💫 Chapter-62💫

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IU- Joon Oppa, come in. Why are standing there at the doorway?

IU said as she looked at Namjoon. Hoseok and Jungkook also looked towards the door.

Jungkook- Hey, Hyung. Come in.

Namjoon- I will after___

Hoseok- No need to complete the sentence.  Kookie, Hyung will come and meet you later I will go now.

Hoseok said. Both IU and Jungkook looked at him confused. He stood up and without giving a single glare at Namjoon, Hoseok left the room. As he left, Namjoon came inside the room and say beside Jungkook. Taehyung told him about Jungkook so he came to check him. He talked about how he was and all. And after some time he also left the room.
He went to his and Hoseok's room. Basically Hoseok's room where he also stays 24/7. He went in without even noticing the presence of one figure sitting in the bed. He went and sat on his study table keeping his head between his hands. His head was still hurting. Just then he saw someone beside him. He looked up and saw Hoseok.

Namjoon- What the hell are you doing in my room?

He asked annoyed as well as cold tone.

Hoseok- You idiot, if you don't know this is my room ofcourse I will be here only. You are in wrong room. And anyways take this your head will stop paining.

Hoseok said with a cold tone just like Namjoon. He kept the medicine on the table with a glass of water. Namjoon looked at him and said

Namjoon- No need to care about me.

Namjoon said in a cold tone. Hoseok scoffed listening to him and said

Hoseok- Who said I was caring about you? Beacuse of you, my head is hurting like hell and I am giving you medicine so that my head can stop hurting. Take it and leave my room.

Hoseok said in a cold tone and pointed his finger in the direction of door signalling Namjoon to leave. Namjoon stood up and took the medicine. He gulped it down with water. And left the room going to his own room after like months. He went and sat on the bed.

This is so uncomfortable. It's not like my bed.......wait it is my bed. I used to sleep on his bed. Maybe his bed is more comfortable.

Namjoon thought. He laid on the bed and within minutes he felt asleep.

Hoseok's Room

Jin, Yoongi and YN came to his room. They thought they would find both of the brothers here only but frowned when they saw only Hoseok and that too asleep.

Jin- Where is Joon?

YN- Maybe in his own room?

Yoongi- Let's go and check.

They left from there and Hoseok who was pretending to be asleep woke up. He sat on his bed thinking about all the things that happened today.

So many things happened. And I never even imagined what Namjoon did today. But maybe he was stressed.

He said to himself.

You were too.

Hoseok's inner voice said to him

Maybe he was Angry?

Then also he can't snap at you without an reason.

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