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"Don't send a human to do a vampire's job."

I laid my head on Gerard's unmoving chest as he messed with my hair, humming a soft unrecognizable tune.

He stopped humming and shifted slightly, signaling he was uncomfortable in our current position.

I started to sit up but he grabbed me and pulled me back down, turning so that we were facing each other.

"Where do you think you're going?" I giggled and he planted a kiss on my nose, before lightly placing three delicate kisses along my bottom lip. 

"You were uncomfortable." I stated simply and he pulled me closer to him, my head coming just under his chin.

"Well I'm not now, my arm was asleep." I just responded with a simple "oh" before closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him, him doing the same to me.

"You know, before I met you I didn't feel as though I had purpose. I mean sure, I was happy enough and I enjoyed life just like any other person. But you, you came into my life and it's like everything is more vivid. It's like all of my favorite colors have been reimagined. Everything reminds me of you, the smell of the garden outside, the colors of the drapes, the simple things really." I sat up, crossing my legs in front of me.

"What brought this up Gee?" He moved his lips to one side and brushed the hair out of his face.

"I don't know really. It's just lately these dreams, they scare me to death. I want you to know how much you mean to me. I never want to lose you." I felt a couple tears brim my eyes but I held them back.

"Gerard, you will always be my love, I'm never going to leave you. Okay?" He nodded his head but his eyes still had a glaze of uncertainty.

"Well-" He was cut off by a loud crash followed by multiple screams.

We immediately  sprang up and ran down stairs.

"Tori!" I ran over to her almost lifeless body, her eyelids were slowly closing.

"Hey! Stay awake! Gerard, g-go get Frank and Ray. Now! Don't bring Mikey, the blood will get to him...go!" He darted off to find everyone and I turned my attention back to Tori and the scene before me.

She had blood seeping through her shirt and bruises forming on her neck.

"I-Iris?" I nodded and pressed my hand on the wound, trying not to let the smell of her blood get to me.

"Yeah, it's me love. Don't close your eyes okay?" I tried to keep my voice even for her sake but I heard it waver.

Her life was draining second by second.

"Oh my God, Tori?" I heard Frank's frantic voice and he crouched down on the other side of her.

"What happened?! Who did this?!" I shook my head as I kept pressure on the wound, trying to think of what to do.

"I don't know, I, what do we do?" He looked around and ran his hands through his hair before running over and grabbing the first aid kit from under the kitchen sink and bringing it back over to me.

"Okay, I'm going to lift her shirt up and then try to identify the wound. That will help us know what to do next, we need to hurry she's losing blood."

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now