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"Oh my baby!" She ran over to me, extending her arms, but I pushed her back. "Don't you dare." Her face was filled with fake confusion and she pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. You see, me and my mother had never been on the best of terms with each other, I was my dads princess, and I think my mom was jealous of that.

When he died I guess she finally had the excuse to get rid of me. When she became pregnant with me she wanted an abortion, my dad was the only thing that stopped her. He wanted to have a family, so she went through with the pregnancy, lucky me I guess.

"Look at you! You've grown up." I slightly nodded, my lips pursed together. A man walked up to her side and wrapped an arm around her, much to my surprise. "I see you have as well Julia." I said her name just to spite her and I saw Gerard start to walk toward us, confusion covering his beautiful features.

"Who is this?" She eyed Gerard and I rolled my eyes. "This is Gerard, my boyfriend. Who is this?" I mocked her tone but she ignored it, looking over at the man who looked like that creepy uncle everyone avoided at Thanksgiving. "This is Felix, my husband. Felix this is Iris, my daughter."

He smiled and reached out to shake my hand but I just stared at it, watching as he slowly removed his hand from my personal bubble. Better stay on that side of the street mother fu- "So, what have you been up to these days?"

I sighed and Gerard squeezed my hand reassuringly. That's one of the things I love about him, he doesn't have to know what's going on, he's just there for you. No questions asked unless you want to give him answers. He has no idea who this woman is or where she came from, well I guess he does now that she told this Felix guy that I'm her daughter.

"Well, I'm in a band." I saw the distaste in her features that she didn't even try to mask. "Oh that's nice. Listen we have to bounce, it was nice seeing you." She waved me off halfheartedly and I flipped her off when she turned around. Old habits never die.

"That was your creator I suppose?" Gerard asked me, grabbing a cart that had been abandoned next to the vegetables. I nodded and grabbed some boxes of candy from one of those little crates they put in the middle of the isles. "Yeah, she's kind of a bitch." He laughed before answering.

"I got that impression from her." I got some bottles of soft drinks and put them in the cart. "Hey get a Mountain Dew. Frankie loves Mountain Dew." I raised an eyebrow at him and cracked a smile. "Oh really? Frankie loves it doesn't he." He rolled his eyes and shoved me away from him.

I shoved him back and he fell over, knocking a display of cheese crackers over.  I ran over to help him up but when he took my hand he pulled me down with him. So here we were, laying in a pile of cheese crackers and mistakes when the manager of the store walked up to us.

"Excuse me, if you don't calm down we're going to have to ask you to leave." He seemed displeased and I had to cover my laugh with a cough. "Yeah yeah, we get it." We got up and apologized before walking away quickly, quietly laughing. "We're going to have to ask you to leave." Gerard mocked the managers tone making me laugh harder.


I stepped in the door and immediately sighed at the scene before us. "Listen here you little Frodo looking ass wipe, I WON BLACK OPS, YOU PAY." Ray had Frank pinned to the ground and the TV displayed the menu screen for Call Of Duty Black Ops.

"Shut up toe muncher I don't look like Frodo. Frodo wishes he looked like me. Also, I don't have to pay you shit." Frank smiled up at him before vanishing leaving Ray empty handed. He groaned and stood up, rolling his eyes and dusting himself off.

"We made an agreement that whoever lost Black Ops owed the winner 20 dollars. Frank says I cheated so he doesn't owe me money." Gerard pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head before walking over and setting the bags of junk food on the bar.   Suddenly Gerard's phone rang and he pulled it out of his back pocket, not checking the caller ID.

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now