Chapter Eleven

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As you looked towards where the harbinger left you in disbelief, one of the waiters suddenly called out to you.

"Is there anything else I could get you?" The lady smiled at you. "No, thank you. I'd like to pay." You answered her letting out a disappointed sigh and getting your wallet.

Then, before even getting to search for the required money, somebody walked up to your table. You glanced up in surprise, not knowing who it is or what business they have with you. She wasn't tall but wasn't short either, had dark hair which was put up in pigtails. On the top of her head sat a hat resembling those of a mage's.

What's with you and meeting people with big hats nowadays...? "Umm... Can I help you?" You asked, obviously not knowing her intentions. "No, but on the other hand, I can help you out." The girl answered in a rather classy voice, swinging one of her pigtails backwards. She the put a bag of mora in the waitress' hands. "I'll be paying for her meal."

"Oh, well if there are no objections from the other party, then I shall accept this." The lady stated, making eye contact with you. "I guess... there are none?" You looked in her eyes, kind of questioning your decision. "Okay then. Hope you enjoyed!" The kind waitress smiled at you, then took the remaining plates.

"Hey, umm... Why'd you do that?" You turned towards the assumed mage while standing up from your table. "I wanted to have a chat with you. Let's go a little bit further, shall we?"

The two of you left Wangshu Inn without saying a word to each other. It was quite the awkward walk. You didn't know where she wanted to take you, but you decided to set a limit. If it's getting too far away or going towards a sketchy place, you'll leave immediately.

"Alright, I think here should be good, yeah." The girl suddenly stopped not far from the inn between some woods. "Oh. I thought you want to take me further away." You told her your honest thoughts.

"Well actually I do, because this is not a safe place to talk about the thing I want to. So... forgive me for this, but it's important." Before even getting a chance to respond, a big magical bubble with it's inside looking like the starry night sky started forming around the two of you.

You were so shocked by everything that was suddenly happening, that you couldn't possibly move and just stand in one place. Frozen.

Next thing you knew, the strange bubble popped and you were in a completely different area. In a house, to be exact. Obviously this put you on your guard, prepping your bow and arrows and aiming them at the girl as quick as you regained control of your body.

Of course, wanting to protect yourself with a ranged weapon in a small and closed room put you at a big disadvantage, but it was your only choice.

The assumed mage saw that you got ready for a fight, but she didn't seem to do anything about it. Rather, the only thing she did, was shaking her head softly.

"Don't worry, I didn't teleport you here to attack you, you're not in danger. As long as you cooperate."

"This is literally kidnapping." You exclaimed in disbelief. "Calm down and have a seat. I promise not to hurt you and this is a very safe place. That is exactly why I had you come here. If I would've asked you out of the blue there you wouldn't have agreed to it." The girl explained while walking over to a chair by a table and sitting down comfortably.

Upon seeing how calm she was, you decided to put your weapons away for the time being and listen to what she has to say.

"I don't want you to feel even more uneasy than you do now, so I'll just introduce myself. I am Mona Megistus, working as an astrologist. Looking forward to working with you." She stated.

"Wait-... an astrologist? I totally thought you were a mage!" Your eyes widened. Mona just shrugged her shoulders, clearly not bothered by your beliefs. "Well, my name is-..."

"Y/n. I know it's y/n. I already read into you at Wangshu Inn." The girl suddenly cut you off. "Before you'd start asking irrelevant questions, I'll get straight to the point. That boy... the one who you were having a meal with. Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Her serious tone made you a little nervous about this. Why did she even bother looking into the two of you? It's not like you've met before, you've never even been near here.

"He's not my boyfriend. We're friends who... well I wouldn't say we grew up together cause that's not true, but we've known each other for a long time." You tried telling the story without saying too much information.

"Your friend... Do you know what he works as?" Mona raised an eyebrow at you. You gulped as you knew that there was no way you'd be able to cover for him any longer. If you tell a lie, this person will most likely figure out.

"Yes I do." You nodded, deciding to answer vaguely. "Then surely, you know how dangerous he is." The girl sighed, standing up from the table. She walked over to a bookshelf, slowly sliding her fingers through the books' covers.

"You know, I decided to read into the two of you because there was an evil aura emitting from that area. That's how I found out that he's a harbinger, and that you're not a part of the fatui, that's why I got curious. Also, for some strange reason I wasn't able to look into either his, or your past. I wonder why that is..." Mona suddenly stopped at the side of the bookshelf and turned towards you, expecting an answer.

"I'm pretty sure I know the explanation to that, but I'd rather not tell. If you really want to pry into our lives, then work for it." You gave her a serious look. It annoyed you how people were trying to dig into your past when it's clearly none of their business.

"Really..." She squinted her eyes. You knew that she was getting irritated. "If I have to work for it, then that means I have to get the answers out of you, because it would be too dangerous for me to approach that Harbinger. Which also means, I'll have to make you talk." Mona stated coldly, and started walking towards you. You saw that a book beside her appeared out of nowhere and hydro energy was starting to surround the room.

You were aware that this was going to be a hard fight, but you did not want to sell your and your friend's life story out. You knew that Scaramouche was planning something dangerous but you certainly did not want anyone to interfere. It was probably safer this way even if you're not a hundred percent safe yourself.

As Mona was getting closer to you, you abandoned the idea of using your bow, it's not a melee weapon. Instead, you grabbed an arrow in one hand, and clenched your fist with the other, ready to punch.

The astrologist then stopped right in front of you. She was just standing there, looking straight into your eyes, not saying anything. You were also just staring, focusing on her, waiting for her next move so you could either attack, or dodge.

Then suddenly... With one shrug, the book disappeared alongside with the hydro energy from her. You slowly let your hands down upon her move.

Mona let out a big sigh then looked at you. "I have no intentions to hurt you... After all, you might as well be innocent. If you're hanging out with him just because he's your friend or perhaps your crush or somewhat along these lines, I have no right to stop you, but..."

The girl leaned a little closer to you, with a serious look on her face. "If I find out that you're up to no good, I'll catch you right away." The air was practically frozen around the two of you from the tension.

Even though you were on your way to stop him from doing something stupid, you still felt threatened. You knew that you had no bad intentions, but her warning still gave you shivers.

"Alright, so now that you've kidnapped me, almost attacked me and then threatened me at the end, could you teleport me back to Liyue?"


• Author's Note: •

I am incredibly sorry for leaving almost A MONTH between this and the last chapter.

I hope you're all doing good, and everything is going well. I'm sorry again, and I hope at least this chapter was enjoyable.

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