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A/N Hello people. I have returned c:

" then he just leaned in and we kissed! It was just...amazing." I was listening to Tori talk about finally getting somewhere with Frank, and I was so excited.

"That's great T! I'm so happy for you guys. In other news, Gerard purposed..again." I laughed at the end and she grinned at me.

"I bet that was romantic, is that why you guys went to the beach?" I nodded my head in response and continued braiding her hair.

I wish she would let her hair go naturally, but she keeps it straightened constantly.

She told me that she might one day, but her old boyfriend made her keep it straight so she was kind of insecure about it.

"Girl, you are a beautiful colored woman and you have the hair to go with it, you should rock it. You have no idea how brilliantly stunning and smart you are. Frank will never judge you or weigh you down like that."

She sighed and nodded her head in agreement. I really hoped that she would take my advice and open up.

"Yeah she's right, I never would." We both jumped as Frank entered the room.

"Frank you can't just sneak up on us, I could've just blown you sky high." I let a little wisp of fire crawl down my arm and go to the tip of my pointer finger for effect.

"Yeah yeah, you don't have to show off." He smiled at me and pushed his shoulder.

"I actually just came to let you guys know Gerard's cooking dinner and it'll probably be ready in a few minutes." Tori raised an eyebrow at him in question and he shrugged.

"I dunno, I guess he just felt like it. Gerard loves cooking, I guess being an unlikable creature of the night can't hold him down from his dreams." We laughed at him and he waved at us before disappearing from the room.

"He's crazy, but I really do like him." She looked at the empty space that Frank was inhabiting a few minutes ago.

"I know the feeling."

Gerard drew his hand back with a hiss and held it to him, throwing an accusing look at the pan he was using.

"God damnit Gerard move." Ray pushed Gee out of the way and continued sautéing the vegetables.

I walked over to him and laid my head on his shoulder, burrowing my arms under his leather jacket.

We soon felt another pair of arms wrap themselves around us and I looked to my side to see Mikey hugging us both and smiling contently.

"Mikey what the hell-"

"Sh, just let it happen bro." Gerard shoved him away from us and went back to hugging me.

"Back off mate, she's mine." Mikey through his hands up and laughed.

"No man, I just wanted a group hug. I'll just go hug Frankie instead."

He made his way over to Frank who just rolled his eyes and let it happen.

"I swear, everyone in this house has gone mad." Tori sat down at a bar stool and sipped from a glass of orange juice.

I took a seat beside her and looked over at her, silently agreeing.

After Ray finished sautéing the vegetables, probably better than Gee would've, he turned around and bowed.

"Yes, thank you Ray for your almighty cooking skills. How could we ever repay you?" Gerard sarcastically thanked him and Ray rolled his eyes at him.

"Yeah whatever, you're just jealous because Iris like's my cooking more than yours." Gerard got up and did a crane like pose and I laughed at him.

"We must fight for dominance, strike your pose my young challenger." Ray put his hands in front of him in a fighting stance and at this point me and Tori were almost in tears from laughing so hard.

After we all ate we decided to call Andy, Pete, Patrick, and Joe to hang out again.

They're really great guys and they're fun to be around, I just wish Pete would take a hint and stop freaking Gee out.

I don't think he means anything by it, he's just really friendly.

After a while we heard the doorbell ring and Mikey got up to answer it.

"Hey guys!" One by one the group came in and sat down at different places in our living room.

Frank paused the game he was playing and set the controller down, scooting closer to me to make room for Joe.

"So what's happening in the fabulous world of My Chemical Romance?" Gerard immediately started babbling on about the album and how excited he is to tour, he loves talking about music.

"Well, I'm really excited for you guys. You'll do great." Andy spoke up from his spot on the floor and Gerard thanked him.

"So, have you figured out the logistics of eating while you're on tour?" 

All of us looked between each other and we eventually just brushed it off.

"I mean, it won't be that hard to pick up a groupie or two." I nodded in agreement with Mikey and spoke.

"We won't give up our dream of touring just because we're different. My Chem is going to be around for a long time." Gerard smiled at me and pulled closer to him.

My Chemical Romance will last forever, whether we're still together or not. As long as we touch the hearts of kids in need, the very idea of us will be alive.

Nothing can or ever will change that.

A/N wow ok what am I doing to myself. Heyyyy! new chapter guys c: more soon to come.

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