Chapter Nine

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You carefully opened the envelope and to your surprise, you only found a map on it. It was a hand-drawn map, so you had to get your Teyvat Travel Guide out to determine where that place is, since you weren't familiar with the lands of Liyue.

Luckily, Scaramouche's masterpiece was recognizable and you were able to match it with an existing place in your book. The map resembled Luhua Pool.

You've never seen that area yourself other than on paintings, so you were excited to visit. But... only the place and not the Harbinger.

All these years you admired him and waited for the day when you could reunite with him... All that to be faced with a psychopath. A man, who has completely changed over time.

It also got you thinking... If he has lost so many people important to him, if he has been betrayed several times, then what makes him trust you?

Not only did you guys not meet for... well, centuries, but in those times you grew up and he has experienced many things. Could you be his only hope? No, no, that couldn't be it... after all, he's with the Fatui now. He has more than enough people to have expectations for.

As you were focused on finding out answers to the famous question: "Why?" You suddenly realized that there's a little arrow on the bottom left hinting, that something is written on the back.

You curiously turned the map around to find a little message.


Dear y/n... Hah, no. I should drop this kind of addressing.

My loyal friend and partner, y/n.

You better have been able to figure out where this is. I expect to you to meet me there in two days, so get yourself together and start walking now, it's going to be a long journey. You don't want to make me wait, do you...

I know you'll make it, since I know very well that you are in Liyue now. Although I'm sure you wanted to come to me, here, to Sumeru, but you weren't able to make it due to some... inconveniences. Luckily, I have my ways to go in and out of the nation.

Hoping to see-... Expecting to see you there on time. So long.

- Your old friend


After you read the letter you suddenly felt your body stiffen. Just how does he know where you are staying...? Let alone your exact location?! That Fatui agent from earlier was able to find you on the same day when you arrived here.

That being said, this message couldn't have been written long ago, so... Does this mean he can track you at all times, no matter where you are?

It sent shivers down your spine and worry filled your heart. Worry not only for your safety, but for your friends' as well.

You decided to stop thinking too much and ask questions later, since you were running out of time to get there. You quickly packed all your stuff and planned to head out to the city to buy some food before leaving.

As you walked down the stairs, you noticed the owner laying on the floor unconsciously. Of course you felt a little bad about it, since you were partly the reason why this commotion was caused so you left him some money for compensation and a letter saying:

I'm sorry.

• • •

After visiting some Liyuen food stands you started heading towards Luhua Pool. It was late afternoon by now which meant the sunset was coming soon, which meant monsters.

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