Chapter Fourteen

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"So, you ready to go, kid?" Beidou put her hands on her hips confidently. It was early in the morning and you were peacefully resting until she magically managed to find the new place you were staying at.

"What... today?" You rubbed your eyes sleepily, letting out a yawn. To be honest, you expected the departure to be much later, so it came suddenly. If you would've had some more time, you could've trained more with Xiao. After all, it's not like one day worth of practice will do much.

But then again, if the docks would've opened later, then Scaramouche's deification would've been closer and who knows, you could've ran out of time. So in a way, it wasn't that bad... Plus, if you continue to practice the moves Xiao taught you alone, you should be fine.

"Yeah it sure is today! Don't you have something urgent to do? Be happy about it! Heads up, kid!" The captain strongly patted your back.

• • •

In about 20 minutes, you were standing on the ship. You were still kind of dead inside, because Ningguang's friend practically dragged you out of your place.

Luckily, you managed to freshen up quickly thanks to the slight breeze that was blowing across the deck. Taking a big breath, you readied yourself for the journey.

"Alright, to Sumeru we go! Pull the anchors up and let's get this moving!" Beidou shouted so everyone could hear. She was an incredible leader and in a way, you looked up to her.

You heard that she didn't have the best childhood, yet she pulled herself together and even organized an entire crew all alone... now isn't that amazing.

As you were admiring the captain, something suddenly sent shivers down your spine. As if somebody was watching you...

You quickly looked around to see who it could be, only to notice some green and black particles slowly disappearing in the air.


You couldn't even say goodbye to him for a longer time because you didn't know that Sumeru's docks would open up today. He must've expected to see you again.

"My dear friend, what might you be thinking about?" An unknown voice called out to you. Following the direction where the sound came from, you quickly found the person who was talking to you.

It was a boy... A boy with white hair and a red streak in it and in an Inazuman outfit. You watched as he jumped down from where he was sitting, landing on the ground gently, then making his way to you.

"Something on your mind?" He asked with the kindest smile you've ever seen anybody show you. "Well, uh... not really." You answered awkwardly since he just came up to you out of the blue.

The boy seemingly noticed this and let out a small chuckle. "Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, I'm a wandering samurai from Inazuma. I know Captain Beidou well, so sometimes I accompany her."

"My name is y/n, and I'm also from Inazuma. I met Beidou a few days ago, but I can tell that she's a very strong individual." You introduced yourself as well, not saying any details.

"She indeed is... Well y/n, what might be your reason for going to Sumeru? It seems rather urgent, because Beidou immediately ordered the crew to set sail." His eyes locked with yours as he was looking for answers.

"Well... I'd like to avoid talking about it, if possible." You tried to sound polite. He didn't seem like a pushy person, because he immediately understood that there are some private things going on in your life.

"That is fine. In that case, would you like me to show you around?" Kazuha questioned calmly.

"Of course!"

• • •

You reached Sumeru in about an hour, and that one hour wasn't boring at all. You got a lot closer to Kazuha and also quite a few crew members. You felt like this was a place where anyone would accept you.

Once you've said your goodbyes, happily stood there, in Port Omos, ready to find Scaramouche. Although... it didn't take long for you to realize that you have no idea where to search for him. You figured that other people probably wouldn't know where he is, so you only had one option left.


Hi, Scaramouche!

I managed to travel to Sumeru to see you about your plan, but I have no idea where to find you... You don't necessarily have to meet with me if you're currently busy with something, but could you tell me where you are so I can go there?

Thank you.
- Y/n


You wanted to sound as nice as supporting as possible, even though your plan was to stop him. He hasn't suspected anything so far, so it should be fine...

Suddenly, everything started spinning around you... Objects mashed together, and your sight had turned grey, it's like... nothing had life in it anymore.

The people in Port Omos stopped moving, the birds stopped flying mid-air, and now were frozen. It seemed like you were the only one who had their consciousness.

"What the hell is happening?" You thought out loud while holding your head, because you felt super nauseous.

"Don't worry, y/n... It will go away soon." Someone said, as you felt them grabbing your shoulders from the back, and leaning close to your ear.

"Woah! Scaramouche..." You yelped in surprise. "What is happening? I wanted to send you a letter just now, but you're already here." You tilted your head, clearly showing how confused you are.

"Didn't I tell you that I know where you are at all times? The moment I knew you arrived I wanted to visit you. Although... I can only talk to you like this." He spread his arms, signaling you to look around.

"Yeah, about that... Where are we?"

"We are in your mind right now. To put it simply, I am connected to your consciousness. It's but one thing I can do as a soon-to-be God. Isn't it nice, y/n?" He smiled and slowly walked closer to you.

"We can spend time together without anything or anyone interrupting us... Not even the Fatui can intervene. Y/n, you're the one that I trust the most... It has been 500 years, and this hasn't changed." He practically whispered, while lifting a strand of your hair and twirling it around his index finger.

"Even though I treated you coldly during our first meeting in centuries, I really do treasure you. That's why I want this plan to succeed, understand? To create a perfect world. For you, for everyone!" He let go of your hair and let out a loud laugh.

"Those good for nothing Archons don't deserve to control this place. They haven't experienced the pain I did, they know nothing about us... That's why I should be the one in the lead. I've lived through all the unfortunate events that could happen to anyone. I've lived through them all, y/n..."

His last sentence sounded... crushing. You could feel his emotions in those last few words perfectly. This conversation made you think... Should you really stop him?

The boy inhaled deeply, then started talking again. "First you,... then my mother, then the people who accepted me for who I was, who took care of me. But with you, it was my fault. You don't know how much I blamed myself all these years." Scaramouche stated, his voice full of regret.

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask. How come you managed to get out and I was stuck in there?" You questioned out of nowhere.

"Oh, that. I guess I never really told you, have I?" The harbinger looked at you. "Actually, since our consciousnesses are connected, showing you might be easier than explaining." As he finished his sentence, the boy grabbed you by the hand and pulled you so close to himself that your foreheads touched.

You were taken by surprise which made you let out a small gasp. "Close your eyes."

His cold and demanding way of speaking made you do just as he wanted. It's like even if you wanted to go against his orders, you couldn't. So, you had no choice but close your eyes, slowly sliding into his mind, full of dark memories...

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