💫 Chapter-34💫

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Silence. It was the only thing in the classroom right now. After water Suho and his friend said everyone was shocked. They didn't expected this to happen. One student was about to say something but stopped when he saw the someone coming in. It was Yoongi and YN followed by Kim siblings except for Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon.
All students waited for them so that they can ask for their forgiveness.

YN- Now also you have one chance. Tell us.


~ Let us tell you Noona.

Here comes Hoseok with Namjoon and Jin behind them. As they came in the class was shocked seeing Namjoon since he was having a bandage on his head. He came in and Soobin and Yeonjun immediately ran to him. They start to ask him how he is. Namjoon told them he was fine.

YN- So, who was it?

Hoseok-  Eunji and Minji.

As he said all the students who were praying for him to not say their names looked at him. Other side Eunji and Minji looked at him shocked.

Eunji- What are you saying Oppa. We didn't even said anything to you. Unnie let me tell you It was Katy, Min-jun and Sol-ah.

Jin- But the plan was yours. Am I right?

Minji- O-Oppa no.

Sol-ah- Professor, Mr. Jin is right. It was their plan. We just followed it.

Minji- Why will you reveal that?

Min-jun- You also said you will not say our name. But you did. So did we.

Eunji- Unnie don't believe them. They ar__


Yoongi- Hyung......

Jin- See the CCTV footage Yoongi. You will know everything.

Yoongi opened his phone and he, YN and the rest siblings saw the footage. When the video came to end, all of them looked towards Eunji and Minji while they were looking down.

Yoongi-  You both really crossed your limits this time. Any explanation on why would you do that?

Eunji- O-Oppa.. that...


Minji- Oppa please


Minji looked in shocked when Jin slapped her.

Jin- Just beacuse if you two I punished them. I am not gonna leave you this time.

YN- Oppa calm down. And you both are coming with me. Now.

She said and grabbed both of them by their wrist and dragged them outside.

Katy- Hoseok Namjoon we are so sorry.

Min-jun- Yes. We should have not believed them.

Sol-ah- ease forgive us.

Hoseok- There is no need. We---

Jimin- Hobi Hyung, are you forgiving then easily?

Hoseok- No. I was just saying. Keep your Sorry with you. We don't need it. Yesterday we got to know who are our real friends and who are fake. And Yoongi Hyung please change my and Joon's section. And If Yeonjun Soobin, Suho, Sehun, Minho and Minjae also wants ease change their also.

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