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"Pasta and Questionable Wine"

The darkness engulfed me in it's peaceful embrace as the leaves crunched beneath my feet. The night was completely silent aside from my slow paced footsteps and my quiet hum that fell only on my ears. At least that's what I thought.

A second pair of footsteps made themselves known as they fell in inconsistent rhythm with mine. My hair whirled around my face when I spun around looking for the owner of the sound. My eyes landed on the silhouette of a man walking a few meters behind me, a cloud of smoke escaping his lips as he pulled the cigarette away from his face.

Although in my mind I thought he was most likely just another person taking a midnight stroll just as I was, my mind told my feet to pick up the pace ever so slightly. As I continued walking I heard him start to sing a familiar song, the one that I was humming earlier. Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones, if you were curious to know. His voice was soft and melodic, and it made me want to turn around and go to this stranger, just so I could hear him better. But I kept walking, now feeling like I needed to get away as a sense of danger made itself known to me.

Something in my gut was telling me I needed to run, but I just quickened my pace knowing if this man was in fact wanting to hurt me, that I couldn't outrun him, especially in my uncomfortable sandals that were hard enough to walk in. I tuned back into his singing and noticed that it was a lot closer to me than it was before and my stomach dropped. "No colors anymore I want them to turn..." He stopped singing and I felt arms wrap around my waist.

I let out a scream that sounded strangled due to the fact that my throat was dry from not drinking anything all day. I heard a chuckle as a hand placed itself over my mouth, and I began kicking and screaming.

"What's the matter sweetheart? Do you not like my singing?" Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I continued trying kick or scratch any place I could. I landed a kick in a place that probably wasn't very pleasant and he dropped me as he doubled over.

I started scrambling to get up and just before I started running I felt a cold hand wrap around my ankle and pull me down. He pressed a cloth to my face and pinched my side making me unwillingly take in a breath of the sickeningly sweet smell. The last thing I heard was his voice, coated in malice. "Sweet dreams."

My eyes slowly opened to reveal a dark room, with a single lamp emitting light.
I looked down to see that I was in a bed with red sheets and a white comforter. I scanned my memories and I covered my mouth to keep from letting out a cry as I remembered what happened. I heard footsteps approaching the door and I quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened and I heard two different voices. "So this is her?" The sounded close to me. "Yeah, she's a fighter. But the weird thing is, she didn't come to me when I sang." The man that took me. "Do you think she's actually asleep?" I felt the bed dip down and my heartbeat sped up. A chuckle came from what sounded like the one who was sitting on the bed.

"We know you're awake love." I slowly opened my eyes to see a man a little older than me. He had black hair flipped over revealing white shaven sides. He also had light brown eyes and a piercing in his nose. A smirk played on his lips as he looked down at me. I looked over to see another man that looked the same age, he had shoulder length black hair and bright hazel eyes that stood out against his pale skin.

This was the man who took me.

"What's your name darling?" The one with the long black hair crouched down beside me and I immediately scooted back. I shook my head and he sighed. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" I looked at him and tried to make my voice sound strong. "Why do you want to know?" His eyes narrowed and he leaned closer to me. "I asked you a question. Answer it."

I looked down for a second and then brought my eyes back up to his. "My name is Iris." He smiled mockingly. "Great, thank you Iris. My name is Gerard, and this is Frank." He gestured to the other guy sitting beside me. I nodded slowly and looked back down. My stomach growled and Gerard laughed a little. "Hungry are we?" I nodded a little and he held his hand out for me to take. Like hell am I going to touch this guys hand.

When I didn't take it he let out a groan of frustration. "Either take my hand and come with me, or don't eat. Your choice." After a few seconds I shakily reached out and took his hand. I almost cringed because it was so cold. He noticed this and the corners of his mouth twitched up.

He led me out of the room and down a hallway, the floor was wooden and the gray walls had paintings on them. I stole a quick glance or two at him against my better judgement, he's beautiful. I hoped that he didn't notice this but judging by the smirk playing on his lips he did.

We finally entered a kitchen and I realized how rich they must be. In the living room next to the kitchen they had and huge TV along with multiple gaming consoles and leather couches lining the walls. There was a fire place surrounded by rock and all of the flooring that I had seen so far in the house was hardwood. The kitchen was huge and I could tell that whoever owned the house (or mansion) was probably proud of it.

Gerard pulled out a chair for me at the bar and went to the other side. "What do you like?" I was confused because in all of the movies where someone gets kidnapped, they're treated horribly, but here was Gerard, a man who just kidnapped me, asking me what I wanted to eat. It made me wonder if he was just acting like this for some malicious reason.

"Um, I don't really have a preference." He nodded and walked over to various drawers and cupboards, pulling  out different things. Frank walked into the kitchen and took a seat beside me making me tense up. I guess he noticed this because he chuckled a little.

"What's the matter? Do I scare you?" He leaned close to my ear and I squeeze my eyes shut. "Come on Frank leave the poor girl alone."  Gerard piped up from across the kitchen sending Frank a playful look. This must be funny to them. They probably get a kick out of scaring me.

After a little bit of waiting and being taunted by Frank, Gerard set a plate of pasta in front of me along with a glass of what looked to be red wine. I looked up at him suspiciously, I can't trust him.  I saw him make the pasta, but he had his back turned when he poured the wine. I pushed the glass towards him and he smirked at me. "Smart girl. But I didn't do anything to it."

I pursed my lips and stared at it. "You try it first." He shrugged and brought the glass to his lips, taking a drink. The sly smile didn't leave his lips while he set the glass back down and looked at me, almost challenging me to take a sip. I brought the cup to my lips and my eyes widened at the flavor of the wine. It was amazing. He smiled cockily and and went back to sit on the couch, soon joined by Frank while I ate my food. It was perfect, and I was surprised. He didn't seem like the type to cook.

I jumped when I heard a loud slam and then laughter. Two men entered the house laughing with each other over something unknown. One had long curly hair, and the other had straight, thin brown hair and glasses.

I heard Gerard laugh from across the room and he walked up beside me and greeted the two men. "Uh Gerard, what's up with the chick?" The one with the curly hair didn't take his eyes off of me and the one with the glasses stayed silent as he eyed me. "I picked her up earlier, we'll talk about it later." He gave them both a look and I got a nervous feeling in my stomach. That was something I forgot to ask.

Why am I here?

Who are these people?

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