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"Gerard is a fan of dramatic exits."

"You did what?!" I was awoken by Gerard's booming voice and a loud bang. Oh God. I got off of Gerard's bed and walked out of the room. I should probably explain what happened the night before.

"Come on Iris, let's go on a walk." He led me out of the front door and down the front porch before crouching. "Get on my back." I gave him a 'what the hell?' look and he smiled slightly. "Just do it." I didn't really have a choice so I climbed onto his back and held onto his shoulders.

He told me to hold on and I  wrapped my arms tighter around his shoulders. All of the sudden the world started moving in a blur past me, taking my breath away. I couldn't scream because I could barely breath, and all at once we stopped moving. I pushed myself off his back making me fall onto the floor of the woods that surrounds their house. "What the hell was that?!" He laughed playfully and shrugged.

Oh my God, did that really just happen?

He walked over to a tree and began scaling it with an inhuman speed, stopping when he got to a thick branch. "No way." I shook my head and I could feel my breathing start to speed up.

This is real, they aren't human. They're going to hurt me. I began running as fast as I could away from the tree Frank was in and I ran into a body. I looked up to see Frank standing there with a mischievous gleam in his eye. "So you believe me now?" He took a step closer to me, looking down on me. I guess that just tells you how short I am, I'm shorter than Frank. He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled at me, but not a happy smile. Like a cocky smile. He knew he scared me. I nodded and I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

He pulled me up roughly by my hand and slung me over his shoulder. He ran to the house using the same speed he used previously. When we stopped I was out of breath yet again, but he was fine. "Now, let's get you back to bed before Gerard wakes up and has an aneurism." 

-End of Flashback-

I continued walking down the hallway trying to be as silent as possible to avoid walking in on their conversation and not being able to hear the rest of it. "Do you realize what could have happened? What if she fell and cut her arm open? You still aren't in control yet Frank!" I heard a loud sigh and Frank's voice.

"I am perfectly in control Gerard. I didn't do anything stupid did I?" I could tell they were about to start fighting so I walked in the room, their conversation ending the moment they saw I had entered the room. They both looked at me and Gerard spoke up. "So I suppose you believe us now?" I nodded and I twiddled with my fingers, a bad habit that I have had for a while.

He walked over to me and brushed a strand of hair over my ear. "It's time you become one of us darling." My heartbeat sped up and I moved his hand away. "Not yet. Please, at least let me wait until my 21st birthday. It's in 3 days. That's all I need to say goodbye to this life."

I thought I saw a glimpse of sympathy in his eyes but it was quickly hidden by that annoying cocky look of his. "Of course my dear. Three days." He turned around and nodded to Frank before vanishing out of the room. "Gerard is a fan of dramatic exits, and the fact that our kind allows us to vanish and appear, teleporting if you will, gives him the perfect opportunities to do so." I nodded slowly, still getting used to the whole vampire thing. 

"What else can you do?" He breathed in deeply before making a thinking face. "I'll leave that for you to figure out. It's a lot more fun finding out about all these cool abilities when you actually have them, but I'd be happy to answer any other questions." He motioned to the couch and we both took a seat, facing each other.

"Can you confirm or debunk all the stereotypes? Like do stakes work, silver, sunlight.." I trailed off and one corner of his mouth went up. "Well, the only way a vampire can die is if they don't eat for extended amounts of time, and even then they die slowly, or if they're heads get ripped off. To the silver thing," he held up his right thumb, which had a silver ring around it, "no, silver does not hurt vampires. And as for the sun, we don't burn in the sunlight, quite the opposite actually, it gives us kind of a dizzy, drunken feeling."

I took all the information in while plucking a single chip from the bowl in between us that he had gotten in the midst of him talking. "What about sleeping and eating and stuff?" He shrugged and got a chip himself. "Well as you probably can see, we can eat human food if we want, but we don't gain anything from it. We could eat McDonalds every single day and we wouldn't gain a pound. You probably also know a vampires main diet which is what we live on. With sleeping, eh, I guess you can if you want, but you don't really have to. Gerard and Mikey usually sleep like humans simply because they enjoy sleeping. We really only have to have a good nights sleep once or twice every month, which is what I do most of the time unless I just get bored or lonely during nights and decide to sleep until morning."

A smile formed on my lips as I took in this new information, maybe being a vampire won't be so bad after all. A new question formed in my mind and made it's way to my lips. "Why did Gerard choose me of all people?" Frank looked like he was reluctant to tell me the answer, but he caved anyway.

"He wanted to add a new addition to our group, he didn't know when, or who he wanted it to be, just that he wanted someone else. He was out hunting when he stumbled upon you, I guess he saw something in you that told him you were the one." I looked down and took in a deep breath. "Okay last one," he looked at me expectantly and I went on, "will it hurt? When I, you know, change?"

He gave me a sympathetic glance which made me even more scared of the answer. "It will for a few minutes, but then suddenly everything is clearer, louder, and brighter. It's like seeing the world with new eyes. The thing that you should really worry about is the hunger when you wake up, the overwhelming urge to kill. Luckily you'll have us to guide you." I felt somewhat reassured by this and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I'm just not sure I'm ready to give this life up." He looked like he understood where I was coming from. "Of course, this is all new to you, I completely understand where the hesitation comes from." I think I misjudged Frank at first, at first I thought he was a douchebag to be honest, but I think I'm starting to warm up to his funny, quirky personality. "Thank's Frank, for being here to talk." He gave me a genuine smile and I returned it.

Just then Ray walked in with his hair even fluffier than usual, which is saying something. "Morning Frank, Iris." He threw his hand up in a waving motion as he walked to the door. "Where are you going?" Frank asked him just as he was about to leave. "I'm gonna get some breakfast. Wanna come with?" Frank nodded and stood up, brushing the chip crumbs from his black jeans. He looked like he had an idea, and he turned to me.

"Iris, would you like to join us?"

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now