💫Chapter 2💫

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Blackpink and The Twins came home as their Mom called them. When they went inside they saw their Mom sitting on one couch with a phone in her hand. They went towards her. As she saw them she quickly turned off her phone and stood up from the couch.

Eunji- Mom, why did you called us?

Mom- I will tell you first go and change, we will have lunch then. I will tell you. Ok Now go.

They all nodded and went to their respective rooms. Till then change let me tell you. Jisso and Jennie both live in the same room same as Rosé and Lisa. Eunji and Minji have different rooms but they only sleep in their own room. Other than that both of them are always in Eunji's room.

Mom- So before I tell you, first you all tell me. How are your studies going?

Lisa- Fin__

Minji- Good. Our studies are going well Mom.

Mom- That's great. And Eunji you are taking care of your younger sisters well or not?

Eunji- Ofcourse Mom, I am. You can ask them. Jisso tell Mom.

She said as she sent a glare to Jisso which was not noticed by Mrs. Lee. Jisso understood what Eunji wants her to do. So she quickly said

Jisso- Yes Mom. Unnie is taking great care of us.

Minji- Mom now tell me why you called us?

Mom- Oh right. Well, I will get straight. I am in love with my boss. We both live with each other. And we are planning to marry each other within these 2 months.


Mom- Don't shout at me. And I gave not gone insane. Understand.

Eunji- Fine. Do whatever you want.
Minji let's go.

Saud Eunji while getting up and walking towards the stairs to go upstairs.

Minji- Coming Unnie.

She also went with Eunji leaving Blackpink with their Mom.
Ms Lee turned towards them and Said

Mom- What about you all?

Jisso- I am happy for you. Finally, you moved on.

Jennie- Same here Mom

Rosé- Yup, Mom I am Ok with it.

Lisa- Me too Mom.

Mom- Thank you so much my daughter's. Well pack your bags we will shift to Seoul tomorrow.

Blackpink- SEOUL!!

Mom- Yes Seoul. Why are you shouting?

Jisso- Mom you said you love your boss, so he should be from Daegu only right?

Mom- Actually Jisso, he is from Seoul but one branch of his company is in Daegu. And for the past 3 years, he is focusing on Daegu's branch so he mostly comes here, I am his Secretary and I spend the most time with him during work and that's how we both fall in love with each other.

They made an 'O' from their mouths when they hear their Mom's story.

Rosé- Just a min, from how long are you dating?

Mom- Umm.....

Jennie- Mom, don't worry we will not be mad or angry. Promise.

Mom- Ok, So we are dating for the past 2 years.

Lisa- REALLY. Why didn't you told us?

Lisa asked with a pout on her face. She tried to look angry but she was looking more cute. Her Mom and Jisso tried their best not to giggle. But Rosé and Jennie busted out in laughter.

Mom- So Lisa is angry with her Mom?

Lisa- Yes, very angry.

Mom- Ohhh, now how will I tell my surprise to Lisa? No problem I will just tell it you three.

Lisa- Surprise! What Surprise?

Mom- Weren't you angry with me?

Lisa- No. Never. Who was? It was not me. Now tell me fast what is the surprise?

Mom- Calm Down my daughter, Clam down. And the surprise is _____

So this is it for now.
Hope you like it
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Meet you all in the next chapter.
Till then
By By

And I promise to give you a double update today.
So be ready.

I love you all

Words Count- 670

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