Chapter Eleven

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It was getting colder. The holidays were approaching. From the streets you could already see Christmas lights illuminating through the windows of most houses. My typical Christmas would usually look like the previous ten years: celebrating with Greg's family, then with mine; the regular fire of questions about your marriage, your work, your future kids, your life. It was fine, sure, but it always brought with it a feeling of forced cheer, not to mention I was always glad whenever the 26th of December was over, and I had a year off. But the upcoming holiday season would bring some change.

The gradual cause of that change happened when Cate and I were at my house one evening. It was getting late and Gregory had already gone to bed. She and I were on the sofa in the living room; we had been listening to some music and were drinking some bourbon. I looked at her in a way which made my attentions and desired obvious. And then she asked a question, plain and forthright.

''Have you ever had sex with a woman?''

I laughed a little. ''Before I was in a condemned relationship? No, never.''

''Never fantasized about it, either?''

I thought for a moment, then responded. ''I guess not. What about you?''

''Not before you, no.''

I cocked an eyebrow and smiled. ''What is it about me you find so appealing?''

''It's hard to put to words, really.''


She smiled, and I loved the way she looked at me in that moment. Like she was about to talk to me, or devour me, and I was fine with both.

''I want you to come to my house sometime.'' She suddenly said.

''And be your plaything to fool around with?''


''That's daring of you, Cate,'' I said, and it was the truth. Of course I once suggested it myself - and then I fully understanded her wish not to do so, figuring she not only had a husband, but also four loving children - so yes, it was audacious. But we felt invincible at that moment and time, so of course she offered it, and of course I accepted.

A week later I visited her house, and, given he didn't want to feel left out, Gregory accompanied me; it was an unfortunate matter in the beginning - him being there - but it ended up saving Cate and me a whole lot of explanation a little later.

It was the first time I saw her children. They were all at home, and if I didn't know any better, I'd think Cate had them dressed up their Sunday attire, they looked so neat. I would have labeled them, like everybody else, as the perfect family. But I did know better, and everything Cate had told me proved my superficial view to be wrong. I knew the moments of friction that played out between husband and wife, and the children who, from time to time, were inevitable there in those bitter moments.

But none of that was visible when Gregory and I were shown around the house, to end up at the dinner table with everybody, enjoying the food and the small talk. It felt cordial, pleasant and almost normal - one would almost forget the two woman who sat across from each other were misleading everything.

I felt her foot all right, underneath the table, gliding across my leg several times. I noticed she especially took a liking in doing so when I was in the middle of a conversation. And each time I tried to focus on my conversation partner, but she made it a real challenge. Whenever I finished my sentences, I threw a stern glare at Cate, only to catch her charmingly smiling herself. At one point, when I was in a conversation with Andrew, and I felt her brush along my leg for the umpteenth time, I stopped mid-sentence and sharply stared at her.

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