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Before you read. There is an announcement I have to make.
Firstly thanks for supporting, reading and voting for this story.
And the thing is
This story will be computed with 2-3 chapters more.
I dint have more ideas that's why I am completing it.
But if you have any idea, tell me. I will make a new part of this book and upload it.
Love you all so much.


Hoseok and Namjoon read the letters whole tears came out from their eyes. It was written.

To My dear Brothers.

I know you both are upset and angry with me. And you have full rights. I punished you both even when you were not at fault. I didn't even Listened to you. I really failed as an older brother. I know it's very difficult for you to forgive me. Because of me You both had fever, because of me Namjoon got hurt, beacuse of me you lost your classmates. I am very ashamed of my deed. I regret my behaviour, I can't even express the sense of shame and guilt, I have been feeling. I was very foolish on my part to lost my temper and punish you both. You both kept saying I am going to regret it and that time too, I just ignored your words. But I remember the words now. And I am really regretting it. It was very stupid of me to believe the tea her and students instead of you two. I know you both since your childhood and I know you both can't do anything like this. But I don't know why it didn't came in my mind that day. I am really sorry for pointing fingers at you both that you didn't even did. I am sorry for harming you like that. I really adore both of you. I want you both to know, that I love you very much and always will. I know I am very bad brother, a brother who punished his own brothers without any fault.  It only been 1-2 days that you stopped talking with me. Or talk very less. And it hurts. It's hurts to see the brothers whom I love very much, the brothers whom I raised are ignoring me. I very well know I am at fault and I deserve it. I even tried to convince myself that it will not last they long. But my stupid heart is not accepting it. I just want to talk with you, want to hug you both and Want to say I am truly sorry. Sorry may not be enough, but I don't have any other word to express how guilty I am feeling right now. I am so sorry. Please try to forgive me, if not just try to give me a chance. I know I don't deserve that too, but you both know me more than myself. And you both know, I can't live without you. I can't live with the guilt. So, please Try to forgive your Hyung. Hyung is Sorry.

~ Jin. 

As they finished reading the letter just as I said before they were having tears. They looked at front and saw Jin looking down. They looked at each other, and nodded and then again looked at Jin. Both of them putted the bouquet aside and ran towards Jin, crashing him into a big hug. Jin was startled by the sudden action. He didn't expected them to come towards him like this. He somehow found his balance. When he came back to sense, he also hugged them. And it can be an understatement that he was crying too. The rest siblings who were hiding here and there came out from their hiding place to see the emotional scene infront of them. After like 5 minutes, which was 5 years for the rest siblings they parted the hug. Jin wiped Hoseok and Namjoon's tears with his thumb. Hoseok and Namjoon too wiped Jin's tears.

Namjoon- Don't you dare to say that you are a bad Brother.

Hoseok- Yup, You are the best brother in the world.

Jin- You forgive me?

Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other and smiled. They looked at Jin and Nodded Saying

Namjoon, Hoseok- Yes Hyung. We forgive you.

Jin- Really?

Namjoon- Yes Hyung. We just wanted you to realise your mistake.

Hoseok- Nad since you did, we forgive you.

Jin- Thank You.  Thank you so much. You both are also the best brothers anyone could ask for.

They both laughed hearing Jin's comment. 

Jungkook- If it is over, can we like........  Eat the cake?

They looked behind and saw Jungkook, Jimin and V literally drolling over the cake. YN smacks JungKook's head resulting the latter to pout.

Jungkook- Noona, wae?

YN- Idiot, it's for You Joon and Hobi Hyung. Not for anyone of you. So keep your eyes, hands as well as your moth away from it.

Jimin- But Noona, Hobi Hyung and Joon Hyung always say, Whatever is there's is also ours. So, the cake is ours too.

V- Yup. And the chocolates too.

YN- Oh god. Why we have a bunch of idiots in this house.

Yoongi- I know right.

Hoseok- Hehe. Noona let them eat it.

Namjoon- Hmm. And you all can have some chocolates as well. Ok

Maknae Line- YES!!!!

YN- And ya, don't forget it to share with them. (Pointing towards Blackpink who were standing there awkwardly.)

Maknae Line- Ok Noona.

Yoongi- Hmm. I guess now everything is fine. So, Hyung why dint you give them yeh gifts also that you brought for them.

Jin- Oh ya I forgot. Wair a minute and I will be right back.

Hoseok- But Hyung it's not needed.

Namjoon- Yes, you did all this for already sufficient.

Jin- No it's not. Let me go and gran them.

Jib wnet away from their and came back with two bags in his hands. One bag was green in color and another one was purple. Namjoon and Hoseok knew which bag is for who? Since it was their favourite colors. Jin came and did as they thought. He handed the green bag to Hoseok while Purple bag to Namjoon. They opened it and found a box. They took the box out and opened it. It was.

Namjoon- Really Hyung

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Namjoon- Really Hyung. You brought us this.

Jin- You didn't liked it?

Hoseok- Liked it? Hyung We loved it. Thank you......

Jin- Oh. That's good.

After that they all enjoyed their day with the maknae line bickering over cake and chocolates. And the Hyung line as well YN being done with them.

So, that is it for now.
Thanks for reading
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Till then
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I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1160

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