Chapter Eight

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Unlike the week that Cate visited me every day, the following week, she didn't. We both found ourselves busy enough workwise that is wasn't a suitable time to see each other. On the other hand, we did call every day, and some of those calls actually ended up being as long as the visits itself. As with the talks that we had thus far, we couldn't stop talking on the phone as well.

It was Friday when we both agreed upon the fact that the past days had been active enough.

''I've had enough of this week already,'' I heard her sigh through the phone.

''Tell me...'' I said. I thought about the past week. How I had managed to work up some writers inspiration and work further on my book. This time strictly writing from morning till afternoon, opposed to the usual evening till midnight, because that time I was busy talking to her on the phone.

''I just want to put my feet up, have a drink in my hand and do absolutely nothing.'' She continued, and I smiled.

''You want to come over tomorrow and do exactly that?''

It was silent for a moment, that before she blithely answered. ''I'd love nothing more at the moment.''

The following day she came over early in the evening. I can recall just about everything from that day - the way I had spend that afternoon buying a wide variety of booze; the unflustered manner in which she ended up choosing simple red wine as her choice of drink; and then the way how later that evening we kissed - yet I can't recall what she wore.

I do know that we started, just as those few days prior, in the living room. And just like before, I liked the way she insisted going upstairs again, having had enough of Gregory's talks. Because let's be honest, it was just him doing the talking, and we sat there listening. Therefore I suppose, once we were in my study, and I closed the door behind me, we simply smiled as we looked at each other.

''Anything to drink?'' I asked.

''Wine.'' She responded, then habitually plopped down on the sofa.


''Please. Red if you have some.''

''Are you sure? I've got it all.''


Adhering to her request, I poured us two glasses, then took a seat beside her.

''I suppose my book is collecting dust considering your busy week.''

She laughed. ''It isn't, actually. I'm halfway.''

I looked at her pleased, then a question arose which I didn't utter aloud, but she still answered so kindly: ''It's good, June. You're talented.''

I smiled and looked down as the bashful person that I am, then felt relieved she was the first one to speak again.

''What about you? Had the chance of having a movie marathon yet?''

''Well, no. But about that, what's a good one to start with?''

''You tell me.'' She said as I sipped on my wine. ''You want to see me as an elf? A criminal? A dude?... A lesbian?''

To that I half chocked on my drink, and as she laughed, I tried to respond, but my coughing blocked the way.

''I'm telling you,'' She continued. ''You're not the only one going rogue considering that camping trip of yours.''

''Oh shut up about that, will you?''

''Except I wasn't in a tent, but with twenty other people in a room.''

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