Chapter Six

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Huh? Leave? I obviously couldn't let that happen. I waited for years, traveled here through extreme conditions, not to mention, I'm in an incredibly dangerous situation here. Any harbinger could show up out of nowhere, they would be capable of doing so.

Without thinking much more, I ran after my friend. "Scaramouche!" I whisper-shouted(?). Luckily I managed to catch him, but when he turned around to face me, I saw a furious look on his face.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?! Why are you still here?" The harbinger asked angrily, grabbing me by the collar to look in my eyes.

"Since when did you get this violent? I came here because I wanted to talk to you again. Of course I'm not gonna just leave like this! And also, even if I wanted to, it wouldn't be as easy as getting in here. I'd definitely get caught." I stated seriously, staring into his soul.

He took a deep breath, then let me go. "I will get you out of here, but promise me that you won't come back."

I didn't know how to feel about his response. One side of me was happy, because I could get out of here alive, but my other side was sad, because he didn't want to talk to me for some reason. I wonder why though...

• • •

Scaramouche got me out of their headquarters safe and sound through some secret passageways, then turned to me. "Consider yourself lucky. Since it was you, I offered my help once. If it would've been any other lowly human, they'd be dead. By my hands, might I add. Now take my advice and don't come back." The boy said in a cold tone.

"Don't you understand my feelings? I waited literal years for this moment! I was so happy when I found your letter, I thought you'd be happy about meeting after such a long time again..." I gave him an answer.

What can I say, I was totally heartbroken. I was so close to achieving this dream of mine to reunite with him again, only for it to be crushed by his own words.

"I... y/n, this is not the time for us to discuss such matters. Since you insist this much on talking to me, meet me at this location exactly 2 weeks later at 8pm. Be glad, now go." My friend said, while taking a tiny paper out of his pockets (I don't know why he had that in there) and writing something on it.

"Thank you! I'd be more than happy to see you there." I uttered, expressing joy with a big smile on my face and closing my eyes.

When I opened them, he was nowhere to be found, although I swear I only closed my eyes for around 2 seconds... weird.

With this thought, I did a 360, then started walking back towards where I came from.

• • •

"Y/n, you're back!" Ayaka came up to me and hugged me tightly. "How did it go?" Asked Sara as she walked up to me as well.

"Well... funny story. I met up with him, but he heavily insisted on me forgetting about him and not going there again. He's like a completely different person than he was back then! Although, he did pity me and told me that we should meet up somewhere 2 weeks later if I wanna talk." I explained everything in one go.

"Huh... that's interesting, why would he say that?" A boy's voice could suddenly be heard from behind me.

"Heizou! You scared me..." I exclaimed, jumping a little, not expecting him to appear out of thin air.

"Heh, sorry." The detective gave me a smug smile. "Whatever... but anyways, I'm just going to wait for that day to come." I smiled, my voice full of anticipation.

"Um, listen... I get it that he's your friend and all that, but he still became a harbinger. Never let your guard down, okay?" General Kujou suddenly put her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"Don't worry! I trust him." I reassured her with a sweet smile, then looked at Ayaka. "Let's go home now, shall we?"

• • •

Minutes and hours passed. Days and nights passed. A week, then two weeks were in the past now.

While waiting on these days for our meeting to come, I was getting harder and harder lessons from Sara. She started taking it up a notch which surprised me, I didn't know why she suddenly started acting like this.

It's like whenever I talked to her, I saw a glimpse of worry in her eyes and it made me feel sad. I mean I have a rough idea why she's like this...

She must be afraid of Scaramouche. No... She's afraid of me getting hurt.

• • •

"Ayato, Ayaka, I'm off!" I shouted through the house so they could hear, then walked out the door to get to the location written on the paper that my friend gave me.

The walk there wasn't long, the destination was nearby. And when I got there... nostalgia hit me.

It was the exact same place where the domain appeared back then. But... on the paper, it said that there's a cave next to it, and I should go in there cause we don't want anyone to see a harbinger with a normal human.

"I guess that's logical..." I thought out loud. Without thinking more about it, I started walking in.

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