Chapter Two

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It might be hard to believe, but when I turned my head to look at the woman who stole my heart, I didn't know who she was. At least not at first. She could be the worldwide known starlet that she is, who can't walk around the city without being recognized, but to me, in that moment, she was just a woman who disrupted my peace.

Now, she was a gorgeous woman. That I saw right away. And I would come to be familiar with her captivating features as time would pass. But a year ago, my heart knew nothing more than loving men - loving Gregory, I thought - which resulted in having hardly room left to pay attention to others.

I didn't so much as flinch when she spoke those words: ''It's enchanting, isn't it?''.

With anyone else, I think, I would be startled: from silence to sound. But her voice - that was smooth and soothing - made me aware of her presence in an unflustered manner, which resulted in my even-tempered response.


She stood next to the bench and looked at the unoccupied spot next to me. ''Mind if I take a seat?''

''Go ahead.'' I said, and it was as much a truth as a lie. I sat perfectly content, enjoying my surroundings on my own. But then, I was not raised with rudeness in my way of life.

She took my consent with grace and sat herself next to me before she spoke. ''I see my hideout has been discovered.''

I smiled and turned my eyes to her. ''Not an excellent choice for a hideout then.''

''That. Or you are just too clever.''

''So I've been told.''

The responses came fast and automatic for the both of us. As uncomplicated and playful as they were.

''Nobody ever comes here, yet here you are, stranger.''

''Perhaps this stranger is new in town.''

''Is that so?''

''Hm,'' I hummed.

''Well,'' She blithely said. ''A warm welcome to you then, rookie.''

''I take it with kindness.''

''As you should.''

We both stared at each other, smiling, before she spoke again.

''What has brought you here?''

''Tranquility,'' I answered, not knowing that that truth would soon be neglected. ''Peace of mind and what not.''

''You came to the right place,'' She confirmed, all the same unaware of the changes that were bound to happen. ''You have a life to escape from?''

''Oh yes, I have severe escapism.'' I exaggerated, and as much as it was meant as a joke, it wasn't.

''That sounds about right. Let me guess: worn out by work or something?''

''Quite the opposite. It is one of the few things keeping me sane.''

''Really? Then what might this miracle nine-to-five be? I'm on board.''

''I talk nonsense on paper.''

She altered her posture in a blithe manner, ''I have the privilege of sitting next to a writer?''

''Must be your lucky day.'' I told her and smiled, then stumbled upon an idiotic question: ''And what keeps you busy?''

''Really?'' She asked, and I remember I thought it to be a strange response.

What a nitwit I was.

''Well, unless you are undercover I say don't tell, but other than that, give it your best.''

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