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"Date with a vampire."

The three of us walked out into the yard to see Josh and Tyler, standing there with cocky faces. I immediately took a step closer to Gerard and Josh smirked when he noticed this. "What's wrong babe? Do I scare you?" He sneered at me and I felt Gerard tense up, I squeezed his hand to reassure him and he relaxed a little.

"What do you want Joshua?" Gerard stepped forward, kind of handing me over to Frank who stepped in front of me slightly. "I want that girl. At first it was to screw with you, but now I know about something that she has that I want. You'll either give that to me, or I kill her. Rip her apart and burn her. Sound familiar Gerard?"

Gerard's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched before his mouth formed into a smile. "Oh yeah, I remember it like the back of my hand. Every scream." Josh lunged at Gerard and grabbed him around the throat. Before we knew it Josh had Gerard on his knees, ready to snap his neck.

"No!" I screamed and ran toward's them just before Josh could rip his head off. All of the sudden, Josh's clothes were on fire and he was rolling around, trying to put it out. I had absolutely no idea what had happened but everyone was staring at me in awe, even Tyler.

-Gerard's PoV-

She ran towards us, screaming when I saw her eyes turn black, and I mean her entire eye. I felt a radiance of heat from behind me and turned to see Josh kicking and screaming on the ground, covered in flames.

I whipped my head back to see Iris covering her mouth and backing up towards Frank, she looked like she was in shock. Josh finally put out the flames with the help of Tyler hitting him with his jacket. "You see?! She's extraordinary!"

Josh yelled pointing to Iris who was still hugging Frank, who had his arms wrapped around her protectively. "What in the hell are you talking about Joshua?" Mikey spoke for the first time since being out here.

Josh gave us a wicked smile that could make the devil himself cringe. "Oh so you don't know? You don't know that you're little Iris is the owner of an ability?" We all looked towards Iris who looked like she was still confused about the whole situation.

-Iris's PoV-

Everyone was staring at me and Frank was hugging me from behind, making me feel a little more protected. They all looked like they were expecting me to do or say something but I stayed silent, my eyes meeting Gerard's.

Josh took a step towards me and I felt my hands heat up, much to my confusion. I looked down at them to see they looked perfectly normal and back up at Josh. Frank's arms wrapped tighter around me and I knew that if Josh took one more step Frank would rip his head off.

He may seem fun and bubbly but he's very protective, he doesn't take a lot of crap from people. "Why don't you show them Iris?" My brows furrowed together and I felt myself becoming angrier. The fact that he seemed to know more about me than I knew about myself, really frustrated me.

He suddenly stepped towards me and I threw my hands in front of me, seeing a ball of flames grow in between my hands. Everyone's jaw dropped and Josh just smirked at me, before sharing a knowing glance with Tyler. I stared at the fire that I made, mesmerized by the fact that I created it.

I relaxed and the flames crawled up my arms before disappearing. "I've never seen anything like that." Ray spoke up, the statement mostly being directed at Gerard, but it was Tyler who responded. "I have."


"So you're telling me that you have magical dreams?" We were all sitting in the living room, trying to find out how Josh and Tyler knew about my newly found "ability". Tyler said that he has dreams that show him things in the past or things in the future, I guess like a psychic sort of thing.

"The night she escaped, I had a dream about her burning down a building. All I remember about the building is that it had the word 'hope' spelled on it. I don't know what it means, but I that's how I knew that she has the ability to control fire." We all stayed silent until Josh stood up.

"Well, now that that's over," he grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me out of the house. I felt my skin become hot and he dropped his hand, clutching it as though he had just touched a hot skillet. By this point Gerard had shot up and had Josh by the collar, dragging him out of the house.

He threw Josh into the yard, followed by Tyler. "You stay the hell away from here, or next time, I'll rip you apart just like your girlfriend." Josh glared at him and Tyler held him back. They began walking towards the edge of the woods but just before they started running, Josh turned around and pointed one finger at Gerard.

"This isn't the last of us Way." They disappeared into the forest and Gerard pulled me towards him, wrapping me up in his jacket with him. "I'm not going to let them hurt you." I looked up at him to see him looking down at me. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face and gave me one of his closed mouth smiles, before releasing me and leading me inside.

We sat down on my bed and he suddenly looked like he had an idea. "We should do something, just you and me." He looked at me with a hopeful gleam in his eyes and I laughed while nodding. "Meet me downstairs in an hour, wear something nice." 

He winked at me before leaving the room, not closing the door behind him. "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?" I yelled in a joking manner out into the hallway before shutting the door and heading to my closet to find something.

I settled on a black strapless dress that was tight up top but started flowing out at just above my bellybutton. I also grabbed my black heels and headed to the bathroom to try to make myself look halfway decent. After I finished my shower, I put my hair into a towel turban while I did my makeup.    

Heavy-ish eyeliner and a smokey eye with mascara, heavier than usual, but this was a special occasion and the black makeup made my now brightly colored eyes stand out, making them look almost unnatural.

When I pulled on my dress I realized I had a problem, I couldn't exactly zip it up by myself. I called Frank's number and within seconds he was at my door. "What's u- woah. Who you trying to impress?"

He smirked at me and I blushed a little. "I'm going out with Gerard. I can't get my dress zipped up." I turned around and he zipped it up easily, much to my happiness. "Thank's Frank." He nodded once and gave me a dorky salute before vanishing out of my room.

I shook my head and laughed at his childlike behavior while I pulled my heels on. Walking down the stairs was only slightly difficult and when I finally reached the bottom I almost passed out looking at Gerard.

He was wearing a black button up with a red tie, and black skinny jeans. Someone pinch me. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand before pulling me outside. "You look beautiful." I blushed at his comment as he opened the door to his car for me. "You look very handsome." He smirked at me before walking over to the drivers side and starting the car. I'm going on a date with a vampire.

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