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Dad- Since all of us are here, Let's go.

Ms. Lee- We will again go in pairs?

Dad- Yup. The same pairs in which we came here. After shopping meet us at the restaurant which is at the top floor of the mall. Ok

Everyone- Ok.

Namjoon- Hyung, I don't wanna be near them

Namjoon whispered to his Hyung. V and Jimin also heard cause they were standing right near them.

Hoseok- Do you think I wanna be. But we don't have any choice.

He whispered. Then all if them started going for finding their dresses.

With Jin, YN, Yoongi, Jennie and Jisso

They all were right now in the male section, buying clothes for Jin and Yoongi. Well Jin and Yoongi were just yhere standing and YN was the one choosing their suits. As both of them know YN have a good taste in fashion either of Male or Female. After some time YN came with two suits in her hand and handed them to her brothers. They tried them and decided to buy them only. After that they went to buy clothes of YN and the girls. 

With JK, IU, Kisa and Rosé

They are like the most excited persons right now. Since they already had a great bond at school, and they became good friends they were happy hanging out with each other. When they were finding the dresses for girls Jungkook against nd again showed some weird dresses to them and told them to try it on. Once they did, he would really be laughing while rolling in the floor. The girls can't help but giggle with him. After their dresses, they decided to buy dress for Jungkook.

With Namseok, Vmin, and The Lee Twins.

Well here the case was different. The girls were in one shop buying their dresses while the brothers were in one shop buying there. They don't car about the others. But there was a plan roaming around in the twins mind.
(I should have mentioned which twin. Cause they are a whole of 7 main pairs of twins in the story and apart from that 2 paid if TXT)
The Plan was roaming in the mind if Eunji.

Eunji- Minz I think we should have a bond with them.

Minji- What are you saying unnie?

Eunji- Aish girl. I am not saying to have a real bond. What I meant was a fake bond. After we get close to them maybe we can..... You understand what I mean right?

Minji- Right Unnie. And it's great idea. Let's try from today only.

Eunji- Hmm....
After they all did they shopping, they all had their lunch. Then the Lee family went to their house. They will be shifting in Kim Mansion, so they came to take their luggage. After packing and taking they again went to Kim Mansion. They saw all the Kim's were sitting in the living room except for YN, Hoseok and Namjoon. Ms. Lee came and sat beside them. Then she said

Ms. Lee- Where are the rest three?

~We are here Mom.

A voice called from behind. They looked there and saw YN with the twins standing. They came downstairs.

Dad- Namjoon, Hoseok why don't you both go and show your sisters there new rooms.

Lee sisters- New Rooms?

Dad- Ya. I knew it from a month that you will come and after marriage you all have to stay here only so I already prepared your rooms. There are total six for all six of you.

Jisso- But Dad we__

Namjoon- Jisso you and Jennie can sleep together at night. The rooms are for day time. Me and infact all of us twins sleep together with our twins.

Jennie- Then it is Ok.

Ms. Lee- If you sleep together then what about YN?

Taehyung- When Noona was young she used to sleep with Dad.

Jimin- And now she sleeps with Jin and Yoongi Hyung.

Jungkook- This is also the reason she is called one of their half.

Ms. Lee- Oh. Ok

Namjoon- Well, you all come with us. We will show you. You can decide which room you want.

Hoseok- Nad after that we will give you a house tour also.

Lee sisters- Ok.

Then they went upstairs with the Lee sisters following them. Hoseok and Namjoon thems toppled infront of one the room's door and opened it. They went inside and then Hoseok said

Hoseok- This is the first room. All the rooms are this size only. And this room and every room have all the facilities you need.

Eunji- Saying like If I want I can get a fridge also.

Namjoon- Well, we have one. You see there. It is a mini refrigerator. You can keep your drinks there.

Hoseok- By drink he mean cold drink or soft drinks. Not anything else than that.

Namjoon- Yup. So who will take this one.

Rosé, Minji- Me.

Both of them said at the same time. Rosé scaredley looked at Minji who was already giving her a death glare. But then Eunji said something in her ears and she said. 

Minji- It's Ok. Rosé you can have it.

Blackpink were shocked as First Minji told Rosé to take the room and secondly at how sweetly she said.

Rosé Aniyo Unnie. You can take it. I will take another one.

Minji- But Rosé you are my small sis. You can have it.

Rosé- Aniyo Unnie. You are my big sister. Please have this room. I can take any other.

Eunji- Min, if she is saying then have it. Happy Rosé.

Rosé nodded her head. Namjoon and Hoseok just shrugged and then left with the others. Minji was inside her new room. And the rest sisters also left. One by One they both should them all the rooms and they decided in which one to choose. After that they had some rest and then they gave them the house tour.

(I will give you all in next parts.)

So, that is it for now.
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Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1050

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