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Chapter dedicated to UndeadTARDIS12 Because I love her comments and she's just great ok.

"We're your family now."

"So you mean to tell me, that you guys are immortal? I'm not trying to be rude, just y'know, trying to figure it out."

Tori is an awesome chick, she's outgoing and funny, and she's completely chill with everything.

After an hour or two of trying to dim her confusion and that awkward 15 minutes of her freaking out and trying to look for the closest object to stab us, she settled down. She got Mikey, just a scratch with a butter knife on his cheek, but that's it and it healed in a matter of minutes.

Of course he acted like a drama queen and acted all pissed, bla bla bla. Of course he was just doing it for show, he, along with his brother, has a liking for drama.

I have to admit that her strength and determination to get away or stab one of us with kitchen utensils was impressive. Apparently Gerard thought so as well.

"Yes, we're immortal." He put his arm around my waist, almost like it was an instinct, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

She nodded once and went back to her food, macaroni and cheese out of the box. Top notch, Ray's finest dish he says.

"You seem so calm in this situation. Why are you not terrified?" Her eyebrows furrowed together and she put her fork down before looking at Gerard.

"I don't know honestly. I think I'm still in shock. My boyfr-..ex-boyfriend," she hesitated and lightly shivered before speaking again. "He used to abuse me, to the point of not knowing if I was going to live to see daylight again. I think anything other than around him is better, and you guys seem okay, I'm still not so sure about Frank."

She said the last part in sort of a joking matter and in turn Frank sent her a cheeky wink and a smirk. That boy's strange, but if he isn't the best friend anyone could have I don't know who is.

"Yeah, he's an acquired taste." Frank stuck his tongue out at me, me doing the same in return. Gerard rolled his eyes at us and went back to his conversation with Tori.

"Anyway, it's late, you should get some sleep, you can sleep in Iris's room." He walked bye her, picking up her now empty dish and putting it in the dishwasher.

When he says my room he really means the room I sleep in every so often or when I need alone time to draw or write lyrics.

I actually spend my time in his room a lot of the time. Occasionally we sleep, most of the time we just hang out and play video games or something.

You know that spark that you feel when you meet someone and you fall in love? But after a while it starts fading? Well, with Gerard that spark is still very much there. Every time we kiss it's like the first all over again, even just holding hands gives me that fluttery feeling in my stomach. I'm sure if my heart could beat, it would practically fall out of my chest every time we touch.

I was never really one to believe in true love or soul mates or whatever until I met him, and I know he feels the same way about me.

"Okay, can someone show me how to get to it? This is uh, it's a really big house."

Frank immediately shot up and walked over to her, offering his hand. I smirked at him and gave him a knowing smile and he just ignored me.

With a blush she took his hand and they went up the stairs, towards the direction of my room.

Me and Gerard went outside while Ray and Mikey stayed inside, probably contemplating on what game to play or what show to watch.

It was a beautiful night, the stars hung perfectly in the sky and the moon cast white light over the ground.

"It's beautiful out tonight." Gerard commented exactly what I was thinking and I nodded in agreement.

"Are you excited? About Warped I mean." We sat down on the stone bench in the garden and he looked baffled by my question. After he laid his head down on my lap he answered my question.

"Of course I'm excited. It's huge for us, aren't you?" I smiled at his enthusiasm and brushed some hair out of his face. His eyes closed at my touch and he breathed in deeply.

"Yes. Just nervous that's all." I continued messing with his hair that was incredibly soft, he must've just washed it.

"There's nothing to be worried about Iris." I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, even though his eyes were closed and he couldn't see me do so.

"I know, this is just a big thing for us."
He nodded and opened his beautiful eyes, before looking into mine. "I know babe. But it's going to turn out fine."

I gave him a half hearted smile and he sat up before turning to me.

"You," he grabbed my face in his hands and brought my lips close to his, "you are going to be just fine. We're gonna rock Warped." Our lips met and I smiled through the kiss, crossing my hands behind his neck and messing with his hair.

He put his cold hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him, and things were perfect until we heard a wolf whistle and some cat calls.

"Screw off Mikey!" Mikey flipped him off from the gateway to the garden and Gerard sped over to him, tackling him to the ground.

Here we go again.

They like to have playful fights, and by playful fights I mean that if they were humans they would be dead by the end of them.

I just laughed to myself and walked back inside to check on Tori.

When I got to my room I quietly opened the door to see her staring up at the ceiling and I walked over and sat down at my chair, facing her.

"You're beautiful you know." The words left her lips but her eyes stayed glued to the ceiling.

They took me by surprise to be honest.

"I was noticing it earlier. You and Gerard certainly make the dream couple."

I laughed at this and she did too, turning over to look at me.

"Thank you. He certainly is gorgeous." I bragged about him unashamedly.

She looked like a teenage girl getting ready for some gossip and she patted the bed, beckoning me to sit down. I let the pre-teen in me come out and I ran over, plopping myself on the fluffy comforter.

"So, I don't mean to dwell. But how'd you guys meet? With him being a vampire and all. Were you both vampires when you met?" She sounded so eager for information and although it was a little odd coming from someone I had just met, I had been longing for a girl to girl talk. Even if that talk was about meeting my kidnapper vampire boyfriend.

"Well, it was kind of the same thing that happened with you. He was looking for someone, he didn't really know who or why, but he found me. At first I was a little uh.." I paused and cracked a smile. "Hesitant about going with him."

She nodded and pulled her knees up to her chest. "Well, I dropped out of school and ran away from home to be with my ex. He never let me get a job, so I had to live with him and be dependent on him. No one will miss me." I could see tears in her eyes and I scooted closer to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"It's okay, we're your family now."

Sorry this was kinda short peeps. I wanted to get a chapter out today so I did a little something. I'll start working on a real good one as soon as possible so you should be expecting that.

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