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"Yes! That was awesome!" Tori had just gotten sprinting without running into a tree down.

It is very difficult to turn at first if you don't know what you're doing.

Her and Frank had been stuck to each other like glue these past few days, and it was very cute.

They would never admit how much they liked each other and it was frustrating to watch.

Frank jumped down from the tree branch he was sitting in and landed beside her, making her jump slightly.

"Hey, you should try teleporting next. I can show you." He looked at me with pleading eyes as if asking if he could take over or training session.

"Sure but, please bring her back in one piece, I'm taking her hunting later." I winked at her once before Frank smiled happily, wrapping his arms around her before they both disappeared into shadows.

No one else that we know of can teleport with someone else besides me, but Frank can do something like it with his ability of manipulating darkness.

I ran my hand through my hair before scaling the tree beside me and laying down on one of the bigger branches.

I closed my eyes and let my arms dangle beside me. I heard someone climb the tree and sit on one of the branches, but I didn't open my eyes, knowing it was probably Gerard.

"Hey Gee." An unknown voice made it's way to my ears and my eyes snapped open.

"Try again my dear. Miss me?"

I started to let out a scream but a hand covered my mouth, and I bit down on it as hard as I good. I tried to teleport but I couldn't get away long enough to concentrate. I jumped down from the tree, immediately running back to the house as fast as I could, knowing they were right behind me.

"Gerard! Someone hel-" I ran into a body and looked up to see Tyler staring down at me with an anything but happy smile on his face.

I was picked up and I felt something sink into my neck, no this can't be happening again. The dark spots in my vision grew bigger until I couldn't see anything and I felt all the feeling leave my body.

"Put her in the van. I'm getting Gerard." That was the last thing I heard before I submitted to the darkness.

I jolted awake when I felt an ice cold substance cover my body. I looked to see Tyler standing there with a bucket next to Josh, and Gerard tied to a chair beside me.

He called for Josh and I tried to scoot my chair closer to Gerard before Tyler stopped me and dragged me further away from him.

I spat in his face and he rolled his eyes, wiping it with his sleeve.

"That was childish." I just glared at him and the door to the room opened, letting more light into the dimly lit room before Josh stepped in.

"Well look who's awake! Let's get this party started shall we. I think we should wake Gerard up." He sent a hard punch to Gerard's jaw and his head snapped up, his eyes widening when they landed on me.

"Iris? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Josh laughed at him and shook his head.

"She's fine dumbass. For how long, I'm not so sure.." He walked over to me, almost as if he was taunting Gerard.

"Please, this isn't her fault. She didn't do anything, I did. Let her go, I'm begging you." Josh's eyebrows shot up and he sent a look over to Tyler.

"You hear that Tyler? He's begging us. That's pathetic." Gerard looked down at his lap and slowly looked up at me before mouthing, "I'm sorry."

My lip quivered and I nodded at him, letting him know that it was okay.

Josh turned to me before pulling a knife out of his pocket, and dragging along my jaw. I didn't jump back, I just maintained a glare. I only slightly flinched when he put more pressure on the blade, feeling some blood rise to the surface.

Gerard's pained eyes watched, and then I remembered how hard this must be. This is so much like his nightmares, watching me get hurt, and not being able to do anything to help me.

I have to stay strong for him. He walked around in a circle around my chair, twirling the knife between his fingers.

When I remembered that it's harder for me to die, it didn't make me feel better.

They can make me suffer, for a very long time before killing me. But even worse, they're going to hurt Gerard.

"I think what we're going to do here Iris, is kill you first. We wouldn't Gerard to miss out on that now would we?" I could see Gee getting angrier and angrier by the second. They better hope they have him restrained well enough.

Wait a second.

I let my hands warm up in an attempt to maybe burn the ropes off, but when Josh noticed this he just let out another laugh.

"I'm sorry my dear. That won't work, we thought ahead." He tapped his temple and crouched down in front of me.

"Such a waste. So young, so beautiful. So gifted. But no, you chose to stay with him. A monster! A cruel human being. He obviously has no regard for other peoples well being, he killed an innocent girl."

Gerard scoffed from his side of the room.

"Innocent my ass, do you know how many guys she was sleeping with when she was with you? Hell, she tried to make a move on me once or twice." Gerard's sass still shown through, even in the midst of the danger threatening our lives.

"I'd watch yourself Way. It'd be a shame if something her to happen to our little Iris." Josh moved the knife to my neck and I sunk back as far as I could in the seat.

He drug the knife across my neck and a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Stop! What do I have to do?! I'll do anything! Just please, please leave her alone." Gerard was struggling against the ropes that bound him and Tyler held the chair in place, preventing him from going anywhere.

"It's too late for that. You made your choice long ago." I couldn't help the tears that ran faster down my cheeks as Tyler grabbed Gerard around the neck, the threat of twisting in hanging in the air.

"No Tyler, not yet." Josh walked over to his friend and lightly pushed him away from Gerard.

"We'll be back soon. I hope you two enjoy your time with each other before it's gone." Josh smirked as he pulled the door shut behind him. Gerard started scooting his chair over to me and when he was right across from me he leaned his forehead on mine before kissing me.

When we pulled apart he shook his head and stared down at his lap, a few tears hitting his jeans.

"I'm so, so, sorry. You, you don't deserve any of this." I just stared at him as he cried, wishing I could pull him into my arms.

"Gerard. I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. If I die today, I'm glad it will be with you." This only made him cry harder.

When he calmed down a bit he grew quiet, before speaking the two words that I thought I'd never hear from anyone.

"Marry me."

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now