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"My, aren't you just the chamer."

It was about 2 am, me and Gerard were walking down an alley way, almost blending in with the darkness. We saw a drunken woman, who looked middle aged, maybe mid thirties.  He looked at me and nodded before walking up to her, not even trying to hide. What the hell is he doing?

He walked up to her and took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips. I felt a pang of jealousy but I quickly buried it. I don't like him, I have know reason to feel jealous. "Good evening darling. Would like me to walk you home?" His eyes flicked over to me quickly and he gave me a quick wink that went unnoticed by the woman. "My, of course. Aren't you just a charmer?" She swooned over him.

He nodded and slyly linked his arm in hers before beginning to walk. I know what he's doing now, he's using his looks to lure her in. I've actually thought about this, maybe the reason vampires took on smooth skin and great hair when they change, is because of hunting reasons.

I was broken out of my trance when I heard a scream that was quickly muffled. He had bent her arm backwards, and pinned her to the ground. He nodded me over and looked at me with a look that said "go ahead", so I did.

Human blood is not like an animal's, animals are bitter, while a human's is sweet, almost metallic. After I finished we stood up and high-fived like 6 year olds winning a game. Sick, I know, but it seemed like the appropriate thing to do. "My, aren't you are charmer." I mocked the woman as we walked away making Gerard laugh. "Yeah, she totally fell for it." Our laughter died down when Gerard's head snapped up, sniffing like a bloodhound.

I too took a deep breath and smelled something unfamiliar to me, almost like a human, but bitter. His eyes grew large and he grabbed my hand pulling me along with him at a fast pace, but not running. "Gerard? What's happening?" He stared straight ahead and I started getting scared. What's going on to make Gerard act like this?

"Other vampires." I nodded quickly and we started running, full speed for the house. We were there in a few minutes and we entered the house, slamming the door open. One by one the other guys sauntered downstairs from their rooms. "What's going on?" Mikey asked his brother. "Other vampires, we were out hunting and smelled them."

The guys instantly became more awake and I couldn't keep myself from being curious. "Why are other vampires bad news?" Gerard looked at all of them like he was asking them if any of them wanted to volunteer and when no one did, he sighed. "Vampires are territorial over their area and they tend to stay clear of other vampires areas, unless they're looking for something they want, it could be turf, something that was stolen, anything really. But we haven't done anything to any other vampires and our area really isn't that great, so I have no idea why they're here."

I nodded slowly and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Are we in danger?" He looked deep in thought as he looked down at me. "I honestly don't know. I think that we should wait it out and see what happens. "Okay. Well, I'm going to go to bed, I know I don't need to, but I feel like I should get a good nights sleep." They all said their goodnights and I went up to my room.

When I entered I was startled to see a man, another vampire by the looks of him, standing at my desk, looking through my drawings. I was about to ask him who he was but I felt someone wrap a piece of fabric over my mouth. I started kicking and scratching but I stopped when the man in front of me looked at me and started talking.

"Well, so you're the new one. Aren't you pretty? I can see why Gerard likes you." He taunted me stepping closer and I was tempted to kick him, but I didn't, knowing I would just get myself hurt. "Now, Gerard took something from me, we figured we'd take something of his," he took a step closer to me and I narrowed my eyes at him. "his little girlfriend."

I wanted to scream at him that I wasn't anything to Gerard but the fabric over my mouth prevented me from doing so.   He nodded to whoever was holding me and I felt a needle sink into my neck, followed by an uncontrollable drowsiness. I felt myself being lifted up, and then nothing.

My eyes slowly opened to darkness. Even with my enhanced vision I couldn't see anything. I noticed that I was on cold ground and I stood up, keeping my hands on the wall beside me. I started inching my way around the room, keeping my hands on the walls, until I found a door handle. I twisted it slowly and to my relief it was unlocked.

When I opened the door I squinted at the new bright lighting and saw that the door had opened to a set of stairs, leading up to another door. I climbed the stairs trying to shake the numb feeling in my body that was lingering from what was most likely whatever they injected me with. I opened the door and saw that it had led to a hallway, and around the corner I saw what looked to be a living room.

I crept into the room trying to be as silent as possible to see two men sitting on the couch, waiting. The guy who was speaking to me stood up and I assume the guy that was sitting next to him was whoever drugged me.

"Look who's awake Tyler?" The guy standing up smirked at 'Tyler' and he stayed silent, but grinned at the guy standing up. "Hello, my names Josh." He stuck his hand out for me to shake and I stared at it. He shrugged and stuck the hand back in his pocket before giving me a smug look.

"Make yourself comfortable, you'll be here until you're little boyfriend gives us what we want." My stomach sank to the floor and I slowly sat down on the couch before coming up with ways to escape. I have to get back to Gerard. An idea suddenly popped into my mind, but I'll give it until tomorrow to go through with it. They'll be expecting me  to try something.

Josh sat down beside me and I stood up moving to the other couch, on the opposite side of Tyler of course. He rolled his eyes and sat back against the couch. "So, how did the change go?" He sounded halfway serious and I just shrugged. I will not speak to him. He narrowed his eyes at me and got up, I halfway expected him to charge at me, but he just walked out of the room.

Tyler laughed quietly and turned to face me. "You've done it now." I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him. "He looks for reasons to be pissed off at people, just for the sake of being pissed off. I think he likes the drama." I nodded and crossed my feet under my knees. "You don't talk much do you?" I felt an anger spark in me.

"I don't talk to people who take me away from my home against my will." His face turned smug at my statement. "Oh but you and Gerard have grown close no? Is that not what he did to you?"

I shot up from the couch and glared at him. "How do you know? Have you been watching us?" I was surprised at how mean my voice sounded and he looked like he was too, but that surprise was quickly replaced by anger. He stood up as well and inched closer to me. "You listen here girl, don't act like Gerard is all sweet and innocent and that it's so horrible that we took you away from that house. We practically did you a favor."

I took a step away from him and looked him in the eyes. Gerard must have really done something to piss them off. "What did he do?" He looked like he was having a mental debate over whether or not to to tell me. He must have decided to cave, because he did.

"Gerard killed Josh's girlfriend."

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now