💫 Chapter-61💫

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We all reached home. In that time, the girls (Blackpink) told IU and Jungkook about what happened. And they both were angry at Jin Oppa for locking them. Anyways, we all immediately went inside and directly went upstairs to Jin Oppa's room where, Jin Oppa locked Hobi and Joon while IU took Jungkook to his room so that he can rest. We went there, Oppas were also with me. As oppa opened the door, I thought I would see a very angry Hobi and Joon, well they were angry but not at us.
They were standing there looking at each other with pure anger. Huh? What is going in here? Before we could process what was going on, we all flinched hearing a tight sound of someone's slap. I looked in front and was shocked. Am I dreaming? Joon, Kim Namjoon just slapped his Hobi Hyung? What the hell? Before I could say anything, Yoongi Oppa shouted


They both looked at us. Namjoon was having anger in his eyes. I thought he would regret but no. There was no sign of regret.
On the other hand, Hobi was having tears in his eyes. His one hand was in cheek where Namjoon just slapped him.

Jin- Namjoon, what the hell is this? How can you slap your Hobi Hyung?

Jin Oppa asked him calmly. He looked at him and scoffed.

Namjoon- Finally, you remember that you have two brothers locked in the room also.

He said in a very cold tone. We all were left speechless. Cause Namjoon don't talk like this with any of us. Even if he is angry. Before Jin Oppa could say something, Hoseok said

Hoseok- Oh, and you also remember that I am your brother? Wow. Cause I thought I was no one to you.

Namjoon- That's not the topic right now Hoseok, so better shut up.

The hell is happening? Why Namjoon is calling him as Hoseok and not as Hobi Hyung?

Hoseok- If I am no one. Then so are you. And I don't take orders from someone I don't know.

Namjoon- Then, do whatever you want just get lost from my sight. I don't want to see your face.

Hoseok- Like I am dying to see it. I also don't wanna see the face of someone, who can't even respect the elders.

Namjoon- Elder, elder, elder!!! You are only 7 minutes elder, so better shut the fuck up.

Hoseok- And what will you do if I don't.

Namjoon- I can do many things, which you cany even imagine.

Hoseok- I know. I already saw many things, which I can't imagine and now I am not even worried. You can can do two things, shout at me or slap me. But this time, I am not gonna let you do any of this.

Namjoon- Yo---- Nevermind, I know you will not go from here, it's better if I go.

Namjoon said and came towards the door where we were standing. He sided is and left from there. We all looked at him and saw him going towards his and Hoseok's room. I looked in the room to see Hoseok and saw him sitting on the ground while crying. I immediately went to him and hugged him. I started to calm him down but nothing was working. His crying was increasing every second.

YN- Hobi.......calm down. Please.....baby.... See, Noona is here. Right. Tell me.....what happened between you two? If you will not tell us, then how will we be able to solve Everything between you two.

I said.  He immediately broke the hug and stood up. I also stood up with him. He wiped his tears and said

Hoseok- I don't want to solve anything.

He said in a hoarse voice. I looked at Oppas who were already looking at me with confusion.

Hoseok- Where were you all? And Hyung, did you really forgot us?

Jin- Aniyo Hobi. Baby ..... We all were at hospital.

Hoseok- Wae?

Yoongi- Jungkook was having pain in his stomach, we took him there and the doctor told us that they have to take his appendix out. Because of operation, stress and all, we forgot that you were not there with all of us.

Hoseok- Where is Kookie?

Jisso- In IU's room.

He immediately ran outside, I guess to IU's room.

Taehyung- Hyung, what happened between Hyung's? Why did they behaved like this?

Jimin- Yes and they even said that didn't want yo see each other

Yoongi- We also don't know Jimin, Tae. But I think something very big happened and we have to solve all this cause Namjoon calling Hoseok by his name, slapping him, not wanting to talk with him, are not good signs.

YN- You are right Oppa.

I looked at Jin Oppa who was standing their silently.

YN- Jin Oppa, what happened?

Jin- Huh? ....it's just, I was thinking,. Was it all happened beacuse I locked them in the room?

Asih. He is again going to blame himself.

Yoongi- Aniyo Hyung. It's not. Don't think like that. And when I say don't, then don't. Ok?

Jin- Ok.

IU's Room

We all came back home, and Unnie told me to take Kookie to our room, so we can here. He laid on the bed after some minutes drifted to sleep. Wow!! He can sleep so much. Well, I was just sitting there thinking what is happening in Jin Oppa's room. Are Joon and Hobi Oppa angry with him? I was thinking like this. After some time, the gate of our room opened and I saw Hobi Oppa standing there with dry tears on his face. Jungkook also woke up hearing the sound, as Hobi Oppa opened the door with much force which made sound. He came towards us

Hoseok- Kookie, are you fine?

Jungkook- Ne Hyung..... But why are you having dry tears kn your face?

He said. Hobi Oppa touched his face and wiped it with his hands.

Hoseok- Nothing, dint worry about me. I am fine. You should worry about yourself.

Jungkook- Hyung, I am also fine.

He smiled a little, and Hobi Oppa also smiled a little. That's when I saw someone else standing at the door. Namjoon Oppa.

So, that is it for now.
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Words Count- 1100

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