Chapter Thirty one

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Cate knocked on my door in the morning and together we went down to have some breakfast. She introduced me to everyone present who had to do with the movie in some way or another. We all sat at the breakfast table, and just like the party, I had a chance to see Cate amongst all different kinds of people.

Now it wasn't a different version of herself I saw (for she remained as charming and amiable as always), there were just certain things she left out. Lucky for me, only I got to experience her brashness and ability to tease.

It was during breakfast that the plans of the upcoming days were mentioned. And when they rambled on and on about every single press-interview they had to attend, I found myself wondering about my inexistent role.

''What am I supposed to do?'' I asked Cate. I was in her hotel room sitting on the bed after breakfast before she was to leave for the first day full of press.

''You are obliged to nothing,'' She said from the bathroom, then came out wearing her underwear, drying her hair with a towel. ''If anything I am jealous. I have all these people to entertain.''

''Including me?''

She smiled, then walked over to me and cupped my face in her hand. ''Tonight darling. Patience.''

She retrieved to the bathroom.

''I would say you keep me company,'' I heard again. ''But really there is nothing to it. You would have more fun roaming around the area here. I hear there is this one place that-''

''I will come with you,'' I said.


''I will come with you. Keep you company.''

I heard nothing for a moment, but I knew if I was standing there in the bathroom with her, that I would see her smile. She ended up not saying anything, only a hum of approvement after a few seconds, and then the blow dryer.

Luckily I did go with her that day, because as we broke one of our other premeditated agreements, it wasn't boring in the least.

As stated above, the very first night we already managed to throw out our pact not to visit each other's rooms at night. There was a second agreement that we took on to be of great importance, of which we thought could have major risks upon breaking it. It was the rule not to mingle with each other - that is, to kiss - under any circumstances that involved people close by.

But tell me, why did we already manage to break it during that first press-day?

I could say that it was the way Cate looked that day, which was completely irresistible. Or the way she looked at me as she introduced me to some people, and managed to instill a wink. Or the fact that her words sometimes seemed to have a different - more indecent - meaning behind them, and the way she looked at me right then, checking to see if I caught on. I did catch on, and I suppose my sly smile only made it so she would look for more double meaning words to say.

We circled around each other all day, is what I am trying to say, and because of this, it was during dinner that we broke our second agreement.

The work was done for that day, and mechanically the group divided itself into two parties: those who went back to the hotel, and those who wanted to go out to dine. I could see very well Cate was tired and done for the day, but by saying I had never had proper Italian pasta, she seemed eager to join the latter party for a good meal. It ended up being around eight people that were present, all seated around the dinner table in a fine Italian restaurant.

Like I stated, Cate and I had spent that day being way too frisky, and as she sat next to me, the impudence didn't stop there. With every comment I made, she acted as if I just said the most interesting thing in the world; and with every cordial joke she made, I made sure I touched her arm every single time.

Certain footwork happened under the table as well, resulting in only more buildup. I was going to please her whenever we would step foot in either of our rooms later that evening, I knew that much. But it was when the winking started, that I really got distracted.

Halfway throughout the dinner it seemed whenever I met her eye, she managed to slip in a wink. Every single time. And I am not complaining here, but when she combined it with some solid footwork, I couldn't bare acting civil. When everyone at the table was in on a conversation, I leaned in to Cate.

''Stop doing that.'' I whispered.


''The winking. You distract me.''

She smiled, then winked at me again.

I looked at her narrow-eyed. ''We are playing that game?'' I soberly said. ''All right.''

Now, never in my life have I lit up a cigarette. But I decided that during that evening, I was a smoker.

''Excuse me,'' I said to Cate and anyone who might be listening. I am sure it was no one. ''I am going out for a smoke.''

The look she gave me indicated she didn't think I would take it to this level. And after that expression of surprise was given, she smiled and nodded.

Again, probably no one listened when she said she was joining me.

We both got up and went outside, and not a word was shared between us. Not until we walked further up to a side alley, and stood against the wall next to each other in the shadows.

We shared a look, then a smile, and then I asked her if she had a lighter. She laughed and gripped my waist, holding me closer.

''Shut up,'' She murmured before her lips were on mine.

All day I had longed for those lips, and now, when she was kissing me heavily and good, it felt heavenly.

Make no mistakes, it wasn't as if we zoned out from the entire world. We were awfully aware of our surroundings. It is why, when we heard some unintelligible voices coming closer, that we parted so swiftly, and made our way back inside.

Perhaps the moment wasn't as audacious of us as I led on to be, but it does goes to show how easily we broke our strategy. Two days in and we didn't seem to care one bit about the consequences of our actions. We only cared for each other.

We acted civil for the remainder of that evening, and it wasn't until we were back at the hotel, in my room, that I did what I longed to do all day long, and made her heart race.

And then it was her turn.

And then my turn again. And once more.

It was well past midnight when she planned on tiptoeing her way back to her room.

''Please stay,'' I pleaded lying on the bed as she put on her nightrobe. She turned to me and stared at me for a moment, and I almost thought she would crawl right back in bed. But she only looked at me and smiled.

''I mustn't.'' She finally said, and made her way out.

After recalling this lighthearted event, one might question my credibility when I say that the very next night Cate and I would have somewhat of a disagreement that resulted in me considering going home. Though it is very much what happened.

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