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"He calls the mansion not a house but a tomb," Gerard moved his hands to the music and closed his eyes, taking in every aspect of the music playing through his headphones.

He had already recorded the rest of the song but he wanted to redo the intro.

He truly is a genius when it comes to music, he's kind of the leader of the band. Constantly keeping us in check, making sure he gives an honest opinion when one of us records something he doesn't like, just making sure that we're all where we're supposed to be.

I watched as his hands went to his headphones, something that he did a lot when recording. I don't know how it helps him, it's just a cute little habit he has.

He has a lot of cute habits actually, the way he talks out of the side of his mouth, how he moves his hands around constantly when explaining something or telling a story.

Although I find myself guilty of that as well, I guess it's an Italian thing.

The song faded out and he removed his headphones, hanging them on the wall, before walking out of the booth.

"Ahh that was so great!" I hugged him and he giggled his breathy, almost raspy giggle while hugging me back.

"Thank you m'lady." He said cheekily before removing an imaginary hat and bowing down.

"You're such a strange person."

Tori's Point of View.

(Woah bet you didn't see that coming)

"Frankie...stop!" My laughter filled the room while he tickled me without mercy.

"'No! Not until you tell me what you were talking to Iris about!"

He had heard me earlier talking on the phone with Iris about him in my bedroom, and he was trying to figure out what specifically I was talking about.

I managed to wiggle away from him and I wiped the tears of laughter off of my face.

"You're a jerk!" He just chuckled response and tucked one leg under him, letting the other hang off the couch.

Kind of a weird position if you ask me but it's Frank what are you gonna do?

"Seriously, what were you saying about me? I heard you say my name so it's automatically my business." He stated this matter of factly.

"I'm not sure that's how it works, Frankie." I noticed that he lightly blushed at this and I tilted my head.

"What's up with the blush?" His eyes widened and quickly shrugged.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." He said this almost too quickly and I furrowed my eyebrows before scooting closer to him.

"No really, tell me. I'll tell you what you said if you tell me why you blushed." He suddenly perked up before sighing and scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I uh. I like when you call me Frankie. It's kinda cute." I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips.

"Aw! That's so cute. But I'm still not telling you." I started to get up and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

I couldn't help but flinch at the sudden contact and he quickly let go, worry covering his face.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry I forgot," I shook my head at him and placed my hand on his.

"It's okay, really it is. I have to start to try to recover from it. I still have nightmares." I could've sworn I saw tears brim his eyes before he shot up, the sadness on his face quickly turning to anger.

"I just don't understand how someone could ever hurt you! You're perfect! I would kill to be able to call someone like you mine and that asshole had the nerve to treat you so badly and traumatize you. It doesn't make sense! You're hilarious, you're such a happy and optimistic person, you have the best personality I've ever seen. Not to mention how drop dead gorgeous you are, you're hair is so soft and pretty. And you're eyes! They're so bright and clear and they stand out so well against your skin which is guess what, also perfect."

He was out of breath and flustered by the time he stopped talking and I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his shirt.

"Thank you so much Frankie." I was crying at this point and I instantly felt bad for getting my tears on his shirt.

"Aw babe no, don't cry. Shit I didn't mean to make you cry, see this is what happens when I open my big ass mouth." He leaned away from me and wiped the tears off of my face.

I looked at his face, taking in everything about him. His beautiful hazel eyes, his tan skin, his pink lips.

Everything about him is perfect.

He leaned in and I almost panicked, how do I react to this?

I decided to just let my fate decide how this worked out and when his lips met mine I almost fainted.

After a second or two I kissed back and his hand rested on my cheek while my arms were still around him.

It was a perfect, cliche kiss.

It seemed like it went on forever but I knew it was only less than a minute before our lips departed.

His forehead rested on mine and he still had his eyes closed, I could see the velvety veins on his eyelids that gave him almost a sick look.

"You have absolutely no idea how happy this situation makes me." I laughed and he opened his eyes to look at me, a smile forming on his face as well.

"I think I have a pretty good idea."

Iris's Point of View.

We decided to stay out for a while so Gerard suggested we go to the beach and walked on it for a bit.

The sun was setting now so it was a perfect view, I could see why he thought this would be a good place to go.

He suddenly stopped walking and turned to me, looking down at me.

"I realized we didn't have the best and most romantic situation when I proposed so,"

He dug around in his pocket for a second before pulling out a little black box.

Oh my God he's about to give me an engagement ring.

He brushed his hair out of his face before getting down on one knee and smiling goofily up at me.

"Iris Piper Murphy, will you marry me? Again?" I couldn't help but laugh as I nodded. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring, the diamonds incrusted in the band of it.

"Sure why not." He stood up again, brushing the sand off of his jeans before slipping the subtle but gorgeous ring on my finger.

My phone ringing made me lightly jump before I pulled it out of my back pocket.

I answered it and was immediately met with Tori's excited voice.

"You won't believe what just happened!"

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now