💫 Chapter-64💫

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Hoseok spoke tears streaming down his face. Namjoon on the other hand, was also having tears on his face. He was about to say something, but before he could Hoseok ran from their to go knows where?

Namjoon looked at the disappearing figure.
He was about to go behind him but stopped when someone hold his wrist. He looked back and saw it was Yoongi.

Namjoon- H-Hyung leave me. I have to go behind him.

Yoongi- Namjoon, you are not in your right mind. You stay here, I will go and find him.

Namjoon nodded. Yoongi left his wrist and went outisde. Namjoon on the other hand, fell on his knees covering his face with his hands and crying hard. YN kneed down beside him and rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

YN- Joonie ......calm down. Oppa will find him.

Namjoon- It's all my fault Noona. If I didt shouted at him yesterday nothing would have happened. I am so bad. He just wanted to help me and I shouted at him without any reasons.

Namjoon said as soon as YN took him in her embrace. He was again and again saying the same thing which broke YN too. After some time, YN finally broke the hug and helped him sit on the couch. She sat beside him and gave him a glass of water which he gulped down in one go.

YN- Joonie, listen........ It doesn't matter who was at fault between you two. Cause it was not your mistake. If Jin Oppa didn't locked you, then this would have never happened. So, stop blaming yourself. Ok?

She said and Namjoon nodded.

YN- Verbal answer Joon.

Namjoon- O-Ok

YN- Hmm......

After half an hour, YN was about to say something when she saw Yoongi coming back. She and Namjoon both stood up and went to him.

Namjoon- Hyung........where is he? Why is he not with you?

He asked and Yoongi sighed. He was debating on whether to tell them or not.

YN- Oppa....where are you lost? Tell us where is he?

Yoongi- I.....I don't know.

Yoongi said deciding not to reveal the truth. He looked at Namjoon who again broke into tears. YN again took him in her embrace and started to calm him down.

YN- But Oppa.....you followed him. You must atleast know where he went.

Yoongi- I dint know YN. I followed him but he disappeared. I tried finding him but couldn't.

Namjoon- Noona......

Namjoon said now looking at YN with teary eyes.

YN- What happened Joonie?

Namjoon- Does Hobi Hyung hate me now? Does he really don't want to see me now?

To be honest, YN was not sure on his to answer this question. She don't know where Hoseok is and when will he come? But she now tried to calm the younger down.

YN- Joonie, No. Your Hyung don't hate you. He is just upset and angry. And he will be back soon. Just like you, he also can't live without your. So, don't worry.

Namjoon nodded his head.

Yoongi- Joonie, I think you should go to your classes now. I will try to find Hobi.

Namjoon- Ok Hyung.

He said and went to the restroom first to clean his tears. After cleaning himself, he went to his class. He went and knocked and said

Namjoon- May I come in Miss?

Namjoon said with hoarse voice because of crying in all. The teacher stopped teaching and looked at him.

Mrs. Kang- Namjoon, why are you late? Don't you know, it's been half an hour since the class began? Where were you? And where is Hoseok? Why is he not with you?

Namjoon bited his lower lip trying his best not to cry again.

Namjoon- I was in Principal Office.

Mrs. Kang- Why?

Namjoon- Mr. Kim has some work.

Mrs. Kang- Ok, get in. But you didn't answered me where is Hoseok?

Namjoon- I don't know.

He said and went to his seat. He sat their and putted his head on the table closing his eyes not wanting anyone to ask him any questions.

Teacher- What do you mean you don't know? He is your brother and your t--

Before she could continue, Namjoon looked at her and said

Namjoon- And my twin. I know but right now I don't know where is he. And please stop disturbing me now.

He said and again wet back to the same position he was in. The teacher sighed knowing she will not get the answer. She started teaching again.

In the other hand, Yeonjun and Soobin were confused. They just get out of the confusion half hour ago, when The Maknaes told them about the elder twins fight. Now, they are again confused. But they decided not to ask anything now since Namjoon seems to be trusfrated (frustrated).

Time Skip
After School
Parking Lot

All the siblings were gathered around their car waiting for Hoseok and Namjoon to come. A few minutes passed and they saw a figure approaching them. He was Namjoon. He came and sat inside the car without waiting for anyone.

Jimin- Hyung...... where is Hobi Hyung?

Namjoon- I don't know.

Taehyung- Hyung, we know you both are having a fight, but you need to call him and tell him to come otherwise none of us will be able to go home.

Namjoon- Chim, I really don't know where is he. I just know that he is not in school.

Jungkook- What? Then, where is he?

Namjoon- I don't know. And the driver will be here, he will take us home. Now don't disturb me.

He said and pulled his in ears putting them in his ears and closing his eyes. They looked at him confused. After a few more minutes the diever came and they all sat in eventually reaching the home. As they reached their Namjoon ran inside to Hoseok's room hoping to find him their.

So, that is it for now.
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Words Count- 1052

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