Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up in an empty bed the next morning. Turning my head to look at the time, I moaned as I saw how early it was. I sat up and looked around the room.

Last night's traces had been completely erased. No clothes scattered on the floor; no chaotically spread bedsheets; no Cate next to me. Precisely like we had arranged it the night before. Just as the faint scent of my perfume I smelled, which I sprayed in the room afterwards, afraid of her scent lingering in the sheets.

We had managed to cover all of our tracks but one: her lace underwear. But as I saw it under my pillow once I made the bed, I smiled, knowing she strategically place it there, to be found by me only. Not knowing where to put it elsewhere, I stuffed it into my travel bag and took out a book I was reading before zipping it back up. I then got dressed and went downstairs, book in hand.

Little Edith was already up. She sat by the television, and as I caught her attention, we said our good mornings and her focus was again back to the screen. I made myself a cup of coffee before I went and sat in a chair in the far corner of the room. I opened my book and read, and before I knew it the rest of the kids trickled into the room, one by one. They all joined their little sister on the couch, all watching the big screen. And then it was Andrew who walked in only a few minutes later, and then, Cate.

She came in at last. And when she did, I tried to concentrate my attention on the book in my hand and the coffee in my cup. But my eyes wandered, and as I beheld her figure, I inevitably recalled the moment when I last saw it; bare, fine, faultless. I recollected the moment of her lips on mine, and her hands trailing along my skin; how she pushed me onto the bed and undressed herself and me; how she sat on top of me and took a moment to study me fully, consumed and pleased. And then the moment afterwards, as we lay there stark naked in each other's arms. She held me close and spoke softly.

''Well played, darling.''

And really, we did do well. No questions needed to be asked about it. No 'Was this good?' or 'Did we do it right?'. We did it good, all right. I managed to make her feel how I wanted. But before that mark was made, she was ahead of me.

I remember so well her skilled mouth that traveled from my mouth to my neck, then downwards, circling around my breasts, then down even further. My breaths grew heavier and louder, and when her lips reached mine, I softly sighed. Her hand found my mouth and I grew aware of my need to be quiet. The walls were thin - or so I told myself - and I didn't even know who slept or didn't sleep in the next room. It was a handful: trying to quiet myself down as she went her way with me, and I loved every second of it.

And when she finished (and I did as well, heavily) I got on top of her, eager to deliver her a tough time as well, and I triumphed: she grabbed the sheets, tangled her fingers into my hair, bit on her lip, left teeth marks on her arm - all in an attempt not to cry it all out.

And now she simply entered the room and wished everyone a happy Christmas.

She scanned her eyes across the room and met mine, and I felt my cheeks flush. My skin was heating up but I hadn't even realized it one second before her eyes continued to wander further. She then suggested to have everybody help out with breakfast, that ended up with us all seated around the kitchen table, enjoying a generous amount of food.

I found it strange then, that during the time we cooked the eggs, poured the juice, and sat down, she didn't show any sign of brashness towards me. I expected her to at least give me something. But there wasn't a wink nor a brief touch. She acted like she barely even noticed me, and I was starting to think she sleepwalked all through last night, or that it was all a dream.

But then she dragged me aside into another room sometime after breakfast.

''Liked the surprise under your pillow?'' She softly said and played with my hair. I felt her fingers hook into the front of my pants. She brought her lips to my ear and whispered: ''Are you wearing it right now?''

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