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I woke up slowly and looked around, scanning the living room. I couldn't see Gerard, so I just hauled myself off of the couch.

I continued to look around the house, but still couldn't find him anywhere, so I decided to go outside.

Upon exit of the house I saw Gerard sitting on the porch swing, sketching away in his notebook.

Making my way over to him, I breathed
in the fresh air that wasn't tainted by the smells of grown men.

Don't get me wrong, vampires are just naturally clean. But men are men, they always smell funny.

I sat down beside him and looked over his shoulder to see his new drawing. It was a person with longish red hair and a yellow mask with blue dots on it.

"His name is Party Poison." His soothing voice met my ears and I smiled at the sound of it.

His jersey accent will never get old to me. I was born and raised in New York, so I had my own.

"Is he one of the characters in one of your comic ideas?" He nodded his head and continued to shade Party Poison's hair.

One thing that should be known about him, trying to get him to talk when drawing is useless.

Unless you're David Bowie himself, you probably won't have a lot of luck.

I kissed his cheek and he grinned a bit. "Will you make me some pancakes?"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Is that the only reason you show affection? Because you want something?" I shrugged and nodded my head and he sat his book down before heading inside, presumably to make some pancakes.

I rested my head on the back of the swing, letting my feet dangle over the floor of the porch.

I heard a door open and then close, and opened my eyes to see Pete leaning against the railing.

"Hey." I nodded my head at him and sat up straight, giving him my attention.

"What's up?" He looked down at his feet, brushing his dark hair out of his face.

"I like you." I raised my eyebrows and my mouth hung open slightly, not knowing what to say.

Pete's a great guy, I don't want to hurt him. But I'm engaged, and I really don't  want awkwardness when him and the guys come around.

"That being said," he continued, now looking at me. "I'm not trying to come in between you and Gerard, I'm really happy for you guys. I just wanted you to know." I nodded my head slightly and walked over to him, giving him a light hug.

"It's okay Pete, you're a really good guy. You'll find someone." He hugged me back for a brief moment before letting his arms drop to his sides.

"I hope so, thanks for not flipping out. I really don't want Gerard Way mad at me, he's not one to piss off." I laughed and agreed with him.

I left him on the porch and walked inside, seeing Gerard flipping pancakes in the kitchen.

Ray walked into the kitchen and rubbed his hands together before walking in Gerard's direction.

"Ray," Gerard started, not turning to look at him. "if you so much as breath in the direction of my wife's pancakes I will downgrade you to playing the triangle." Ray sighed, hanging his head as he walked away.

"Gerard! Be nice, and hey. I'm not your wife yet hot shot, we still have a month or two." He blushed when he saw me and ducked his head down, going back to the pancakes.

"Sorry babe, I don't want his germs in them." I giggled and walked over to Joe and Mikey who were peacefully chatting about wether or not you should feed from animals, humans, or both.

Although I don't get the big deal, we're all a part of the food chain. We just happen to be at one of the highest, if not the highest, ranking species.

Yes it's true that we were once human, but it's all a part of life.

Looking back, I can't really fathom how I lived life on a day to day basis as a human.

No crazy advanced speed and strength, not being able to go days without having to put down a book, just the simple things.

We all still have our "I wish I was still a human" moments, but I think we feel pretty happy with the way we are.

"Pancakes are done, love." Gee set the plate down along side a glass of juice.

I thanked him and began eating my pancakes, listening to the various conversations going on throughout the room.

Frank walked by where I was sitting and snatched a pancake off of my plate, much to my displeasure.

I glared at him and he grinned.

"What are ya gonna do about it?" I just nonchalantly shrugged and continued cutting up my snack.

"Oh nothing probably." At this a look of slight worry covered his features before disappearing.

"We'll see. I'm very observant, nothing gets passed me."

"We shall see Iero, we shall see."

He laughed and took a bite out of it.

"Oh yeah?" I set my fork down and walked over to him, crossing my arms.

"Let's fight." Tori groaned from across the room and we all looked at her.

"Is that all you people do? Fight each other? Me and Frank have things to do." Frank looked disheartened at her statement and walked over to where she was sitting.

"Do we have to?" She simply nodded her head at him and he sighed before getting his shoes and slipping them on.

"Where are you guys going?" Frank shrugged and continued lacing his boots up.

"I don't know. Tori said we had to go to an arts and cra-"

"Frankie shut up! That's a surprise." I looked her with a curious look and she smiled.

"Don't worry about it, we have something planned for you guys." I smiled back at her and looked at Gerard who also seemed curious.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see." He nodded his head at me, sitting down on the stool beside mine.

"I guess so."

I'm so sorry guys. I can't talk about what's happening but I'm just really overwhelmed right now.

Much love, xx

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now