Chapter Four

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I turned around to see the Raiden Shogun behind me. But... it felt different. The woman looked exactly like the Shogun, but had a completely different aura. A calmer one.

"I'm y/n! We met just before you teleported us here...?" I told her, also kind of questioning the situation. "Ah, yes. So, state your business." The archon said, but it wasn't threatening at all. Rather, it sounded like her voice was full of curiosity.

"It's quite complicated... Where should I start..." I thought out loud, feeling a little nervous. "At the beginning." The woman responded, letting out a small chuckle.



"So, I'm from the past, if that makes sense. I was asleep in a domain for 500 years, since a war broke out between the Tri-Commission and the people of Inazuma." I started from the beginning, just like she asked.

"500 years you say..." she put her hand on her chin. "Yes. To get straight to the point, there was a boy named Kunikuzushi with me. I haven't seen him since, but I only found out recently that he has left a letter for me. It said that I should come and have a chat with you if I want to find more out about him." I finished, trying to summarize everything as shortly as possible.

"Did you just say... Kunikuzushi? I'm sorry, could you hand me that letter?" The Shogun asked with a shocked look on her face. "Sure." I responded, as I handed her the letter.

I was standing there awkwardly while she was slowly but carefully reading every line that was written on the paper. After finishing, she lifted her head, making eye contact with me.

"Come closer, y/n. Have a seat in front of me." The archon asked, while sitting down on the ground. I did what she asked of me. I was very curious about what was going to happen.

"Technically, Kunikuzushi is my son." She blurted out with a straight face. "Huh?" I was so confused. Her son?! The electro archon had a son and it was none other than my friend?

"We're not blood related, but he's considered my son. Well, was considered. He's actually a puppet I made for taking my place in the outside world while I was in the Plane of Euthymia. Before you ask what that is, it's where we are right now. This is a world that I created. I spend almost all of my time in here, that is why I needed a puppet to replace me in the real world. The one who just summoned you here, was my new creation, after Kunikuzushi. The Raiden Shogun. Also to set things straight, my name is Raiden Ei, while my puppet outside is the Raiden Shogun."

What... This was all so hard to process. He's a puppet? There are two Shoguns? This world... Just what is happening?! Wait... Why need another puppet as replacement when she already had the boy?

"I know you're probably thinking why is there a new puppet. You see, the previous one was more like a prototype. One day, he started crying. It made me think... What was it that made him cry? I thought that a puppet should be strong enough to hold back its feelings. And... that's why I discarded him." Ei explained calmly.

"You discarded him?! Just because he cried?" I was upset. Why would she do that? That's so unreasonable!

"This land needs a strong leader while I'm not present. He didn't meet the requirements. And yes, I discarded him. I didn't kill him, only discarded. I didn't have the heart to end my own creation's life."

"At least... do you know the reason why he cried?" I questioned her, looking into her eyes. "No. If you're curious, you should ask him yourself." The archon answered me.

"Ask him? You mean... he's alive?" My voice became a little shaky as I heard the news. I almost couldn't believe that my old friend was actually still alive!

"He's not a human after all. He cannot die from old age, or illnesses. Someone could kill him, but it's not as easy as killing an ordinary being. But he's still alive, I would've felt if something happened to him, since we are connected it some way after all." She smiled at me.

That's right... he's not a human. Now that I think about it, I got really lucky. Sadly, my relatives are deceased, but the one I had a strong friendship with is still alive. Even after 500 years. But... I do miss my parents and my other old friends. Not just him. I wish they were all still here.

"Well then y/n, I believe we have nothing else to discuss. You should take your leave and I should also continue what I was doing." She said as she slowly stood up.

"Wait! Where should I start looking for him?" I asked before leaving, since I had no idea of his whereabouts.

"That I do not know, but I heard he goes by the name Scaramouche nowadays. Perhaps that could be an important lead." Ei answered me, reaching her arm out to me.

"Here, hold my hand. It'll take you back outside."

• • •

Scaramouche, huh... I have no idea where he is, but if I want to find out, I better start working. The only thing I can do is ask around, let's hope that can get me somewhere.

"Ayaka you don't understand! I've asked SO many people and none of them knew about him." I whined. We were sitting at Komore Teahouse, just chatting our problems away.

"It's okay, I'm sure you'll find someone that knows something." She patted my shoulder while she showed me a smile.

We continued talking until we heard a super high pitched voice from outside. The door opened and two people walked in. Well actually one and a half people...? It seemed like one of them was a human and the other one was... a fairy?

"Oh look! Hey Ayaka!" The fairy pointed towards the elegant girl. "Hello Paimon and Aether." She greeted them happily.

"Who's this?" The silver haired being asked, looking at me. "I'm y/n. I'm Ayaka's  friend. We've lived together for a few years." I smiled.

"Lived together for a few years?! Ayaka, I didn't know you have someone else living there!" She looked at her surprisedly. "Hi y/n, I'm Aether, and my friend here is Paimon. We're adventurers." The boy stated, waving at me.

"Oh, y/n! Maybe you could ask them about..." Ayaka whispered to me and before she could finish I turned towards the travelers. They were basically my last hope in Inazuma.

"Do you guys know anyone that goes by the name Scaramouche?"

"Scaramouche?! You mean... The Balladeer?" Paimon shouted her question, because it surprised her very much... I suppose.

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