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(So before starting let me tell you two things. Firstly the time they came back was still Morning. Cause if you remember, it was their 2nd period. So it was around 9:00 AM when they came home. Jin stopped punishing when it was 9:30AM.
Secondly, please don't hate Jin after reading. It's just a fanfic. You can comment me I gave no problem just don't hate in real life. He is doing cause he don't know the truth.
Please remember this. And now we can start.)

Time: 12:00 PM

It's been 2 and a half hours since Jin punished the twins. Namjoon and Hoseok were still there on knees with hands up. It can understandable that there hands and there knees were hurting like hell. Other side the Maknaes (IU is included) were so worried for their elder brothers. No one know but in this 2 and half hours Jimin came out from his room for like more than 20 times. He will come to the living room, and after seeing his Hyung's still there, he would left with a sad heart. Namjoon and Hoseok didn't knew about Jimin cause they were facing the wall. After sometime they heard some footsteps coming towards them. They didn't looked back.

~ You can stand up and go to your room now.

They can recognize the voice. It was Jin. They both stood up with difficulty ofcourse. They looked at Jin who was standing there with a emotionless face. But the same expression was in the twins face. Without any single word Namjoon and Hoseok left from there to Hoseok's room. Jin also went to his room. After sometime, Jimin again came to see his Hyung's and this time to ask them if they need water. But when he came he didn't saw them. He was happy that his Hyung's went to his room.

~ What are you doing here Jimin Hyung?

Jimin turned back hearing the voice. He saw the baby bunny I mean Jungkook standing there looking at Jimin with his cute doe eyes. Jimin coed at him.

Jimin- I was here to see Hobi and Joon Hyung but seems like there punishment is over and they went. What are you doing here?

He asked the bubby who was saying with his fingers. Jungkook looked up to meet his Hyung's eyes.

Jk- I also came to check them and to give water to them.

Jimin smiled proudly on how his baby brother wanted to help his Hyung's. He ruffled Jungkook's hair causing the bunny to giggle.

Jimin- Oh, my dear little Maknae, when did you grew up.

Jk- Aah Hyung don't tease me.

Jimin- Ok. Now let's go. Hm

Jk- Can we go to Joon and Hobi Hyung's room first. I wanna meet them.

Jimin- Kookie I think we should let them rest for now. We will meet them during lunch. Ok

Jk- Ne Hyung.

Jimin- Hmm. And tell everyone to not disturb them.

Jk- Ok Hyung now let's go.

Jimin- Hmm

Humming Jimin also went with Jungkook. Jimin told V and Jungkook told IU about Hobi and Joon's punishment coming to end. They told them not to disturb them.

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