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A/N that's my cat btw ^^ she doesn't have ears

"Holy shit their toilet water is blue!" We heard Joe's voice come from the bathroom and we all laughed.

We were all sat in a circle playing truth or dare, I was between Frank and Patrick, Gerard was sat across from me much to his displeasure.

"He finds himself baffled by a lot of modern day concepts." Patrick spoke up and I chuckled at his comment.

Patrick is a really awesome guy, I haven't known him long but he seems like a really chill and fun person to be around.

"Alright the party has returned, who's next?" Everyone pointed to Mikey who was sat between Ray and Gee.

"Okay.....Iris, truth." My stomach flipped and I hesitantly nodded, letting him go on.

"Besides Gerard, if you could make out with one person in this room who would it be?" He gave me a smug look and I glared at him.

Oh God, I don't know what to say without freaking Gerard out. He's really insecure about himself and it doesn't take a lot to get him bent out of shape.

"Uh......." I looked around the circle and my eyes settled on Andy. He's very shy but he seems like a really nice person.

"Andy." He blushed slightly and there was a chorus of 'oooooo's around the circle.

"Moving on then.."

I looked at Gerard and his lips formed a slight smile, letting me know he didn't take offense to it.

He winked at me and I tried to hide my blush so that the other people in the room wouldn't think I was crazy.

He seemed smug about the fact he could make me blush so easily.

The game went on for a while, the most exciting thing that happened was that Mikey and Pete kissed. It was pretty hilarious and kinda cute.

Me and Gerard decided to head up to his room to get away from all the chaos.

Of course we couldn't leave peacefully without having a bunch of inappropriate comments about why we were leaving.

When we got up to his room I walked over to his dresser and pulled out one of his t-shirts, heading into the bathroom to change.

When I came back out he was wearing sweatpants, and when I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt my cheeks flared.

Of course we've...done the past but I still get all flustered when I see him like that.

He doesn't have a sculpted perfect body and all of that bullshit, he has a soft tummy that I love.

He's healthy, undeniably attractive, and I love him with my entire existence.

I went and sat down in front of him, taking his hands in mine and laying them in the middle of us.

"I love you." His whisper met my ears and I got goosebumps on the back of my neck.

"I love you too, to the moon and back."

I sighed and let go of his hands before putting my own in my lap.

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now