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"Look at you princess, you're one of us now."

I looked at my hair smiled, I love it. I did my makeup with some of the stuff that I bought earlier with Gerard. I don't wear a lot, just some concealer, eyeliner, and mascara. Although I do sometimes go a little heavier with the eyeliner and mascara, this was one of those times. I pulled on my pair of checker patterned black and white pants and then my Iron Maiden shirt along with my music note shoes. I must say, Gerard is good at picking out clothes. I let my hair fall into it's natural waves and once I was satisfied with my look, I walked out of my bathroom and made my way to the living room.

When I walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, making me blush. "Damn." Frank stated simply earning a glare from Gerard and a laugh from me. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the stuff to make a PB&J. They keep their bread in the fridge. Weird right?

I was in the middle of spreading the jelly on my bread when Gerard sat down beside me. "You look gorgeous." I tried to hide my blush but of course with my luck, that didn't happen. "Aw look guys she's blushing." He taunted and they all made mocking "aw" noises. I buried my face in my arms, hoping to disappear. "I just want to eat my sandwich." I whispered only loud enough for Gerard to hear and he laughed.

After I finished my sandwich, I threw my plate away and sat beside Ray, who was playing a video game on the couch. "May I join you?" He handed me a controller. He was playing Call of Duty MW3, which I was really good at. "I'm gonna school you Fro." He scoffed at me and pressed began the game. "In your dreams princess."

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I had beaten Ray three times in a row and he was becoming frustrated. I was just laughing at him and he ran his hands through his hair. "I'll get you Iris, and you're little dog too!" He pointed at me which only made me laugh harder. "I'm sorry, I'm just too awesome to be beaten." He sighed in fake sadness and shrugged. "I guess so."

"You guys are idiots." Gerard sat down beside me with a bowl of popcorn while Frank and Mikey headed towards the front door. "We're gonna go into to town to get some...dinner." Frank smirked at me at the last word and I cringed. I'm still not used to their...eating habits. "Okay, bye guys." Gerard said kind of ushering them to leave. I know Frank kind of gets on his nerves, but who doesn't get on Gerard's nerves?

He threw a piece of popcorn at me and I tried to catch it with my mouth but it ended up bouncing off my nose. "Damn it." I pouted looking at the piece of popcorn laying on the floor. He chuckled and threw another one and to my surprise I ended up catching it. "Yes!" I threw my hands up like a gold medalist and did a happy dance. "I didn't know you got so excited about popcorn." He stated mockingly and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Hey Gerard?" Hey looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "Can I talk to you? Privately?" He got serious and set the bowl down beside him before getting up. I led him to my room and closed to door before sitting on the hanging glass chair that's in my room while he sat on my bed. "So what's up?"

I took in a deep breath and wiped my clammy hands on my jeans. Okay Iris, just say it. "I want to change today. Instead of on my birthday." He looked shocked but pleased at the same time. "Uh, okay. Um, you should probably know that it hurts. A lot." I nodded in understanding but I didn't change my mind.

Of course I knew it would hurt but I also knew that somewhere deep inside me I knew that this was who I was meant to be, and that there was no use in waiting. He got up a walked over to me, kneeling down beside the chair.

"You should probably lay down on the ground, it will hurt less if you're laying out straight." I did so and he grabbed my wrist, looking at me one more time as if to ask me if I was sure. I nodded once and closed my eyes.

All of the sudden I felt two sharp objects sink into my skin, but that wasn't anything compared to the feeling that shot up my arm and into my heart, then spreading over my body. It was a sharp, burning pain that covered every inch of my body, I felt it in every vein, every muscle, every bone. My body convulsed in excruciating waves, but then, the most surreal thing happened. My heart stopped beating. I expected to lose consciousness, to see a bright light and be taken to the other side. But no, the pain suddenly became it's worst, and then all at once, it stopped. I tried to move, to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I felt like I was floating, like I wasn't in control of anything. I wanted to scream for someone to help me but my mouth wouldn't open. I was frozen.

I felt someones fingers wrap around my own and then, a perfectly clear voice that rang loud in my ears. Like someone had turned the speakers at the concert all the way up and I was standing right beside them. "If you can hear my voice Iris, squeeze my hand. Try, as hard as you can." I focused on my hand and tried to put all of my strength into moving them. After what felt like hours of trying, my hand tightened around his.

One by one I regained feeling in all of my muscles, and then finally I opened my eyes. I could see every crack in the wall, every bead of water forming on the window, everything was perfectly clear and enhanced.  My eyes landed on Gerard and he gave me a reassuring smile. "You did good." I sat up and stayed there for a second. After I caught my breath, I slowly stood up with the help of Gerard. He pulled me up and wrapped and arm around my waist and I wrapped mine around his shoulder. He led me to the bathroom and I stood in front of the mirror while he stood behind me.

I was shocked actually, my skin was clearer, my hair was thicker and longer, which made my roots show. If he would have told me before that my hair would grow longer I probably would have waited to dye my hair. The thing that really stood out though, were my eyes. They were red, and not the type of dark red that the guys eyes turned when they were angry or hungry, mine were the color of blood.

I turned to Gerard and opened my mouth to speak, it was then that I noticed the unbearable thirst in my throat. "G-Gerard, it burns." I pointed to my throat and he nodded taking my hand and leading me out of room and down the hallway. Everybody was in the living room, Frank, Ray, and Mikey. They gave me shocked faces when they saw me and Frank stood up quickly walking over to me.

"Look at you princess, you're one of us now." I forced a smile due to the fact that all I wanted to do at that moment was sink my teeth into something. Gerard knew this, so he took me outside. "I'm going to show you how to hunt. Let's start with a deer." I nodded and he looked at me. "Now, what do you hear?" I closed my eyes and concentrated on differentiating the sounds around me.

Everything was louder and all of the sounds were ringing in my ears. I heard a loud twig snap in the distance and I zeroed in on it, my eyes snapping open. I let my legs carry me in the direction of the sound and I was surprised at how fast they took me. I was going the same speed, if not faster than the speed Frank carried me at. I stopped when I came upon a deer, and crouched down behind a tree.

It's head was tilted down to the water and it's eyes were closed as it drank. A different sound made itself known to me and I focused on it so I could figure out what it was. A heart beat. I was hearing the deer's heartbeat. I slowly emerged from behind the tree and when the deer's eyes shot open I pounced, bringing the deer down with me when I landed. I sank my teeth into it's neck and it went limp after a few seconds. I heard clapping and I lifted my head to see Frank and Gerard sitting in a tree, Mikey and Ray leaning against it at the bottom.

I stared at them as they congratulated me, when they stopped, I scaled the tree next to me, just to see if I could do it. I reached a high branch and I looked down to see Gerard on the branch below me, smiling up at me. "Look at you, already learning the ropes." I smirked and I stood up, before jumping off the branch. It's amazing knowing that you're practically indestructible. I landed softly and laughed.

My new life.

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now