. Instead of working for the Tsaritsa, he will be studying here at the Akademiya, and I will be the one supervising him."

"There's no point in doubting an Archon's words. Thank you for telling me that." You expressed gratitude towards the God, being able to calm down finally. "Scaramou-... er... That's not what I should be calling you, right?" You stopped yourself before saying is old name.

"Right now, I am merely but a wanderer, who finally found freedom after centuries. You can refer to me however you'd like." He shrugged. "Give me some time and I'll come up with a cool name for you!" The boy chuckled at your words. "Take your time, we're in no rush."

The God of Wisdom shifted her gaze on you. "What do you plan on doing now, y/n? Will you be staying here in Sumeru?"

"Ah, probably not. At least, not for now. I have a... family to return to in Inazuma." You stared up the sky, at the stars, after uttering the word "family". The people who took care of you... the Kamisatos, Kujou Sara, detective Heizou... they all felt like family. You were sure that being in their care put your parents at ease, even if they weren't around anymore.

"Although... I said goodbye to them by telling them I'd be watching Nilou's performance. I can't go back on my word now can I? Plus, I'm also excited to see." You exclaimed while clasping your hands happily.

You saw your friend stand up and extending his hand towards you after doing so. You were now looking up at a boy, with a mysterious, yet calm and kind gaze in his eyes. It was only then that you had realized how everything played out. All that planning, longing and fear, for a joyful pair of eyes and a caring smile. It was... definitely worth it.

"Shall we?" He asked you, grinning. You took his hand without hesitation and began heading back to Sumeru city, with the little God following right behind.


(A few more words from me in the next chapter)

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