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A/N Okay so this story isn't going to be completely correct in the sense of when everything happens and who it happens with but come on, this is a vampire story. That in itself isn't very realistic in itself now is it ;)

"I can play the drums."

"So where is this mystery place?" He wasn't telling me where we were going and I think he was finding my frustration amusing. I poked him and he ignored me. I poked him again, hoping that he would react. No such luck.

I went to poke him a third time and he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers together. "Poking me isn't going to get you answers Iris." I looked at our intertwined hands and stared at them for a second. I know it probably seems like me and Gerard's relationship is moving fast, and in a way it is, but we haven't really talked about it.

I think we just enjoy each other's company really. I think that from the moment we laid eyes on each other (even under the circumstances), we felt connected to each other in a way. I don't really know what you would call us, but I think we're just going with the flow at the moment.

He pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Have you forgotten that we're vampires?" He laughed and shook his head, turning the car off. "It's all about the experience babe." I smiled to myself and got out of the car, interlocking my arm with his.

When we entered the restaurant everyone gawked at me and Gerard. Gerard glared at them and they immediately went back to their meals. The power he had over people baffled me. "Would you like a table?" Gerard nodded and as we followed behind the woman he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"No that's fine we'll take carpet for two." Sarcasm coated his voice and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. I lightly pinched his arm and he snickered. We sat down at a booth and the waitress put two menus in front of us, not taking her eyes off of Gerard.

I couldn't really blame her, he's perfect. She left with our drink orders, two coffees and waters, leaving us alone at the booth. He glanced around the room and once he seemed pleased with everything his eyes landed on me. "So, what's your favorite color?" I giggled at his question and shrugged. "I dunno. Black I guess?"

He grinned and made a thinking face. "What's your favorite animal?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "These are odd first date questions Gerard. Shouldn't you be asking if I have kids, if I'm into politics?" I joked and he laughed and nodded.

"I suppose. But those aren't really any fun now are they?" He grinned at me while taking a sip of his black coffee. People who are able or enjoy to drink coffee completely black shouldn't be trusted, they have too much power. He set his coffee down and looked at me, studying me in silence. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Cheekiness covered my voice and he rolled his eyes. "In your dreams."

After we ate dinner we left and he started driving in a direction that wasn't headed towards home. When we pulled up at a Walmart I looked at him with a curious look. "Isn't it a little odd to walk into Walmart in a dress and heels?" He shrugged and shook his head.

"We're gonna get swimsuits." I thought it was odd but I followed his instructions of finding a swimsuit anyway. I found a black and purple two piece and when I tried it on I was very happy to see that I looked decent in it. He got a pair of black swim trunks and after we paid we left the store. "What are we doing now that we've obtained swimsuits?"

He made the 'lips are zipped' motion with his fingers and I rolled my eyes, turning up the radio to see that Brain Stew by Green Day was on. He nodded his head to the beat and turned it up more, rolling the windows down. We came up to a stoplight and looked over to see a car full of teenage girls, giving us dirty looks.

I made devil horns over my head with my hands and Gerard almost choked on his drink. The girl driving scoffed and revved her engine. I shared an amused glance with Gerard and he winked at me.

When the light turned green they sped off and we gave them about thirty seconds of victory before Gerard sped past them, I mean come on, their piece of crap car against Gerard's Charger, there isn't a big competition.

I flipped them off as we went passed Gerard gave me an amused look before shaking his head at me. "You're really something you know that?" I shrugged and leaned back into the seat, closing my eyes.


By the time we arrived at a beach, it was dark outside. He handed me my bikini out of my bag and pointed out a restroom for me to change in. "Go change there and meet me at the gate to the beach. I'll change in the car." I nodded and got out of the car, walking over to the restroom.

I got the feeling that someone was watching me and I looked around, finding no one. I shook my head and entered the restroom. When I walked out I saw Gerard standing at the gate, looking out into the water. I put my clothes back in the car and walked up beside him.

When he turned to look at me he did a double take, making me blush. He took one more look at me before climbing over the gate, with me following. When we reached the other side he grabbed me by the waist, throwing me over his shoulder before running towards the water. "Gerard Way put me down!"

I giggled and he spun me around, a laugh escaping his mouth. "What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of the cold crashing waves." He taunted me and just as I was about to respond he threw me into the cold water. I felt it cover my skin and refresh me and I poked my head out of the water to see that his shoulder length black hair was wet, clinging to his skin.

I grabbed a hair tie off my wrist and put my hair into a bun. "Thanks Gerard, you got my hair wet." I mock fussed at him and he shrugged before swimming away from me. "Bet you can't catch me!"

"You're on."


After swimming around for a while, we laid down on a board walk, staring up at the moonlit sky. The stars stood out against the pitch black sky and the moon casted light across the water. His voice met my ears as I stared up at the stars, trying to find constellations. "I think I'm going to start a band." I looked over at him to see him already looking at me.

I met his hazel eyes with my green ones and smiled. "Really?" He took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. I think so. Me and Mikey have always had this dream of making music. Frank and Ray can play guitar and Mikey can play the hell out of a bass. I think I could get by with singing."

I sat up and he did as well, crossing his legs in front of him. "I can play drums. I don't mean to invite myself into everything but, my dad taught me how when I was growing up and not to brag, but I'm pretty good." My eyes watered as thoughts of my dad came back to me.

He passed away when I was 16 from cancer. That was when my mom set me up for adoption, she said I reminded her too much of him. I never got adopted and I finally moved out of my last foster house when I turned 18. The families I stayed with were nice and everything, but I wanted security, and a real family. That never happened until now.

He snapped me out of my thoughts by speaking again. "I guess it's settled. I'll talk to the guys tomorrow." We drove home and after dismissing Frank's dirty jokes about why we were gone for so long, we both went up to bed.

A/N Hehehehehehehehehe and the start of My Chemical Romance happens. I'm so excited, this is probably going to be a pretty long story so be prepared. It's going to last up until present time so Cx at least that's my goal. I wasn't initially planning on MCR being a real thing in the story, but I decided that it would be really fun to write about them touring, living as a band, and so on and so fourth. I'm actually already halfway done with the next chapter, so that should be up really soon.

Stay gorgeous <3 Peace.

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