Chapter Twleve

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Mona quickly teleported you back to Liyue upon how wrong that sounded. Since you were supposedly innocent, these actions could've gotten her arrested if you were to run to the Knights of Favonious.

You were now back to Wangshu Inn, things didn't change around here after all, it has been 15 minutes or so. It was still nighttime, and you were far from the harbor, monsters were lurking outside with no one there to help you now. You also felt really tired and didn't have the energy to walk back to the city.

These left you with one option, which was to reside here in Wangshu Inn. That one hotel owner wouldn't have accepted you back cause of all the ruckus you caused anyway. With that thought in mind you took a deep breath, then headed towards the elevator.

Your ride to the top of the tree was quite fast despite how big it seemed. You stepped outside and without even taking a look around went straight to the reception. All you wanted to do was to lay down and sleep.

"Hello, I see you're back. Is there anything I can do for you?" A lady's voice called out to you gently. It was none other than the owner of the inn, Verr Goldet. You met her an hour ago while Scaramouche was still with you.

You could tell that she was a kind soul: being able to keep her guests company, and keeping Wangshu Inn clean with her husband. She also had a way with words, and seemed outgoing... you couldn't help but smile when meeting her again.

"Yes... Would it be possible for me to stay here for this night? I really don't have the energy to go back to Liyue Harbor right now." You managed to speak up with a very sleepy voice.

The owner let out a little chuckle before responding to you. "Sure, I can see that you're awfully tired, we can discuss the costs tomorrow." She then proceeded to hand you a key.

"Thank you."

"Oh, before you go!" Verr Goldet's voice suddenly reached out to you as you were leaving. "If you still have even a little bit of energy in you, I'd highly recommend checking the view out from upstairs. And..."

"You might even meet a special someone." She finished her sentence with some mysteriousness in her voice.

Now this piqued your interest. A special someone? Suddenly all the sleepiness disappeared from your eyes and curiosity took over you.

You headed up the stairs which led to the highest and biggest balcony of Wangshu Inn. You slowly walked out realizing that you made a good choice not to miss out on this. It had a beautiful view, especially at nighttime. It was a cloudless evening, the sky was clear and filled with stars.

A light breeze gently touched your face which was very refreshing. It was a wonderful feeling after a rough day, but... something was missing. There was no one there except for you.

"Well she did say that I might meet them, not for sure..." You thought out loud. You were a little sad, but even if that person wasn't here at the moment, it was worth coming up here. You felt like all your stress just left you.

Scaramouche joining the Fatui, wanting to be a God which puts Sumeru in great trouble, not really having the fighting skills to prevent that, you couldn't even defeat an abyss mage. You were even kidnapped for looking suspicious afterwards...

To achieve anything, you had to hone your skills, it wasn't even a question. It was hard to go up against anyone or anything with elemental power without having a vision. Maybe Beidou can help you, she seemed to be well-versed in this area.

With thought in mind, you decided to head back and take a rest, so that you could have energy for tomorrow. As you were about to leave the balcony, a strange sound could be heard from behind you and it felt like someone was staring at you.

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